Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3458 Plan

Far from being comparable to ordinary memory retrieval spells, it is only suitable for dealing with powerful monsters.

If this iron claw soul-searching technique is used on human cultivators, the consequences will be very serious.

Even if you don't die, you will be disabled.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

I know that Zhang Shaoqiu is either rushing to find out the truth this time, or he is trying to kill himself.

He whispered in his heart: "If this is the case, then we have no choice but to make this move."

Ye Xinghe suddenly raised his head at this moment, looked at Zhang Shaoqiu and said with a smile: "Sir, I have something to say to you in private. It would be bad if others heard it."

Zhang Shaoqiu stared at Ye Xinghe deeply, and then sneered.

"I want to see what tricks you can do!"

He waved his hand and said, "You all stand down."


Everyone left one after another.

Soon, only Zhang Shaoqiu, Ye Xinghe, and a few personal guards were left in the main hall.

Zhang Shaoqiu said calmly: "Let's talk now."

At this time, in a hidden corner outside the main hall.

Fang Hang was standing there, looking at the situation in the hall.

In the main hall that I saw, everyone walked out one after another.

But my master did not come out.

His heart immediately tightened and his face became stiff.

At this time, he lowered his head slightly, looked at something in his hand, and whispered to himself.

"Are things really going to come to this?"

"Sir, are you sure?"

Although he was extremely worried, his eyes became cold and decisive in the next moment.

"I will definitely do what you asked me to do, and there is no need to think about anything else!"

He remembered that Ye Xinghe called him to his residence yesterday and handed him something solemnly.

And tell yourself.

If the special envoy arrives tomorrow, go to the main hall and everyone else will come out.

Only Ye Xinghe and the special envoy are still in the palace. If they don't come out, they will activate this thing.

His eyes became firmer and he clenched the thing in his hand tightly.

This is a red gemstone about half the size of a fist, completely crystal clear.

Among them, there were several black rays of light scurrying back and forth.

According to what Ye Xinghe said before, he crushed the object with a 'pop' sound.

After doing this, he felt relieved and let out a long breath.

His body went limp and he collapsed directly on the ground.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said seriously: "I forgot."


Zhang Shaoqiu couldn't believe his ears and thought he heard wrongly.

After a moment, he roared angrily: "Boy, you are kidding me!"

Ye Xinghe whispered in his heart: "I'm not playing tricks on you, I'm just stalling for time."

It turned out that Ye Xinghe had already formulated a plan to escape.

His plan is very simple, if the person who comes here really has no selfish motives and is reasonable.

There is absolutely no way to find any excuse for yourself.

Because, I did this perfectly.

Unless those strong monsters are caught and confronted.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to discover the role Ye Xinghe played in this.

Even if there is suspicion, there is still no way to deal with him.

But if the visitor has ill intentions towards Ye Xinghe and wants to kill him.

Naturally, Ye Xinghe can be convicted by casually finding an excuse.

If that happens, Ye Xinghe will start this plan.

In the past few days, Ye Xinghe consumed a huge amount of resources.

A magic circle had been quietly carved under this hall a long time ago, and the magic circle covered the entire hall.

This formation is called the Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation.

As long as you are in this magic circle, the person who set up the magic circle activates the magic circle.

The magic circle can attract the supreme divine thunder and crash down.

At that time, everyone in the magic circle will have no bones left, and they will die without a burial place!

And this magic formation is the formation diagram he got from the Wanbao Pavilion where the God of Suffering Comes.

In fact, the magic circle is quite useless because it has several major flaws.

First, it only has the power to kill and has no ability to imprison.

In other words, people who are placed in the formation can choose to leave at any time.

Secondly, although the power is huge, the range is very small, only a kilometer in radius.

For a strong person in the Tianzun realm, this distance is simply not worth mentioning.

As soon as your mind wanders, you can stay away.

However, the opponent must be within the range of the magic circle in order to be killed or injured.

Therefore, this magic circle can only be used under specific circumstances.

But it happens to be extremely applicable to the current situation!

Zhang Shaoqiu was not aware of the existence of this magic circle at all.

He also didn't know that huge thunder had begun to gather in the nine heavens.

He roared angrily, then calmed down after a moment, and said with a ferocious smile: "Okay, I'll let you know the price of teasing me now!"

He clenched his hands into claws and was about to strike.

At this moment, several extremely fierce auras suddenly came from outside.

The harsh one will fall into the main hall.

One of them shouted coldly: "Zhang Shaoqiu, you are so brave!"

Then, a palm came out of the thorn.

He slapped Zhang Shaoqiu hard in the face.

Zhang Shaoqiu was so cultivated that he reacted very quickly, and his right hand instinctively struck forward.

He roared, and the world's original power surged.

The aura of the Four-Star Heavenly Lord is fully revealed.

How could he be so humiliated despite his strength and position?

In fact, he already had a backup plan in mind in an instant.

He raised his left hand and stepped back slightly, preparing to avoid the opponent's sneak attack.

Then, he used his unique skill to directly shatter the opponent's heart.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked him appeared.

His so-called powerful offensive was actually so meaningless in the eyes of the opponent.

The opponent's palm easily penetrated all his attacks and defenses.

This slap landed firmly on his face!

Zhang Shaoqiu was dumbfounded.

The opponent's posture not only showed that he was far beyond his strength.

Even more so in terms of momentum, he overwhelmed him from afar and didn't take him seriously at all!

It's like saying: "I'll slap you if I want to, what can you do?"

The force was not very strong, and it did not cause him fatal injuries.

He just hit his head so hard that he took a few steps back.

But the huge humiliation brought about by this made Zhang Shaoqiu's face turn blood red instantly, almost going crazy.

He shouted sternly: "Which bitch dares to hit me!"

However, when he saw the people in front of him clearly, he was stunned.

His voice stammered: "Sir, you, you, why did you hit me? Why are you here?"

It turned out that there were two people standing in front of him.

One of them he was very familiar with, it was Yao Chengchuan, his benefactor!

And the person who took action just now was Yao Chengchuan.

Next to him was an old man, staring at him with an angry look on his face.

It made him feel nervous.

The visitors were naturally the God of Suffering and Yao Chengchuan.

The two of them hurriedly and slowly hurried along, just for fear that something might happen to Ye Xinghe.

At this time, Yao Chengchuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ye Xinghe was safe and sound.

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