Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3489 Counterattack!

The long-range attack lasted for a full quarter of an hour.

Within this quarter of an hour, eight of the fifteen defensive formations outside the fortress were shattered.

Already more than half.

First, use long-range attack power to smash most of these defensive developments.

Then, the power of melee combat appeared.

The Heavenly Demon and the Divine Rhinoceros strode forward.

With a 'bang' sound, it hit the next line of defense.

Directly smash this line of defense into pieces.

These powerful defense systems seemed to have no effect at all on the Heavenly Demon and Divine Rhinoceros.

Three lines of defense were smashed by it.

Behind it, those melee monsters followed closely.

The human race seems to have no way to deal with such an offensive.

He watched helplessly as one defensive formation after another was shattered.

Soon, all the defensive formations were shattered.

In front of it is the main body of the fortress.

These powerful melee monsters are all waiting behind the Heavenly Demon and Divine Rhinoceros.

Their eyes were greedy and eager to stare at the fortress in front of them.

After preparing to smash the last layer of defense wall of the fortress, the Heavenly Demon and Divine Rhinoceros were prepared.

They rushed into it and slaughtered the strong human beings inside.

This is their most common method for countless years.

First use powerful long-range attacks to tear apart the opponent's defense.

Then use the Heavenly Demon and Divine Rhinoceros to completely shatter the opponent's defense.

Then, the melee troops entered it.

This set of attack methods is always unfavorable.

At this time, Ye Xinghe and others were watching from a distance on top of the Demon Town City.

Looking at everything that happened here, many powerful human beings showed shock in their eyes.

This is the first time they have seen such methods of the demon clan.

Not only are their individual combat capabilities strong, they are also absolutely well-trained and extremely elite.

Under such an attack, no matter how strong the city is, it can be shattered.

Cao Zhaoxiong and others looked at each other, and suddenly felt a little happy in their hearts.

Fortunately, he used Ye Xinghe's advice and used the Dragon Snake Land Formation to deal with it.

If we simply strengthen the defense line of Demon Suppression City, we will not be able to withstand such an offensive for long.

The Celestial Demon and the Rhinoceros began to attack the city wall of the first fortress again.

Just when the bloodthirsty look in the eyes of many demon clans had reached its peak.

Cao Zhaoxiong's eyes flashed with concern and he looked at the deputy commander next to him.

The deputy commander had been sitting at the bow of the ship since just now, with his legs crossed and his eyes half-open and half-closed.

His eyes were fixed on the direction of the demon and the rhinoceros that day.

And above his head, there was a faint light condensed, turning into a huge vertical pupil.

Then, a light flickered out of the pupils and seemed to fall on the demon god rhinoceros that day.

But this light is extremely superficial.

The Demonic Rhinoceros that day was huge and its reaction was quite slow.

So, it didn't notice it at all.

Not only it, not even the other demon clans noticed it.

Hearing Cao Zhaoxiong's words, his huge vertical pupils in the sky blinked slightly.

It disappeared directly with a 'pop' sound.

And he suddenly opened his eyes, his face was extremely pale, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

His body was shaky, almost ready to fall.

Obviously, he had been severely injured.

But there was a smile on his face, and he chuckled softly.

"Commander, I'm lucky to have fulfilled my duty. I already know the weakness of this demonic rhinoceros!"

Then, he gave instructions in a low voice.

After hearing this, Cao Zhaoxiong nodded repeatedly and immediately passed on the order.

Almost at the moment of giving the order.

On the fortress that was being attacked by the Celestial Demon and Divine Rhinoceros, as well as the surrounding fortresses.

A total of thousands of huge attack magic weapons had quietly turned their direction.

Aiming at a certain spot on the body of the Heavenly Demonic Rhinoceros.

At this time, on the floating cloud boat, the King of the West and the King of the South were standing there.

Both of them had relaxed expressions on their faces.

Nan Tian stretched himself and said calmly: "I didn't expect that these human races' defenses are still vulnerable. What's the use of giving them such a long time to prepare?"

King Xitian said calmly: "Fortunately, I had a high opinion of them before. I think the defensive formation they built is quite good. It echoes each other from a distance and can be regarded as impregnable."

"I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable. It only took a quarter of an hour to break the first one. The next one will be even better!"

And at this moment, the human race's counterattack finally arrived!

Thousands of giant magic weapons mark a huge path, emitting powerful rays of light.

Full of extremely powerful lethality.

Attack a certain part of the Heavenly Demon and Divine Rhinoceros fiercely.

The body of the Heavenly Demon and the Divine Rhinoceros is extremely powerful and extremely resolute.

Such an attack would only cause minor injuries if it fell on it.

However, when the attack lands somewhere on its body.

But it directly caused countless blood splashes to appear on its body, and a huge wound appeared.

The demon and god rhinoceros screamed in pain and raised their heads to the sky with a huge roar.

It turns its body instinctively.

Suddenly, most of the magic weapon's attacks failed and hit other parts of its body.

No harm done.

But once again, these giant magic weapons began to lock in.

Moreover, the number of these giant magic weapons is too many!

Even if 99% of the offensive fails, the remaining 1% is enough to kill the Heavenly Demon and the Divine Rhinoceros.

So, after thousands of magic weapons and seven or eight rounds of attacks.

The weakest and fatal point of the Demonic Rhinoceros was hit dozens of times, and it finally could no longer resist.

With a miserable neighing, the breath of life was dying.

He fell heavily to the ground and lay there with blood flowing all over the floor.

The Heavenly Demonic Rhinoceros is extremely important to the Demon Clan.

The most powerful weapon they relied on to attack the city was directly killed!

This scene made both Xi Tian Wang and Nan Tian Wang stay in place.

Both of them originally had great hopes for the Heavenly Demon and the Divine Rhinoceros.

But who could have imagined that he would be killed by this human race so easily.

To be honest, the two heavenly kings were ready to capture this demon-suppressing city and kill several demons and rhinos.

But definitely not so soon.

In their imagination, this celestial demon rhinoceros can break through at least hundreds of fortresses.

Only then will he be tortured to death by the human race.

Death was so quick now, completely beyond their expectations.

At this moment, King Nantian suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart, and shouted sternly: "Get back, get back quickly!"

But it was too late.

Almost at the same time that the Heavenly Demonic Rhinoceros was beheaded.

Around the small fortress, the light of the magic circle suddenly lit up instantly.

Then, there was a harsh sound, and it exploded instantly.

It's like scratching a person's eardrum, making it unspeakably uncomfortable.

At this time, under the light of the magic circle.

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