Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 850: Details!

She remembered that last year, Xu Yong also instructed two sisters who were as old as them to serve an adult, but said something that shouldn't be said. Xu Yong knew that they were talking nonsense, and after the adult left, he rewarded them to his subordinates. The soldiers insulted for three days and nights.

Those three days and three nights were equal to hell, allowing them to experience something more terrifying than death. Afterwards, they were dying and were thrown into the graveyard outside the town. The next day they found only flesh and blood bones that were eaten by evil wolves in the wild. Lost.

At that time, Xu Yong seriously warned everyone that anyone who committed the crime again would be treated the same.

When Qin Fei saw the two girls who didn't dare to say anything, he would not have guessed their scruples. He deliberately turned his face gloomy and said with a serious face to the beautiful girl: "Are you playing with me? I have already started, so I will explain things carefully to me, otherwise Master Xu would not do something, maybe I just like to do it!"

His threat made the two girls hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtow to him and begged him not to do so.

When they knelt, Qin Fei was embarrassed again, and the long skirt that had covered them fell to the ground at this time, and the charming breath came to his face again.

He found that he really couldn’t do anything with them. They didn’t use any tricks. Once he was naked, he had to surrender. He immediately turned around and said with a depressed look: "Okay, I will do nothing. , You guys get dressed soon!"

The two girls refused. The long-legged girl climbed two steps before him. She reached out and touched his trousers, and said coquettishly: "My lord, please take our sisters, whether you have We will follow any requirements, please trust us, we have received many years of training, and we are guaranteed to be able to meet you!"

Qin Fei curled his lips, stepped back hurriedly, avoiding the girls' hands, and carrying them on his back, saying: "I'll say the last time, you guys will get dressed immediately, and then go to bed obediently, I will sleep on the ground, and I will get up tomorrow morning. I will find a way to get you through Xu Yong's inspection and ensure that you will not be punished."

The girl didn't move, but suddenly began to cry. For a moment, the pear-faced peach blossom rain swayed down, and her snow-white body trembled as she cried, and she looked sad.

Seeing how Qin Fei refused to let them serve, they felt very desperate in their hearts. They knew very well what the outcome would be waiting for them if they could not complete the task.

The two women were heartbroken thinking about the punishment they would endure tomorrow, crying to death.

Qin Fei couldn't see women crying the most. Hearing their sad crying, he shook his head helplessly, turning his back, staring at the two women.

When the two women saw him suddenly turn around and looked at themselves, they stopped crying and looked at him pitifully.

Just when they thought that Qin Fei had changed his mind and was about to pounce on it, Qin Fei waved his hand and released a touch of golden light, wrapped them all over and covered the charming parts, then put them on the bed and covered them with quilts.

"I said, I'm not the person you imagined, and Xu Yong's flattery took the wrong place. After tomorrow, I will keep you safe, but you must tell me now why you accepted it when you were six. In this respect, how many people like you are under Xu Yong’s staff? How did you get to him? Tell me all, I can keep you safe, but if you don’t say anything, I will return you tomorrow He, but he will not speak for you, he will only say that you are dissatisfied with me and do not want to be punished. It is best to tell me obediently!" Qin Fei deliberately pretended to be a villain and looked at them with indifference. Xu Yong is very dissatisfied now. This guy actually let the girl come to serve him. It's just a nonsense. He doesn't want other people. He will be a cold-blooded murderer when some things should be done, but when some things should not be done, he will not Will touch half a point, just like now, two pitiful girls aroused his sympathy, Xu Yong did such a thing, made him angry.

The girl saw that he was so serious, and he refused to touch them, and finally realized that the young adult in front of him was not like the others.

They remembered what the other sisters said when the adults came back after serving them. They said that they were like wolves, and when they saw the girls throwing their arms, they immediately rushed to torture them.

They thought that Qin Fei was also such a person, but now they found that they were completely different from what they had imagined. Although Qin Fei’s doing so made them feel sad and afraid of tomorrow’s punishment, they felt gratitude and goodwill in their hearts. So different.

Girls are always pregnant. They once imagined in their hearts that their other half would be an upright hero, who cared for them and regarded them as precious.

Seeing Qin Fei at this time, they slowly discovered that he was so much like the man they imagined.

At this moment, they no longer have a defensive heart against him, their beautiful eyes looked at him with grievances, and the long-legged girl said softly, "Can you let us go first?"

Qin Fei nodded and released the shackles. The two women stood up with a red glow on their faces. They were no longer peach-like faces as before. The coquettishness had been put away, showing a shyness and shyness that matched their age.

Qin Fei turned his back, only to hear a sound of dressing behind him, and soon the long-legged girl shyly said: "Okay, we are already dressed!"

He turned around and saw that the two women were dignified and no longer charming. The long skirts on his body were neatly dressed, covering the charming parts.

He nodded in satisfaction, and the two women got off the bed and stood shyly in front of him.

Qin Fei smiled and pointed to the chair beside him, and said, "Sit down and talk!"

"Okay! Thank you sir!"

The two women nodded, walked to the chair and sat down lightly.

Qin Fei also sat on another chair, staring at them, and said, "Let's talk about it, what is going on?"

The reason why he wanted to ask clearly was, first, to figure out what Xu Yong was, and second, to avoid the embarrassment of being in the same room with the two girls, so as to pass the time.

The long-legged girl and the charming girl looked at each other, with determination in their eyes. Finally, the long-legged girl said: "My lord, we entered Master Xu's mansion when we were three years old. At that time, our parents died and we were helpless. Nothing to rely on, Master Xu bought the mayor’s mansion with a dragon spirit stone. Originally we thought we would enter here, and then we would be a maidservant, slave, or something. This is actually quite good. To live on our own labor, we have nothing else But when we reached the age of six, the nightmare began. Mr. Xu’s men recruited a group of our companions who were about the same age. They were trained every day to develop various skills for serving men. Many of us thought We had to escape, but Master Xu treated us as prisoners, and we were not allowed to step out of the yard. Someone who wanted to escape was beaten to death after being caught, which frightened all of us. I didn't dare to act rashly. From then on, I can only obey him and have to learn the skills that make us feel ashamed.

"People outside thought that we were sold to the mayor’s mansion. It was Mr. Xu’s kindheartedness who took us in. He won an excellent reputation outside. Everyone praised him as a good man who worked for the people and thought of the people, but Who knows, we are living a hellish life here. Many sisters can’t bear this torture. Some committed suicide, some went crazy, some were silly, but even so, they never escaped Master Xu. If he is mad, he will be burned alive, and the dead will be fed to the dragons and beasts he raises, and the silly will be tortured to death by the soldiers he rewards him day and night."

"We are very scared, dare not think about it, and silently endure all this, because we don't want to follow those sisters' footsteps, but we can only be wronged and continue to the present. We don't know what our destiny is, so we can only live like walking dead every day. The future is far away from us, we can only live in the present, and count as one day after a while!"

The long-legged girl was crying as she spoke, and the pain that had been held in her heart for ten years was spit out happily, making her tears like rain.

"Woo..." The charming girl beside her was also crying, wiping the tears on her cheeks.

The ups and downs of fate, the indifference of the world, the confusion of the future, and the depression of experience caused them to collapse at this time. They just want to vent their sadness by crying...

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