Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3446: The dove takes over the magpie's nest

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and roared: "I don't accept it!"

He loudly said: "I have made great achievements, and I should have been appointed as a deputy captain of ten thousand. Why should I be given a captain of thousands!"

"I have made great achievements. As long as my strength reaches the level of Three-Star Tianzun or above, I can be directly promoted to Deputy Ten Thousand Captains. Why don't you test my cultivation level, but attack me as soon as I get up!"

"I have made great achievements, but you severely injured me. How can it not be chilling!"

His words made everyone in an uproar.

Only then did someone guess his identity.

"It turns out that this person is Ye Xinghe!"

"Yes, I heard that he made great achievements and almost saved the 90,000th and 100,000th troops!"

"Yes, the credit is not small, and his cultivation is not weak. He has reached the three-star Tianzun realm at such a young age!"

Someone said softly: "According to the Legion's practice, there should be such a reward, but I don't know why Mr. Yao took it from him. No wonder Ye Xinghe is not convinced!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Yao Chengchuan's face immediately darkened.

He also realized that he could not allow this matter to develop.

Otherwise, it will be extremely detrimental to yourself.

This person is also a decisive, fierce and fierce person.

He immediately stepped forward and said coldly: "Okay, if you don't accept it, I will kill you now to see if you accept it!"

It was obvious that he had murderous intentions.

At this time, Kong Aoyang immediately stood in front of Ye Xinghe and said loudly: "Sir, I apologize to you on Ye Xinghe's behalf. He was confused and said these nonsense. It is definitely not his nature!"

"We have nothing to object to, let's go now!"

With that said, he pulled Ye Xinghe and retreated.

Ye Xinghe stared at Yao Chengchuan, gritted his teeth, and said nothing.

Kong Aoyang growled in a low voice: "Listen to me and leave immediately, do you understand?"

Yao Chengchuan said coldly: "You can just leave as you say. Is it so easy?"

Kong Aoyang still had a smile on his face at this moment, but his voice was extremely calm.

"Sir, if you take a step back at this time, I will swallow this breath and there will never be anything more."

"But if you still want to take action, you will have endless troubles unless you kill me too!"

The threat in his words also came to his face.

Yao Chengchuan suddenly felt suffocated, and he also realized this.

Kong Aoyang seemed determined to protect Ye Xinghe.

A strong man who has just made great achievements and has been promoted to deputy commander.

Not to mention whether he can kill him or not, if he really kills him, he will cause huge trouble!

He stared at the two of them gloomily and said coldly: "Get out of here!"

Kong Aoyang immediately pulled Ye Xinghe away without saying a word.

After Yao Chengchuan returned to the main hall, within a moment, a person walked out from behind the screen and said with a smile: "Uncle, is the matter done?"

After seeing him, Yao Chengchuan's gloomy expression softened.

He laughed, patted the other party's shoulder and said, "Why can't you do what I promised you?"

"The deputy captain of the Ninety Thousand Corps is vacant. I have reserved this position for you a long time ago."

He sneered: "As long as I'm here, no one can take it away!"

The young man laughed and said: "A pariah who came from a barbaric land still wants to take away the position I have reserved. It is simply wishful thinking!"

A sinister look suddenly appeared on his face, and he said: "Uncle, when I go to the 90,000 Corps and become the deputy captain of 10,000 men, he happens to be my subordinate. When the time comes, I will..."

As he spoke, his hand slowly moved through the air with a fierce look on his face.

Yao Chengchuan nodded and said: "That's right, Chi Jiang, I was just about to tell you that after you go to the 90,000th Army, find an opportunity to attack him quickly to avoid future troubles."

"Otherwise, I don't think this kid will be a good person in the future."

Yao Chijiang smiled and said: "Uncle, don't worry, I will easily understand him by then. He is just a captain, and even if he dies, he will not attract anyone's attention!"

When Ye Xinghe and Kong Aoyang returned to the 90,000 team.

However, it was discovered that at this time, the overall atmosphere of the 90,000-member team was a bit strange.

Along the way, the eyes of everyone I met were a little dodgey.

These people had a very good relationship with Ye Xinghe before this, and they also fawned over him in various ways.

After all, Ye Xinghe is already certain that he can become a captain of thousands.

There is a 90% chance that he will be directly appointed as the deputy captain of the 90,000-man team, with a bright future.

There are many benefits to having a good relationship with him.

Before Ye Xinghe left the 90,000 troops and went to the legion headquarters to report on his duties.

These people were extremely enthusiastic when they saw him.

But at this time, everyone was hiding away, as if they were afraid of being avoided.

Kong Aoyang frowned, already having a somewhat ominous premonition in his heart.

And soon, when the two came to the hall of the headquarters of the 90,000-member team.

Before anyone entered, they heard a burst of wild laughter coming from the hall.

Then, a figure came out and laughed loudly: "Welcome Lord Wan Fu!"

He greeted Kong Aoyang warmly.

As for Ye Xinghe next to him, he simply ignored him.

He didn't even look at Ye Xinghe.

Kong Aoyang frowned at the young man in front of him and asked, "I wonder who you are?"

"Haha, I forgot to introduce myself!"

The young man smiled and said: "I am Yao Chijiang, the deputy commander of this 90,000-man team!"

"Oh, are you the deputy captain?"

A sharp look flashed between Kong Aoyang's brows.

He glanced at Ye Xinghe next to him, with some worry in his eyes.

On the way back, the two of them were speculating on the reason for this incident.

Why is Yao Chengchuan so hostile to Ye Xinghe?

Why even kill him directly?

Ye Xinghe and Yao Chengchuan had no grievances at all, and they didn't even know each other.

There must be a motive for all this.

Finally, the two came up with a guess.

The only possibility is that Yao Chengchuan's people should have taken a fancy to the position of Deputy Chief of Ten Thousands.

Therefore, it was taken away from Ye Xinghe by force.

And if he wanted to steal this position from Ye Xinghe, he would naturally have to suppress him.

There is even a more ferocious next step.

Now it seems that the two people's speculations have been completely confirmed.

This Yao Chijiang should be the candidate chosen by Yao Chengchuan to replace Ye Xinghe.

And his surname also made Kong Aoyang clear in his mind.

This person must be related to Yao Chengchuan.

Kong Aoyang glanced at Ye Xinghe worriedly, fearing that he would do something drastic.

Ye Xinghe naturally knew all of this.

However, his expression was calm at this time, as if he had no opinion on the matter at all.

At this time, Yao Chijiang seemed to have just seen Ye Xinghe.

There was a bit of joking in the corner of his mouth, looking up and down.

"This is Ye Xinghe, I've heard about you a long time ago. Yes, very good!"

He stepped forward and patted Ye Xinghe on the shoulder, with a condescending attitude.

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