Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3501 Save people!

As he spoke, the offensive was already approaching.

Ye Xinghe and others immediately felt an ominous aura as a result of the demon army's attack.

This offensive was far stronger than any previous one.

It's full pressure.

It gives the impression that this group of monsters have begun to fight tooth and nail!

This battle was extremely brutal from the beginning.

Everyone’s previous expectations were all wrong!

I thought that at most they would only capture some fortresses, and the opponent would not be able to defeat the demon-suppressing city.

Unexpectedly, only a quarter of an hour after the war started, only twenty fortresses were left!

Another hour later, all the fortresses were destroyed!

The demon army marches straight into the Demon City!

Looking at the King of the West and the King of the South who came to kill them, as well as the army of millions of monsters behind them.

Everyone's hearts felt cold, and an idea suddenly flashed through their minds.

"I'm afraid today is the day I die!"

After King Xitian and King Nantian led their troops to the city wall, the hand-to-hand battle began.

Almost all the powerful human beings went up to the city wall and fought with the monsters.

Ye Xinghe faced several strong men who had reached the level of Five-Star Heavenly Lord.

These people are all close associates of King Nantian.

Nantian Wang hated Ye Xinghe very much. He now knew that Ye Xinghe had done many things before.

He wanted to kill Ye Xinghe and then quickly.

Therefore, he directly gave orders to his cronies.

Let them kill Ye Xinghe first no matter what!

Among these people, two have reached the five-star Tianzun realm.

The other one is slightly weaker and is also the peak of the Four-Star Heavenly Lord.

Ye Xinghe immediately fell into a disadvantage after one against three.

A strong man from the demon tribe swung his huge claws down, extremely sharp.

The aura of the Five-Star Heavenly Lord is fully revealed.

When this claw fell, Ye Xinghe was almost killed directly.

He dodged and evaded quickly.

But at this time, another five-star Tianzun level demon clan strongman flashed a treacherous look in his eyes.

This is the moment it has been waiting for!

It had already anticipated Ye Xinghe's hiding place, and had been waiting there early.

It roared furiously, its sound vibrating.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's spiritual world was almost shattered, his head was dizzy, and he was unable to control his body.

He froze on the spot for a moment.

In just this moment, it was already the most fatal mistake Ye Xinghe made today.

No matter how powerful the spiritual attack of this monster clan was, Ye Xinghe would not have been trapped for such a moment.

But the problem is that his dodge route has already been guessed by the opponent.

It has quietly fallen into the dead situation set by the other party.

The other party was almost close to him and launched this mental attack.

The power of this spiritual attack reached its maximum.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe stagnated for a moment.

This moment was enough to kill him!

The three demon clans immediately attacked frantically.

The giant claws, sharp teeth, and one foot fell hard on Ye Xinghe's body.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe suffered heavy injuries, and three extremely deadly strikes hit his body.

An instant later, Ye Xinghe woke up from the shock of this mental attack.

But he was also beaten to the point of being seriously injured and on the verge of death, and his body flew out diagonally.

He only felt excruciating pain all over his body, and he had to exert all his strength to take every breath.

The breath of life and one's own strength are being lost at an extremely fast rate.

His heart was severely damaged, his head was severely damaged, and even his dantian was severely damaged.

Ye Xinghe couldn't even feel the existence of his body.

With a 'bang' sound, he hit the city wall hard and slid down again.

Leaving behind a large area of ​​shocking red.

Ye Xinghe gasped for air with a wry smile on his lips.

"Today, I'm afraid I'm going to end up here today."

But right now.

The moment when the three demon clans came forward with ferocious smiles and wanted to finish Ye Xinghe completely.

A figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of Ye Xinghe.

The next moment, those powerful attacks fell hard on him.

However, this person's strength is still above Ye Xinghe's.

Although he was seriously injured, he could still withstand a few rounds.

He spurted out blood and summoned the last bit of strength to block the attacks of the three monsters.

He yelled loudly: "Ye Xinghe, recover quickly and swallow the pill!"

Ye Xinghe did not hesitate.

He reacted instinctively almost the moment the opponent blocked the attack.

A large handful of pills appeared in the palm of his hand, and he stuffed it into his mouth haphazardly.

No matter what the use is.

These elixirs are the ingredients and prescriptions that Ye Xinghe has obtained from Wanbao Pavilion over the past few decades.

Then the heavenly elixir level healing elixir was refined.

In fact, there were originally quite a few.

However, these days, almost all of it has been lost.

In fact, it was not just Ye Xinghe's own savings that were wasted during this period of time.

All the savings of the entire Zhendong Commandery over the past several thousand years have been consumed in this crazy fierce battle.

All magic resources, ammunition, weapons, etc.

These are Ye Xinghe’s last few Heavenly Pills.

The elixir left behind by the God of Suffering is indeed powerful, of extremely high level, and it recovers very quickly.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe felt waves of warmth brewing in his body, flowing into every part of his body.

Wherever it goes, the pain gradually subsides.

The body is repairing rapidly, and the strength is constantly recovering.

He saved this batch of elixirs for last use, and the effect was excellent.

At this time, Ye Xinghe also saw clearly.

The person standing in front of him is Cao Zhaoxiong!

Cao Zhaoxiong was originally fighting fiercely with Nantian Wang.

As for the Xitian King who was even more powerful, no one in the entire Demon Town could be his opponent.

But Gongsun Yu, who had been seriously injured and unconscious before, woke up automatically under such circumstances.

With Yao Chengchuan and other cronies from the legion headquarters, they barely resisted the attack of King Xitian.

At this time, Cao Zhaoxiong had no choice but to abandon his opponent Nan Tianwang in order to block these demon clan experts for Ye Xinghe.

King Nan Tian had never been so angry before, and he roared ferociously and came to kill him.

In an instant, Cao Zhaoxiong could not resist the attacks of four strong men.

After blocking Ye Xinghe for three moments, he was seriously injured.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were about to burst and he shouted loudly: "Commander!"

Cao Zhaoxiong didn't even look back and shouted sternly: "Hurry up and go to the Dragon Snake Land Formation Eye in the city. You know what to do. You can live a good life. It's more important for you to live!"

King Nan Tian laughed wildly and said: "No one can survive today, let me die!"

As he said that, he punched Ye Xinghe fiercely.

Cao Zhaoxiong was seriously injured at this time and was completely unable to stop him.

But he still gritted his teeth and rushed forward with a wild smile, not dodging or avoiding.

He actually blocked the punch of King Nan Tian with his own body!

There was a loud bang.

Cao Zhaoxiong's whole body was shaking violently, countless bones in his body were shattered, and his heart was directly broken.

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