Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3425 The Truth

Qu Jinze sneered: "Even now, I'm still wishful thinking!"

The war is about to break out.

When the soldiers were fighting hand to hand, suddenly, a larger floating cloud boat appeared directly in the void.

That's right, it didn't fly from a distance, but appeared directly from the void.

It's like it's always been there, just hidden in the air.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Qu Jinze and Qu Jinfeng's expressions changed drastically.

Because, two people appeared on the floating cloud boat.

It was Kong Nanyan and Kong Aoyang!

Kong Aoyang sneered: "The fight was quite lively!"

At this time, Qu Jinze forced a smile on his face and said: "It turns out that Mr. Wanfu is also here. Just in time, Ye Xinghe and others are guilty, seizing the credit and intending to rebel!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Kong Aoyang sneered: "Why is what you said different from what I know?"

Qu Jinze's heart suddenly sank.

Kong Aoyang looked at Ye Xinghe and said, "Come on, Ye Xinghe, tell me what's going on?"

At this time, Ye Xinghe's mouth curved into a sneer.

"Kong Aoyang, you are finally here!"

"You old guy is very tolerant. You won't tolerate it until I'm forced to have no way out, and I even have to put up a fight and fall out with you!"

"Okay, okay, for you, this is the best time to come, but can you imagine what kind of situation this will put me in!"

"I won't settle the score with you now. When this matter is settled, let's see how I can get my money back with interest!"

Ye Xinghe's thoughts were spinning at this time.

But when faced with Kong Aoyang's questions, he did not show any dissatisfaction.

He just looked angry and shouted loudly: "Master Wanfu, I didn't expect that the 90,000th team would be so unbearable!"

"It seems that it was a mistake for me to come to the Demon Suppression Army. This is a place where filth and evil are harbored. It's so unfair!"

"So unfair?"

Kong Aoyang said pleasantly: "Ye Xinghe, if you have any grievances, you can tell me. What happened?"

Ye Xinghe told the whole story.

From the beginning of accepting the mission, until he and others were treated as abandoned children.

Later, he and others worked hard to defeat the demon puppet guards.

And then to the current situation.

After saying this, everyone was moved by it and whispered.

"It turns out that's what happened!"

"Yes, this Qu Jinze is really despicable. Not only did he take the lives of his subordinates to death at will, but now he wants to take their credit and even wants to kill them!"

At this moment, Kong Aoyang's eyes flashed.

Thinking of what Kong Nanyan said to herself before.

"Wait patiently, wait for an opportunity for them to make a mistake, and then eradicate them directly with thunderous means!"

"Isn't now the best opportunity?"

Kong Nanyan also glanced at him, with a hint of reminder in his eyes.

It seemed like he was reminding his father not to miss this opportunity.

Kong Aoyang understood this and stood up suddenly, roaring violently.

"Qu Jinze, as the captain of the scout team and one of the centurions of my 90,000-man team, you control the entire scout team, but you behave selfishly. In a short period of time, you have violated military orders three times. Do you know your guilt?"

At this time, Qu Jinze had not realized the sinister murderous intent in his words.

Relying on his father's presence, he was not afraid at all, and said sternly: "What military order did I violate? Please tell me clearly, Mr. Wan Fu!"

Kong Aoyang sneered: "First, he did not follow the rules and retaliated against Ye Xinghe and others, letting them complete the tenth mission on the list with only more than twenty people, and clearly sent them to die!"

"Secondly, after you learned that they had returned from their mission, you took their credit forcibly. You were shameless and disrespectful, and ignored the rules of our army!"

"Third, after you were exposed by Ye Xinghe, you became angry and wanted to kill someone. It's a heinous crime!"

Qu Jinze panicked.

But at this moment, he was still holding on and sneered: "Do you have any evidence?"

Kong Aoyang pointed at everyone in the scout team: "Everyone in the scout team sees what you do, and they are the evidence!"

"Okay, you want evidence, right? I'll give you evidence!"

Qu Jinze's eyes were sinister as he scanned the crowd, his words carrying a strong hint of threat.

"Tell me, you should testify for Master Wanfu and tell him what mistakes I have made?"

When he thought about it, the scout team would be the same this time.

Under his control, no one dared to say anything.

Kong Aoyang still couldn't find anything to do with himself.

Sure enough, there was silence among the scout team.

Qu Jinze was very proud.

This time it seems like every time before, the Scouts are still their own!

He turned around and was about to speak.

But at this moment, a man from the scout team suddenly stood up and said loudly: "I testify that what Master Wanfu said is absolutely correct!"

The person who spoke was none other than Xie Xuhao.

Qu Jinze's heart suddenly felt cold, and a chill surged from his heart.

The next moment, with ferocious eyes, he pointed at Xie Xuhao and said sternly: "How dare you!"

As he said that, he flashed his figure and actually wanted to attack Xie Xuhao.

But as soon as he moved, he knew he had made a big mistake.

Sure enough, the next moment, Kong Aoyang waved his hand.

There was a loud 'bang' and he was hit hard to the ground.

His body was completely controlled and he couldn't move.

He was severely beaten and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Kong Aoyang sneered: "Why, do you dare to kill someone and silence them in front of me?"

After Xie Xuhao stood up and spoke, the rest of the people also came out one after another.

Fang Hang walked out and said coldly: "Master Wanfu, Qu Jinze's evil deeds don't stop there!"

As he spoke, he randomly listed a few of Qu Jinze's disobedience to military orders and failure to abide by the rules of the Demon Suppression Army.

Everyone was frightened when they heard this.

This kind of behavior is punishable by death!

That day, everyone who went on the mission with Ye Xinghe stood up and spoke.

They knew very well that they and Ye Xinghe were already grasshoppers tied to a rope.

Today, if something happens to Ye Xinghe, they will not be spared.

In the future, Qu Jinze will definitely kill him for various reasons.

At this time, in order to save his life, he had to speak.

Many strong men from the scout team quietly left Qu Jinze's surroundings.

Qu Jinze looked around, feeling unspeakable fear in his heart.

He snapped: "What are you doing? You are my people. Are you going to betray me?"

He roared wildly: "You framed me, all of you framed me!"

He pointed at Kong Aoyang and sneered: "Don't you just want to kill me?"

Kong Aoyang said coldly: "If I didn't want to kill you, you would have sought your own death!"

Qu Jinze lost his mind and had only one thought in his mind.

"How could it be like this? I had the upper hand just now, so why was I overturned in an instant?"

He looked at Qu Jinfeng: "Dad, you have to save me. Dad, I don't want to die like this!"

However, Qu Jinfeng's eyes were heavy.

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