Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3508 A sudden powerful enemy!

The King of the West and the King of the South transformed into their true bodies.

The true form of Nantian King is a huge golden lion.

The body is more than 600 meters long, like a small mountain.

The muscles and bones on his body are extremely solid, and his body looks very strong.

The long golden mane on the body flutters in the wind, as if made of pure gold.

As the muscles flow, they rise and fall continuously.

But the golden mane naturally formed an extremely strong defense.

Obviously, this defensive power is also difficult to match.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are three huge lion heads on the huge and thick neck.

This is a three-headed lion!

Next to it, the body of the King of the West is a huge dragon sculpture with a wingspan of a thousand meters.

It has a carved body and a dragon head, with sinister eyes.

There is a huge blood-red sarcoma on the top of the head, and two sharp claws.

However, at this moment, the body was also covered with wounds and blood was flowing, making it look a little embarrassed.

The strong men in the demon-suppressing army all felt awe in their hearts.

The two monster kings revealed their true forms and were about to fight for their lives.

King Nantian let out a shrill roar: "Old man, if you want to keep the two of us, you will have to pay a heavy price!"

The leader of the demon-suppressing army said calmly: "Kill these two beasts as soon as you tell them to. No matter what price you have to pay, you think too highly of yourselves."

The next moment, black light splashed out from the sky, turning into two giant nets, covering the two beasts.

Looking at it like this, they actually wanted to capture these two kings alive.

King Xitian and King Nantian were instantly furious.

The other party didn't take them seriously and even wanted to capture them alive.

This extreme contempt made them burst into anger.

Then he burst out with his strongest fighting power and rushed towards the big black net crazily.

Amidst the explosion, the big black net was shattered to pieces.

The two heavenly kings were overjoyed and continued to fly out.

Although, they transformed into their true bodies and put on a desperate posture.

But in fact, what I want to do is escape, not leave my life here.

But the next moment, a scene that made them despair appeared.

The big black net that was shattered by them turned into streaks of black light in the sky.

Moreover, the quantity has doubled, twice as much as before!

Two big black nets appeared in front of everyone.

The difficulty of breaking through has doubled than before.

The two heavenly kings have basically foreseen what they may encounter next.

But there is nothing they can do.

In desperation, he had no choice but to break through the black net again.

Sure enough, a scene that made them despair appeared.

After the big net was shattered, the black light doubled again, directly forming four big nets!

As a result, they smashed the big black net into pieces again and again, and each time the difficulty doubled.

This discovery made them almost desperate.

Ye Xinghe was also horrified.

"The commander of the demon-suppressing army is indeed terrifying. I don't know what kind of method this black light is, or it may be some kind of special magic weapon. It is so unbelievable that it makes people feel that they are simply invincible!"

"What kind of existence can defeat him?"

But soon, Ye Xinghe knew the answer.

At this time, the number of big nets has increased to the point where each king needs to face sixteen big nets.

The monster clan has an extremely tough body and possesses earth-shaking power.

But facing these sixteen dense and powerful nets, they seemed a little helpless.

Amidst the roar of Nantian King, he rushed towards the sixteen large nets again.

It broke through twelve of its floors.

But at the end of the day, his strength was exhausted and he was no longer able to move forward.

At the end of the strong crossbow, the force cannot penetrate Lu Zhen.

At this time, seeing that its power was exhausted, the remaining four large nets immediately pounced on it with great ferocity.

It was instantly gathered into a ball.

Looking at it like this, there is no way to escape the fate of being captured alive.

But that was at this time.

The reinforcements from the Demon Suppressing Legion were fighting with these demons inextricably, and it was also when they fell into a quagmire of bad debts.

Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and a strange and huge aura came from the depths of the Jiutian battlefield.

The leader of the Demon Suppression Corps was the first to notice that something was wrong, and roars came from the scene.

"Everyone listen to my order and retreat immediately into the Demon Suppression City!"

No matter how dilapidated the Demon Suppression City is, there is still the Dragon and Snake Land Formation inside.

There is also a strong defense.

The most important thing is that by entering the Demon Suppression City, you can escape from the current muddy battlefield.

Gather all the members of the demon-suppressing army there to separate them from these demon clans so that they will not get entangled.

The leader of the demon-suppressing army didn't know what kind of terrible danger he sensed.

Even at the tip of his tongue, King Xitian and King Nantian, who were about to be captured, stopped asking and immediately led their men to evacuate.

He obviously reacts very quickly.

And everyone was very obedient to orders.

In the blink of an eye, the strong human beings who were fighting against the monsters in front of them retreated and distanced themselves.

But it was a bit late at this time.

The next moment, everyone's eyes showed shock, their pupils shrank, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Some people even screamed and yelled, full of panic.

And the huge aura that had been hidden in the Nine Heavens Battlefield had reached its peak at this moment.

It turned out that at this moment, countless space gaps appeared around the battlefield.

Under the cover of the mist, countless floating cloud boats rushed out.

In an instant, an extremely large demon army appeared here!

To be precise, it appeared around the demon-suppressing army and directly surrounded them.

The number of this monster army is unimaginably large and terrifying!

It has almost reached the scale of tens of millions!

And the monster race is extremely large.

Therefore, this army of tens of millions of monsters seems to be much larger than the army of billions of humans!

At this moment, it filled the sky.

As far as the eye can see, there are all monsters.

The monsters are rushing in from the sky, bringing an extreme sense of oppression.

The demon army of tens of millions completely overwhelmed the demon-suppressing army in terms of momentum.

The five million strong men of the Demon Suppressing Legion almost all held their breath at this moment, their hearts trembling.

There was already intense fear in the eyes of many people.

This is tens of millions of monsters, what a terrifying concept!

The Demon Suppressing Legion has guarded the Nine Heavens Defense Line for countless years and fought countless battles with the demon clan.

The number of troops that can reach tens of millions is almost always when the monster clan invades several times!

They have not seen tens of millions of powerful monsters in such formations for millions of years.

All races were shocked, even the three Shangzhu Kingdom generals were no exception.

And after the tens of millions of monsters arrived, there was no nonsense.

Above the bow of the leading floating cloud boat.

A man about five meters tall and shaped like a snake stood there.

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