Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3479: Siege

Then with his extremely powerful body, he smashed the demon-slaying formation to pieces.

Showing its extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

Whether it is magic or physical body, they are extremely powerful.

At this time, above the floating cloud boat, a huge noise was heard from behind.

Ye Xinghe already knew that the demon-slaying formation was absolutely shattered.

Ye Xinghe looked back at the vast mist in the distance.

It was as if his vision was through the thick fog, and he saw the fierce and surly eyes of the owl wolf.

Ye Xinghe frowned deeply.

This owl wolf is definitely a powerful five-star god.

Moreover, among the Five-Star Heavenly Lords, only a very few senior ones can match him.

Even more than my current self.

"It seems that these monsters are really cruel and want to kill them no matter what. They send such a strong man to lead an army of 300,000 to pursue them."


He smiled lowly at this moment, with a meaningful expression on the corner of his mouth.

"So much better!"

At this time, there was a capable general beside the owl wolf, who asked in surprise: "Sir, why don't we hurry up and catch up?"

The owl wolf said with a proud smile: "Let them escape. We are already chasing them. The distance between us and them is only half an hour's journey. They can't escape even if they run away!"

“And most importantly”

It sneered and said: "They have used up all their trump cards, and they want to repeat their old tricks and use the demon-slaying formation to destroy us, which shows that they have no other means."

"When we catch up, they will die!"

Many demon clans also roared crazily.

In their eyes, these humans are lambs to be slaughtered.

You can let them hunt at will.

He is ten times the number of these human races, and his individual combat power is even better than these human races.

How could we still not kill them!

Many demon clans rushed forward with great madness.

Xiaolang was convinced that Ye Xinghe had no other means.

And what it guessed was correct.

Along the way, Ye Xinghe and others were constantly approached and chased in a panic.

But there is no way to counterattack.

The owlwolf became more and more contemptuous.

Finally, it was the thirtieth day of its pursuit.

The distance between the demon army and the human army is so close that they are almost within reach.

Directly into the attack range.

This time, the owl wolf had no scruples and roared again and again.

Divide the remaining more than 200,000 troops under his command into more than ten groups.

From all directions, they surrounded Ye Xinghe and others.

This time, it was obviously not prepared to give Ye Xinghe any way out.

We must tie him into this demonic net and kill him completely!

And the floating cloud boat it was riding on carried a group of elites.

With no scruples, he charged towards Ye Xinghe.

It is not afraid of an ambush, nor is it afraid of Ye Xinghe's tricks.

It thought it had seen Ye Xinghe's reality clearly.

At this time, Ye Xinghe and others bypassed the area where the floating island was located.

A huge pass appeared ahead.

Built on the last floating island, it was heavily defended, like an iron wall.

However, the area is not large, and it can only accommodate more than 10,000 troops.

Small but sturdy.

This place is called Tiebiguan and it belongs to the commander-in-chief of Zhendong.

It is the forefront of Zhendong's defense line and the place deepest into the Nine Heavens battlefield.

The owl wolf also recognizes this place.

"This is the Iron Wall Pass. I didn't expect that after escaping and chasing, I had already reached the human defense line!"

It laughed loudly and said: "Don't run away, let's catch you without mercy!"

"Do you think I don't know? This Iron Wall Pass is an isolated city where the Demon Suppressing Legion is isolated outside the Nine Heavens Battlefield and is the deepest into the Nine Heavens Battlefield."

"There will be no support from other reinforcements within the thirty-day trip, and it can only accommodate more than ten thousand human troops. Escape here is a dead end!"

Its voice came out far away, and it was obviously meant for the demon clan army under its command, as well as for Ye Xinghe and others.

The army of monsters under it immediately cheered.

Ye Xinghe obviously knew his current situation and knew that Iron Wall Pass was a place of death.

But now there is no other way to choose.

Entering is death, and escaping is even more deadly.

It roared repeatedly, leading tens of thousands of human troops under its command, and quickly entered the Iron Wall Pass.

The owl wolf laughed wildly and said: "If you commit suicide, there is nothing you can do about it!"

It issued order after order.

The remaining demon army of more than 200,000 people immediately surrounded the small iron wall on three levels inside and three levels outside.

The radius of Iron Wall Pass is only a few dozen miles.

Although it is extremely strong, the city is too small.

At this time, they were surrounded.

The human defenders in the city raised their heads and looked around, their faces filled with shock.

The originally gray sky had almost turned into pitch black.

The endless demon army outside has blocked all the light.

The owl wolf floats in the void.

It can see everything clearly in Iron Wall Pass.

Tiebikuan is actually a simple fortress, with three or four layers of walls inside and outside, and a heavily defensive array.

All kinds of defense equipment and so on are also extremely complete.

But the city is too small.

After Ye Xinghe's tens of thousands of troops entered, the city already seemed extremely crowded.

Moreover, the entire Iron Wall Pass plus the people brought by Ye Xinghe, the number of defenders is around 45,000.

The owl wolf knew that these human armies were at the end of their rope.

Without any hesitation, it waved its hand and shouted sternly: "Attack the city immediately. Within three hours, I will see the iron wall broken and kill all these human races!"

The monster army they saw immediately launched an attack, obviously not taking themselves seriously at all.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Xinghe's mouth.

"What I want is your contempt, what I want is for you to look down on me, what I want is for you to think that I have no options, all my cards are out, and I am not far from death!"

The offensive of the demon army was extremely fierce.

They require no engineering equipment.

Their powerful bodies are the most powerful engineering equipment.

Soon, following the owl wolf's order, the floating cloud boats of many demon clans slowly split open.

The last floating cloud boat in their army was revealed.

There are thousands of monsters on other floating cloud boats.

But there was only one monster on this floating cloud boat.

Because, the size of this demon clan is really too huge.

The shape of this floating cloud boat is much smaller than other floating cloud boats.

However, the behemoth on top of it is so big that this floating cloud boat can only accommodate this monster.

The length of this giant demonic beast actually reaches hundreds of miles, which is tens of thousands of meters!

Its entire body resembles a giant rhinoceros enlarged countless times.

However, the top of the head is not a sharp rhinoceros horn.

In its place was a huge battering ram-like thing.

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