Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3435 Reversal

"Hahaha, we can be saved now. The 100,000th team is even more elite than the 90,000th team!"

"Yes, I heard that especially Yu Fengming, the captain of the 100,000-man team, has terrifying strength and has reached the realm of a four-star god!"

The old man Yu Fengming, whose hair and beard had turned gray, led the strong men into the battlefield.

The ghost-eyed demon butterfly exclaimed: "Old man, why is it you again? It's not over, right?"

Yu Fengming laughed wildly and said: "You beast, you came to invade a hundred years ago, fell into my hands, and I cut off one of your wings."

"As a result, you still don't know how to repent, and you still dare to invade our human race."

"Today, I will keep you alive!"

The ghost-eyed monster was furious and snorted coldly: "I was injured by you before when I was underage and weak. Do you think you can still hurt me now?"

"You're just here to bring a few more people to die!"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Fengming led the 100,000 strong men to kill them.

And he fought side by side with Kong Aoyang to challenge the ghost-eyed demon butterfly.

Ye Xinghe's eyes also flashed.

Is this person the one known as the first ten thousand captain of the Demon Suppressing Legion?

Yu Fengming is also a legend among the demon-suppressing army.

This person is extremely powerful. When he was young, he had already reached the peak of the Three-Star Heavenly Lord.

More than a hundred years ago, he broke through and entered the Four-Star Tianzun.

His strength should be considered the strongest among all the ten thousand captains in the Demon Suppression Legion.

In fact, some of the great commanders were only as strong as him.

Even weaker than him.

But this person likes the feeling of fighting fiercely with monsters.

Therefore, the 100,000-strong team has always been unwilling to leave his team, so he has always been a captain of 10,000 people.

Some of the powerful men at the leadership level are his juniors and former subordinates.

You must bow respectfully when you meet someone.

Unexpectedly, this legend had quietly led a team of 100,000 people to the vicinity of the battlefield.

Moreover, it seemed that Kong Aoyang had some agreement with him.

He paid a price in exchange for his taking action.

The appearance of the 100,000-man team instantly turned the situation around.

They were well prepared, extremely well prepared, and came prepared.

It directly condensed into a large formation of ten thousand people and crushed towards the big monsters.

Ye Xinghe finally saw for the first time the power of a 10,000-level formation like the Demon Suppressing Legion.

I saw the 10,000-strong formation formed by the 100,000-strong team, which was as tight as an iron barrel.

But it works like an arm and a finger, and everyone cooperates extremely well.

The formation crashed towards a big demon.

Then the commander in charge of the formation roared wildly.

All the powerful men of the 100,000th team in the magic circle surged with power.

In an instant, a huge shadow formed above the formation.

The image of the phantom was that of a 100,000-man soldier wearing blue armor.

In his hand was a huge anchor-like object.

The phantom waved a giant iron anchor and hit the big demon hard.

He directly smashed the two-star Tianzun-level big demon, causing him to scream and fly out.

Seeing it, he died immediately and became silent, and then he killed the next big demon again.

In the blink of an eye, seven big monsters were killed in a row.

These big monsters can't resist them at all.

In fact, even the tiger-shaped demon that had been besieging Ye Xinghe and others was directly injured.

Only then did many great demons realize the seriousness of the matter and quickly gave up on their opponents.

Siege the 100,000-strong formation.

Only then could the front be stabilized.

For a time, both sides were evenly matched.

The 90,000-member team finally had a chance to breathe.

Everyone quickly took this opportunity to regulate their injuries and swallow the elixir.

Then join the battle group again.

But in just a quarter of an hour, the situation changed.

With the combined efforts of the 90,000-person team and the 100,000-person team, they were finally on par with the opponent's many great monsters.

At this time, after Yu Fengming joined, Kong Aoyang immediately relaxed a lot.

The strength of his Four Innate Heavenly Lords surged crazily.

He beat the most powerful demons such as Ghost Eyes, Demon Butterfly, and others until they retreated repeatedly.

After all, the Ghost-Eyed Demon Butterfly and several other big demons are all three-star Heavenly Lords.

But there is still a huge gap between the three-star Tianzun peak and the four-star Tianzun.

There's no way it can be matched.

Yu Fengming hit six with one, beating them back continuously.

Seeing that the demon clan is probably going to be at a disadvantage.

The ghost-eyed demon butterfly shouted sharply: "You forced me to do this!"

The next moment, all the ghost eyes on its body bloomed in an instant.

Its wings trembled, and it sprinkled countless fragrant powder into the void.

The next moment, it took a deep breath, and the fragrant powder was actually inhaled into its body.

Then, its body suddenly expanded in a large circle, and its wingspan reached nearly a hundred meters.

His momentum also grew sharply.

At this moment, its strength has been directly upgraded to a four-star great demon.

It is equivalent to the four-star Tianzun realm of the human race.

The next moment, it let out a sharp roar and rushed towards Yu Fengming.

As the ghost eyes opened and closed, mental control surged toward Yu Fengming like sea water.

It split the sky and covered the earth, and there was no way to avoid it.

Yu Fengming, who is as powerful as Yu Fengming, is now facing the ghost-eyed demon butterfly who has become a four-star demon.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't resist it for a moment and froze in place.

In an instant, he was severely injured by the ghost-eyed monster butterfly, and several deep wounds were made on his body.

Already slightly injured.

Yu Fengming couldn't hide his shock and said sternly: "You beast, you have already reached the four-star level. You have been hiding before, right?"

The ghost-eyed demon butterfly chuckled and said, "It's not like I'm hiding. I'm not as cunning as you humans."

"I have not reached the level of a four-star great demon, but I have some special methods that can temporarily elevate me to a four-star great demon, which is more than enough to deal with you!"

The next moment, it pounced wildly.

Generally speaking, the four-star great demon of the demon clan is slightly stronger than the four-star heavenly master of the human clan.

After all, in addition to their racial talents, the demon race also has an extremely powerful body.

Therefore, Ghost Eye Demon Butterfly immediately suppressed Yu Fengming and reversed the situation again.

At the same time that Yu Fengming was suppressed, Kong Aoyang was also suppressed by several other big demons.

The two sides fought fiercely for about a quarter of an hour.

The time limit for the ghost-eyed demon butterfly to forcibly improve its realm is coming soon.

And it had already seriously injured Yu Fengming.

Over there, Kong Aoyang was also seriously injured. He could only defend himself and was unable to fight back.

The ghost-eyed demon butterfly immediately flashed and flew very far away.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

The other big demons also left one after another.

The battlefield that was in full swing a moment ago suddenly returned to silence.

Only many powerful human beings still stay here, while all the big demons have disappeared.

It's like it's never been there.

It's just the destroyed outpost that tells what happened just now.

The voice of the ghost-eyed demon butterfly came from the void.

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