Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3460 Becoming the Leader of Ten Thousand Men

You don't need to think about it to know that this must have been done by him.

Ye Xinghe looked at Zhang Shaoqiu and smiled: "I said just now that they came not to save me, but to save you. You still don't believe it."

"Let me tell you, I have already set up a magic circle in this hall."

"If you dared to attack me just now, I would use secret methods to escape, and then I would chop you into pieces with a thunderbolt!"

Zhang Shaoqiu was horrified, and then he realized how terrifying Ye Xinghe was.

This guy dares to attack himself without any support!

The general who saved the suffering was also horrified, shocked by Ye Xinghe's intentions and methods.

After a while, he shook his head repeatedly and said with a wry smile: "Little guy, you are really ruthless, you can use such fatal skills!"

At this time, Yao Chengchuan's expression had returned to normal.

After all, his city is extremely deep.

Although he was forced too much by Ye Xinghe just now, he almost became angry with shame.

But now that he came back to his senses, he still looked calm and asked with a smile: "Mr. Ye, what method did you use to kill Shen Qiyun and two people before?"

He was also extremely curious about this.

The general who saved the suffering also wanted to know the inside story.

Ye Xinghe gave them a brief summary.

Both of them were amazed after hearing this.

Yao Chengchuan looked Ye Xinghe up and down, then suddenly bowed solemnly and said: "Young Master, I sincerely apologize. I hope you can forget the past."

"If there is any need in the future, I will do my best to ensure that you rise higher and higher in the Demon Suppression Army!"

"Of course, if something happens to me in the future, I hope you can help me!"

Ye Xinghe was slightly stunned and a little surprised.

It was obvious to him that Yao Chengchuan was suppressed by the God of Suffering, and that was why he made all kinds of retreats.

But now, he could feel that Yao Chengchuan was sincerely apologizing and wanted to form an alliance with him.

As soon as his mind changed, he understood the key.

Indeed, just as Ye Xinghe thought.

Because of these things, Yao Chengchuan felt that the young man in front of him was not only powerful but also had a distinguished background.

What's more important is that its own talent, strength, and city are all top-notch, and its future is limitless.

If you can take this opportunity to make friends with him, having such a powerful ally will be of great benefit to you.

Compared with this, the deaths of Shen Qiyun and others are nothing worth mentioning.

The God of Suffering winked at Ye Xinghe repeatedly.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Okay, no need to wink at me, I understand the importance."

He cupped his hands to Yao Chengchuan and said, "It's settled, there's no need to mention the past."

He knew that this matter would only benefit him.

Early the next morning.

On the edge of this floating continent, on a towering cliff.

Ye Xinghe and the Suffering God will stand here.

The God of Suffering sighed softly and said: "Young Master, neither I nor my wife thought that you could rise to such an extent in such a short period of time."

Ye Xinghe looked into the distance and sighed softly: "Time is running out, time waits for us not!"

The God of Suffering took a deep look at him.

He could always feel that there was something special about this young master.

He seemed to have something urgent to do.

He always squeezes himself to death.

He was always in a state of unease.

He always wants to practice faster than others.

He seemed to be eagerly chasing something.

This was a trait he had never seen in anyone else before.

He wanted to give some advice, but in the end he shook his head, sighed, and said nothing more. .

He took out a pamphlet and handed it to Ye Xinghe, saying softly: "My wife asked me to bring this to you."

Ye Xinghe took it and looked through it, raising his eyebrows slightly.

It turns out that this is a piece of commentary on the magical power of destroying demons.

This is Xie Qingling's own understanding.

Obviously, she was not the first to create the magical art of destroying demons.

And she has been practicing the Demon-Destroying Magic Art for so many years, and all the insights she has gained are in it.

Ye Xinghe felt slightly happy.

With these annotations on the Divine Demon's World-Destroying Magic Technique, your understanding of the Divine Demon's World-Destroying Magic Technique can be improved to a higher level!

This is the result of hundreds of years of hard work by the great sages.

I don’t know how many times higher it is than my own understanding efficiency in ignorance!

He nodded and put it away, saying, "Thank my mother for me."

When he mentioned the word "mother", he hesitated a little and his expression was a little strange.

The God of Suffering sighed, knowing that the two of them still had a grudge in their hearts and were not close.

He had nothing to say.

The God of Suffering stayed here for a few days before preparing to say goodbye and leave.

When leaving, he whispered to Ye Xinghe: "Your identity is still a secret, not many people know it."

"Right now, Yao Chengchuan only knows a little bit about it. It will be of great benefit to you to get closer to him in the future. Don't reveal your identity until the most critical moment."

"Although our Yunzhong Kingdom has a strong foundation in the demon-suppressing army, we can give face to people like Yao Chengchuan."

"However, the forces within the Demon Suppressing Legion are intertwined. We have our own people, but we also have many enemies. If they know your identity, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing."

On this day, the Suffering Divine General, Yao Chengchuan and others left one after another.

The days that followed were uneventful.

Ye Xinghe just refines the essence of the demon world every day.

And with Xie Qingling's annotations on the magical art of destroying demons.

Ye Xinghe's understanding of the magical art of destroying demons has also reached a new level.

Three months later, Ye Xinghe woke up from his trance.

This time he entered samadhi, which lasted for three full months.

It is also extremely rare in his practice.

Three months of being free from self-consciousness made him feel relaxed and comfortable all over.

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

As he opened his eyes, the entire room glowed with light.

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up slightly and he whispered to himself.

"In three months, I gained a lot from understanding the annotations of the Divine Demon-Destroying Art."

"Now, the speed at which I can practice using the Heavenly Demon's World-Destroying Technique has increased by at least 30% compared to before!"

"Moreover, this is just a very small part of the explanations given by my mother. I don't know what kind of situation I will be in when I understand more in the future."

Although his strength has not improved, his speed has improved a lot.

At this time, there was a burst of footsteps outside.

Ye Xinghe knew it was Fang Hang as soon as he heard it.

Fang Hang rushed over, looking extremely excited, and shouted loudly: "Sir, what a happy event, what a great happy event!"

He held up a document in his hand.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "But appoint me as the captain of the 90,000-man team?"

Fang Hang was stunned and asked in shock: "Sir, how did you know?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

After making good friends with Yao Chengchuan, if he couldn't even do this, then he would be too useless.

Ye Xinghe shook his robe and stood up.

"Let's go to the main hall."

Arriving at the newly built hall, many captains and centurions were already waiting for this place.

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