Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3487: Dragon and Snake Land Formation!

This is a brilliant achievement that the human race has never achieved in tens of thousands of years.

The Demon Suppressing Legion and the others are not just for free.

A rigorous and detailed plan was immediately drawn up.

Gongsun Yu's coming this time was also part of the plan.

The hundreds of thousands of troops under the command of the Zhendong Commander were not used as bait.

On the contrary, they are actually the most important part of this plan.

They have to defend the Demon Suppression City so that this plan can be carried forward.

Defend the Demon City for three months.

Only by plunging the demon army into the quagmire of this bad battle can the demon-suppressing army have any hope of winning.

After hearing these words, everyone felt a lot more comfortable.

Gongsun Yu said this to appease everyone.

He must do this.

Otherwise, if these people hold grudges during the current war, the consequences of this war can be imagined.

Since there is no other hope, there is only one priority.

Just to protect this demon-suppressing city.

Gongsun Yu said: "Let's talk about it, everyone, how should the Demon Suppression City be defended so that it can withstand these three months?"

Nie Cheng Xiaodang said: "There is still one month left, and it is too late to make other arrangements. It is just to strengthen the city wall and strengthen the magic circle."

"My idea is to add three more layers of city walls to the current city wall, and then add nine layers of magic circles. The copper and iron walls built here will be as strong as gold. I don't believe that the monster army can break it!"

Everyone nodded, this was their common thought.

Apart from this, they couldn't think of any more effective way.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly and said, "This plan is inappropriate."

Nie Chengxiao's eyelids twitched, feeling that Ye Xinghe was provoking him.

He said coldly: "Then tell me what you think!"

Ignoring the sarcasm in his words, Ye Xinghe said in a deep voice: "You must have seen how powerful the attacks of these monster beasts were outside the Iron Wall Pass, right?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

There were even expressions of fear and panic on some faces.

The scene of the celestial demon and divine rhinoceros easily breaking through the Iron Wall Pass within a quarter of an hour is still before our eyes.

Each of them remembers it clearly.

At that time, although they were hidden in the void, they were all shocked by this scene.

Some people even have mood swings and unstable breathing due to this.

He was almost discovered by the monster army.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Xinghe's face, wondering what he wanted to say.

Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "Owl Wolf alone has a Sky Demon and Divine Rhinoceros under his command. Who knows how many Demon Celestial Rhinoceros there are in this demon army of three million?"

"I estimate there must be at least a dozen of them."

"Everyone, even if the demon-suppressing city is extremely strong and well-defended, and is known as the strongest city in the eastern border of the demon-suppressing army, but to be fair to you, can it withstand the attack of this demonic rhinoceros?"

"If the ten celestial demons and rhinoceros take turns to attack, how long can the Demon Suppression City sustain?"

The words left everyone speechless.

Originally, due to the huge military exploits in the past.

Ye Xinghe is already extremely prestigious among them, and his words carry a lot of weight.

What's more, what Ye Xinghe said now seems quite reasonable to everyone.

Nie Chengxiao was a little unhappy about being slapped in the face in public, and said angrily: "This won't work, and that won't work either. So, may I ask, do you have any clever ideas?"

Ye Xinghe didn't tolerate him at all, and sneered: "It's not a great idea, but it's much better than those bullshit ideas of yours!"

Nie Cheng paused the fire of time and said viciously: "Then what if your method doesn't work?"

Ye Xinghe didn't even look at him, he just smiled lightly and said: "We have important matters to discuss here. Why is there a fly buzzing here in such an important place?"

Nie Chengxiao was furious and shouted in a low voice: "Ye Xinghe, tell me clearly today, otherwise our matter will not be finished!"

"Do you think you are nothing, that you can do anything?"

"I have made some achievements before, but now I am so restless. It is not your turn to make the decision on this important matter of defending the city!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "I have heard for a long time that Lord Shangzhu is proficient in Zhou Tian's reasoning technique. How about we each come up with a strategy and let Lord Shangzhu do some reasoning and see who wins?"

"If my method works, you will be punished by military law. If your method works, then I will be punished by military law. How about that?"

Nie Chengxiao's expression suddenly changed. How dare he agree to this sentence.

You know, Ye Xinghe's methods have always been quite effective.

If that method was really good, wouldn't it be a great injustice if he was directly punished by military law?

He was speechless and Ye Xinghe waved his hand disdainfully.

"If you don't dare, don't talk nonsense. Do you have the right to speak? What the hell!"

Cao Zhaoxiong also said in a deep voice: "Nie Chengxiao, let Ye Xinghe finish."

Nie Chengxiao gritted his teeth and stepped aside unwillingly.

Ye Xinghe looked at everyone and said calmly: "My method is the dragon and snake rising from the land formation."

"What, the dragon-snake formation?"

When everyone heard this, some were confused and some were unfamiliar.

Cao Zhaoxiong and Gongsun Yu were thoughtful.

Cao Zhaoxiong thought for a moment, gave a high-five, and said excitedly: "Ye Xinghe, you can actually think of the Dragon Snake Rises Land Formation. This method works, and it is suitable for the current situation!"

Gongsun Yu chuckled and said, "Ye Xinghe, the ancient formation of the Dragon Snake Landing Formation is only circulated in the Demon Suppression Corps. How did you know about it?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "As early as when I knew that the demon army was coming and made this plan, I was thinking about how to break the situation."

"Later, I felt that the Dragon Snake Landing Formation should be the most suitable."

Seeing that everyone was a little confused, Cao Zhaoxiong explained the Dragon Snake Landing Formation.

The so-called Dragon Snake Landing Formation is an ancient formation that was once used in the Demon Suppression Corps.

It is to build hundreds of small fortresses near a main fortress, and as many as thousands of small fortresses.

And between all these fortresses, there is a grand formation engraved.

It is the Dragon Snake Landing Formation.

Each small fortress is a small formation eye in this formation.

The largest formation eye is the main fortress.

Ye Xinghe said in a deep voice: "This Dragon Snake Landing Array can connect all the thousands of fortresses as nodes in the array. If one node is attacked, the other nodes will be attacked at the same time."

"In this way, when the Heavenly Demon Divine Rhino attacks a fortress, it is actually equivalent to attacking thousands of fortresses, together with the Demon Suppression City in the middle as a support point."

"In this way, no matter how strong the Heavenly Demon Divine Rhino is, it will take some time to break through the defense of this fortress."

"During this period, other fortresses can launch the strongest attack on the Heavenly Demon Divine Rhino. Killing one will be a huge loss to the demon army."

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