Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3455: Reap the consequences

The Golden Tiger Demon is obviously very scheming, and the city is very deep.

It smiled lowly, glanced at Ye Xinghe pointedly, and said with a faint smile: "No matter how powerful my magic weapon is, it cannot be stronger than the human heart."

Ye Xinghe stood there, smiling lightly and looking calmly.

Shen Qiyun is not a fool. At this moment, he still doesn’t know that he has fallen into Ye Xinghe’s plan!

Everything today is obviously a trap.

A trap set just for the two of them!

Shen Qiyun shouted sternly: "Ye Xinghe, it turns out that you found these demon clans. Their appearance here is not accidental. It was a play that you jointly sang just now, wasn't it?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Master Wan Fu is indeed wise, and his guess is correct!"

"I invited these big monsters. Their appearance here was premeditated. You asking me to chase them is exactly what I wanted."

"This magic weapon does not belong to me, but to this lord."

He pointed at the Golden Tiger Demon, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Shen Qiyun gritted his teeth but was helpless.

Ye Xinghe then smiled and said: "This magic weapon is among the legendary magic weapons, but it was newly created by the Monster Race in recent years. It is specifically targeted at the strong humans."

"It's the first time it's used on the Nine Heavens Battlefield. Master Wanfu should feel honored."

"I just pretended to catch up with them, used the magic weapon to bring them back, and then used the demon treasure as bait to trick you into sending away the others, leaving only the two of you present. Then I suddenly launched an attack and used this legendary magic weapon to imprison you two. live."

"Then, many big demons took action."

Shen Qiyun gritted his teeth and said, "What's the next step?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "The next step is for the two of you to be surrounded by many strong men from the Monster Clan and attack to death."

"And I saw the opportunity quickly and was far away from the battlefield, so I took the opportunity to escape and send a message to others."

"As for the two of you who were trapped in the hands of the demons, you didn't even leave a message, let alone a relic."

Ye Xinghe shook his head and sighed: "It's miserable, it's really miserable!"

"Two current heroes, with respected status and powerful strength, died at the hands of monsters, with no bones left!"

Shen Qiyun hated Ye Xinghe so much that he yelled crazily: "Ye Xinghe, you colluded with the demon clan. You committed a capital crime. The 90,000-man team will not spare you, and neither will the demon-suppressing army." !”

His voice vibrated and rolled out.

Ye Xinghe saw through his plan at a glance and said leisurely: "Master Wanfu, don't work in vain. I have already prepared. Within a hundred miles of this area, a large formation has been deployed to isolate the sound."

"No matter how loud you shout, they won't hear you and your message won't get out."

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiyun's heart dropped rapidly.

He knew this was true.

If there hadn't been a large formation blocking them, there would have been an earth-shattering movement from the battle here just now.

It has already attracted the attention of many powerful people.

A feeling of extreme frustration and defeat suddenly arose in his heart.

He only felt that every step he took was part of Ye Xinghe's calculations.

He roared wildly: "Ye Xinghe, you deserve to die!"

"Am I supposed to die?"

Ye Xinghe's smile gradually turned cold, he walked forward and stared at them slowly.

"Should I deserve to die, or should you?"

"If you want to kill me, I should just stick out my neck and let you kill me, right?"

"If I resist at all, I will die, right?"

In Ye Xinghe's voice, the fire of anger was burning.

"I have made great achievements and reached the realm of Three-Star Heavenly Lord. I should be examined and promoted."

"When Yao Chengchuan was unfair in the world and forcibly took away my position as Deputy Chief of Ten Thousands for Yao Chijiang, did you ever think about today?"

Ye Xinghe's voice shook the sky.

"What kind of person am I, Ye Xinghe, how can I let you be so humiliated!"

"When you insulted me, scolded me, and punished me, did you ever think about today?"

"When you took away my position as captain of thousands and harmed me step by step, did you ever think about today?"

"When you were killing my men and trying to kill them all, did you ever think about today?"

"When you took my life, did you ever think about today?"

Shen Qiyun turned pale instantly and couldn't say a word.

At this time, it seemed that he suddenly realized that he was the one who forced Ye Xinghe into this situation.

However, he really never expected that Ye Xinghe would be so bold.

Not only did they not kill them at first sight, but they used such a sophisticated strategy to kill them both.

To do this, he can even use the power of the demon clan!

Ye Xinghe said angrily: "Why do you want me to die and I will die?"

He grinned, his face full of sternness.

"Let me tell you, whoever wants my life, I will pay him back ten times a hundred times!"

At this time, Yao Chijiang's face was filled with fear and he was trembling.

He is now among the monsters and may die at any time.

He finally understood the ultimate threat and terror.

He suddenly spoke, his voice trembling: "Ye Xinghe, Ye Xinghe, I know I was wrong, can you please forgive me today?"

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone after we get out!"

"From now on, you have the final say in the 90,000th Army. Can I return the position of deputy captain to you?"

There was a cry in his voice, and he howled: "Ye Xinghe, don't kill me, spare my life!"

Shen Qiyun said angrily: "Master, what are you talking about? If you want to die, then die. Why bother to beg for mercy from him!"

"Shut up!"

Yao Chijiang roared: "Uncle asked you to come here to protect me and watch over me, not to let you die for me!"

"If it weren't for you, how could I end up in this situation now? How could I die? I don't want to die!"

He turned around and begged Ye Xinghe again and again.

Many monsters sneered when they saw this scene.

The Golden Tiger Monster snorted disdainfully: "What a waste!"

Ye Xinghe bowed to the Golden Tiger Monster and said: "Before, the Ghost Eye Demon Butterfly Clan was defeated here, with hundreds of casualties. Not only did it greatly deplete the vitality of the monster clan, but it was also embarrassing and lost face."

"Today, your Golden Tiger Clan has made great contributions, killing the captain and deputy captain of the 90,000-man team. After returning, you will definitely be able to hold your heads high in front of your Monster King!"

The Golden Tiger Monster suddenly grinned, revealing his sharp teeth.

He looked at Ye Xinghe with interest.

"Last time, the Ghost Eye Demon Butterfly Clan wiped out many powerful people. If I remember correctly, you were also the culprit behind it, right?"

Ye Xinghe's expression was still calm: "Why, do you want to settle this account with me now?"

The Golden Tiger Demon sneered: "That's what I meant!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and shook his head.

"I think you can't do anything to me."

As soon as the voice fell, the Golden Tiger Demon had an ominous premonition in his heart.

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