Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 845: Sleepy war!

"Hey... he is too impulsive, too bold! How can dragons be confronted by our dragon people?" Master Wu sighed.

"Yeah! He is clearly going to die! Although I admit that he is a rare genius, but fighting against Long Zu, what is this not going to die?" The City Lord Huilong shook his head disappointed.

Although Master Qian and the others were anxious, they did not dare to help him. The fear and surrender of their bones to the dragons prevented them from daring to confront the dragons. At this time, they saw Qin Fei attacking the dragons. With one thought, Qin Fei was done, he was bound to die, and no one could save him.

Don’t think that Qin Fei is usually very strong, faster than the speed of Longpo, but it is only speed, if you really talk about strength, it is absolutely impossible to resist the attack of the dragon, because the power of the dragon is naturally suppressed by the dragon. With the dragon clan, there has always been a relationship between slave and master. Which slave is capable of resisting the master?

Just when they all thought that Qin Fei's attack would return without success, and that he would be ruthlessly crushed by the Black Dragon in the next instant, the situation suddenly changed, and the rainy golden swords were unstoppable. Stabbing and piercing the bodies of two black dragons, bright red dragon blood gushing out like spring water, the black dragon let out a scream, and fell from mid-air, falling heavily to the ground, and couldn't get up again.

"This...what's going on? He actually hurt Long Zu, how could he be so strong?"

People watched the scene in astonishment, and didn't understand what was going on.

All fixed ideas were destroyed by Qin Fei at this moment, and people saw the failure of the dragon clan and the strength of the dragon.

how did you do that? Everyone was full of horror and couldn't believe what was happening before them!

Regardless of their shock, Qin Fei flashed into the sword rain and launched an attack on the other four black dragons. The surging five-fold power of illusion was released, completely suppressing the aura of the black dragon clan, and his hands condensed A three-foot-long golden sword slashed a black dragon with one wave, and the corpse was torn apart.

Too tough, too terrifying!

The spectators were completely stunned, and the remaining three black dragons were stupid and nasty. They never thought that the dragon would die in the hands of humble slaves. This simply reversed the rules of the world and made them. I can't believe it.

Qin Fei gave a cold snort, his body flashed again, disappearing from people's sight in the blink of an eye, as if he had been in another dimension, not in the dragon world.

The power of space!

At this moment, Qin Fei understood the space abilities of the Nirvana Realm that he had just seen and used it in his own way. Although he could not put himself under the protection of layers of space, he could use a bit of space power. , So that his figure temporarily appeared in another vain space he had realized, to confront the enemy! The black dragon uttered an angry roar, but stopped abruptly as soon as it sounded.

Three golden swords appeared at the same time from the middle of the heads of the three black dragons, and at the same time they penetrated the sky spirit cover, and at the same time burst out a dazzling golden light, killing the three dragons at the same time!

The power of space allowed Qin Fei to completely ignore the binding power of space and appear in three places at the same instant, beheading the three dragons!

People are completely stupid. Six black dragons, each of them can easily tear them apart, but at this time they are easily beheaded by Qin Fei. This situation is really shocking and shakes their hearts. The dragons do not seem to be invincible.

Once this kind of idea is born, it will make people's desires and hopes swell, and a trace of hope will turn into motivation, form an impulse, and eagerly want to practice results.

Dragon people are actually the same as normal humans, except that they have two horns on their heads. The mind and nature are exactly the same as humans. Desires are always born when hope comes, expand and ferment, and then quickly change. For confidence!

Seeing that Qin Fei killed the black dragon so easily, people's hearts were moved. The invincible dragons were so fragile and no different from other species. They would die and they would also fail.

The servility in the bones gradually disappeared, the congenital bloodline suppression began to slowly recede, and a rush of pride began to brew in the heart, and then it would be transformed into a driving force to the sky, prompting people to be eager to verify and to get rid of the **** of the bloodline. Let the mind and body be liberated, freedom seems to be waving in front of the eyes, power sublimates in the body, and ambition begins to expand.

Everyone was shaking slightly, staring at the black dragon's corpse intently, with a flame of hope burning in their eyes.

There is no creature willing to be slaves in the world, but they have not found a way to resist. When hope is seen, the idea of ​​resistance will arise, and everything will become less mysterious.

If the human heart is big enough, the sky must be conquered, and if the human heart is strong enough, the earth must tear.

What's more, a race that enslaves them?

"Kill! Qin Fei can kill them! We can kill them too! The dragon people have been enslaved for hundreds of millions of years. It's time for us to stand up!" Master Wu's eyes were red, and he roared like a beast.

"Yes! What about Dragon Ancestor? It's not just one life with us! They will also bleed, they will also be injured, as long as they bleed, they will be injured, they will die!" The other alchemists began to echo, and they became murderous.

Their gazes were fixed on the Dragon's Indomitable Dragon, who had lost their combat effectiveness. The former respectfulness, now that they knew there was hope, had completely turned into hatred.

Who wants to be a slave from birth? Who doesn't want to be the supreme master of other life and death?

The previous surrender was only caused by the suppression of blood and innate fear.

But now, the hope has become so strong. The idea of ​​turning over to become the master has turned those previous fears into motivation. The humble and surrender to Longzu in the past has turned into a monstrous torrent, the desire and hope to turn over. It is the desire for freedom and the expectation of tomorrow!

Supported by their unprecedented courage and conviction, they used the hope of allowing the dragon man to stand up and become the master as their strength, strengthened their courage, straightened their body straight, and rushed to the dragon who was unyielding...

"What are you doing?" Seeing them rushing, Qin Fei was murderous, startled, and hurriedly guarded the dragons.

"Qin Fei, you are too powerful. You have given us courage. The Dragon Clan has enslaved our Dragon Clan for hundreds of millions of years. Now we must resist and be free! Don't be ruled by them again!" Master Wu said loudly.

"I'm very happy that you have this kind of thought, but you can't kill them!" Qin Fei smiled bitterly, not expecting these guys to become so brave all at once.

"Why?" Everyone was shocked, Qin Fei dared to kill even the Black Dragon tribe, so why stop them from killing Longpo them?

"The black dragons deserve to die, but they don't deserve to die!" Qin Fei said, these dragons are of great use to him, of course they can't kill them.

Besides, in fact, when he stopped everyone, he was also saving them. It is impossible for the dragon people to kill the dragons. The innate blood is suppressed. Even if they lose their combat power in Longpo now, Master Wu and the others will never kill them, the dragons. The defense force is not what they can break through.

These guys were all impulsive with a rush of blood. Qin Fei killed the black dragon because his power contained the power of the star profound energy and the starry sky holy dragon. He alone had the power to kill the dragon. But the other dragon people couldn't do it at all.

"Brother Qin, don't stop us, the dragon man has been angry for so many years, it's time to report!" Master Wu didn't believe in evil, and made up his mind to do something against the dragon.

Qin Fei shook his head, and said, "Forget it, you still think of a way to get rid of that guy!"

He pointed to the Black Dragon Nirvana Realm Master Dao who was still fighting Long Xiaofeng in the distance.

"No! Get out of the way! Let's kill them first!" Master Wu stubbornly said, his eyes flushed. He is now fainted by courage, so he can't care about Qin Fei's words.

"Well, you guys play slowly, I can't guarantee the result, I will solve that guy first!" Qin Fei smiled and disappeared in a flash.

In the next instant, he appeared not far behind Long Xiaofeng.

"Do you want me to help?" Qin Fei smiled.

"Don't move! It's not something you can deal with, I can handle it!" Long Xiaofeng said.

"Hehe, but I still want to try!" Qin Fei said, flashed, and suddenly rushed towards his opponent.

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