Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3452 Monster Clan Ambush

"Qu Jinfeng can use this move, why can't I use it?"

"Besides, he colluded with the demon clan to destroy the 90,000-man team and the 100,000-man team to pave the way for him to ascend to the top. I only kill enemies, what are I afraid of?"

It turns out that Ye Xinghe is not the kind of person who just sits back and waits for death, swallowing his anger.

He seemed to be patient these days, but in fact he was making arrangements closely.

And as of today, with these three days of arrangements, he has also received a reply.

A killing situation has quietly taken shape.

The prey in the game are Shen Qiyun and Yao Chijiang!

On the fourth day, Shen Qiyun thought he had completed control of the 90,000-man team.

He brought with him more than a dozen personal guards of the Captain of Thousands, as well as a group of powerful men at the level of Captain of Thousands.

Leave the camp and enter the Nine Heavens battlefield to patrol.

The main patrol location is the outpost.

However, Ye Xinghe, who had been demoted to centurion, was actually not qualified to accompany him.

But Shen Qiyun brought him with him specially.

A group of people took several floating cloud boats and left here.

Ye Xinghe's eyes met with Yao Chijiang's, and Yao Chijiang's eyes were full of pride and ruthlessness.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm, looking at the gray clouds in the distance, and said to himself: "Shen Qiyun, you brought me here specially, you must be taking this opportunity to get rid of me silently."

"What a coincidence, that is also the burial place I planned for you!"

His gaze was cast into the depths of the Nine Heavens battlefield, as if he was looking far, far away.

Everyone went to the outpost first.

After arriving at the outpost, the powerful people who came out to greet him were all very friendly to Ye Xinghe.

They have a very good relationship with Ye Xinghe.

You know, Ye Xinghe’s previous actions not only saved the 90,000th team and the 100,000th team.

And also directly saved everyone in their outpost!

Otherwise, all the strong men in the outpost positions who were trapped in the mission hall at that time would die without a burial place.

At this time, after hearing what happened to Ye Xinghe, these people were all filled with indignation and their faces were full of anger.

Someone even said loudly: "Brother Ye, if you are not having a good time in the 90,000-man team, you can come to our outpost!"

"We have the final say on our outpost, and some people have nothing to do with it!"

The person who said this had a loud voice and looked at Shen Qiyun sideways.

Obviously, this was meant for him.

Shen Qiyun's face suddenly darkened.

In the past few days, he has been speaking out among the 90,000 people.

Unexpectedly, I hit a soft nail here.

His face suddenly became confused.

The group parted unhappy.

Shen Qiyun led the crowd and walked around the outpost before leaving.

When leaving the outpost, he glanced at Ye Xinghe with a sinister look.

He was even more determined to kill Ye Xinghe as soon as possible to avoid any further trouble!

After leaving the outpost, the atmosphere on the floating cloud boat was somewhat solemn.

Everyone continued to move towards the depths of the Nine Heavens battlefield.

Yao Chijiang frowned and said, "If I go inside, will I encounter any danger?"

Shen Qiyun laughed and said nonchalantly: "No, the demon tribe just suffered a big loss here. So many powerful people died. It is impossible for them to invade here again in a short time."

"Their number of strong men is also extremely rare, and they will not die for no reason."

When Yao Chijiang heard this, he felt a little relieved.

To be honest, he was very afraid of the demon clan.

The headquarters of the Demon Suppression Corps.

Faced with the sudden arrival of the God-rescuing general, Yao Chengchuan, who didn't know why, hurried out to greet him.

After learning the other party's intention, Yao Chengchuan knew that he couldn't hide it and could only tell the whole story.

Accept, he suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and his face turned ashen for an instant.

The God of Suffering was such a smart man. He immediately realized something, stared at him and gritted his teeth and yelled: "What do you have to hide from me!"

Yao Chengchuan trembled and said: "Before, I discussed with Shen Qiyun. After he goes to the 90,000 Team, we will find an opportunity to kill Ye Xinghe first and avoid future troubles."

"As long as we kill him, naturally no one will talk about it again, and it will be forgotten as time goes by."


The Suffering Divine General said sternly: "You, you are going to kill Ye Xinghe!"

"When was the agreed time to take action?"

Yao Chengchuan swallowed and said in a trembling voice: "When he reaches the 90,000th Army, he will take action when he finds the right opportunity. Now, I'm afraid now."

He hadn't finished speaking, but the God of Suffering had already understood what he meant.

Shen Qiyun is afraid that he has already taken action against Ye Xinghe!

His heart suddenly trembled, and unspeakable fear surged in his heart.

Not only is Shen Qiyun powerful, he has reached the Three-Star Heavenly Realm.

Moreover, he is a senior and powerful person in the three-star Tianzun realm.

Moreover, he is an upright captain of ten thousand men.

If Ye Xinghe were really killed, Ye Xinghe would have almost no room for resistance.

To be honest, if you want to kill Ye Xinghe, it is simply too easy!

Ye Xinghe might have encountered something unexpected at this moment!

The God of Suffering will think of the Madam's importance to the Young Master, the Madam's entrustment, and the possible mishaps that the Young Master may encounter.

He suddenly felt heartbroken and trembling all over.

In an instant, he, who had seen strong winds and waves, felt a layer of cold sweat on his back, and with a 'swish', he came out.

After a moment, he calmed down, stared at Yao Chengchuan and shouted sternly: "If anything happens to Ye Xinghe, all nine of your clans will be buried with him!"

After about two days of going deep into the Nine Heavens battlefield.

In front of them is a dense pile of rubble and rubble.

But when he arrived here, Shen Qiyun suddenly frowned slightly and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

He said coldly: "Alert!"

He immediately felt something in his heart and slapped one of them with his palm.

There was a loud bang, and the entire Jiutian battlefield seemed to be shaken.

The ruins of the troubled times were directly shattered.

All the rocks within hundreds of miles were smashed into pieces.

Countless dust flew up.

At the same time, there were also several screams.

Among the stone ruins, dozens of monsters suddenly appeared.

However, they were hit by this palm, and two or three monsters died instantly.

The remaining monsters fled in a hurry and were in a state of disarray.

Obviously, these monsters are secretly hiding here.

Seeing this, he wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack on many powerful human beings.

It's a pity that I didn't expect to meet a master and was kicked on the iron plate.

He was directly hit to death or injured by Shen Qiyun.

Everyone was also shocked.

"As expected of Master Wanfu, he is so strong and his perception is so sharp!"

"Yes, we didn't even sense that there were monsters here, but Master Wanfu just killed them!"

"Master Wan Fu is so powerful. These monsters are not weak at all!"

Everyone secretly admired Shen Qiyun. Apart from anything else, he was really strong enough.

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