Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 852: shameless!

Xu Yong looked at the alluring girls on the bed, with a wild laugh on his face, and joyfully accepted the services of the girls.

These girls are all cultivated by him with a lot of energy, and they are definitely one in a million in terms of serving men.

It's just a pity that these girls are not original products, and they were thrown away for the first time by him to welcome guests at different time periods.

But there is no other way. For the sake of the future, it is worth sacrificing these girls. Otherwise, he would not have been sitting as the mayor of Guanglong Town for nearly ten thousand years, and no one would dare to challenge his position. , Because he has people in all aspects, no one can shake him.

There was a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth. Today was another big gain. The two girls sent to serve Qin Fei, but among his group of cultivated girls, the most beautiful and the best in all aspects, and that Although Qin Fei's status is quite high, but at a young age, it is the age of blood and energy, surely can't resist the temptation of the two girls, should he fall on the bed now?

The thought that Qin Fei would indulge in the gentle village he designed from now on, he couldn’t help feeling proud. A man can’t do without a woman. A woman is his most important weapon. No false hair, absolutely 100 hits, no one can resist.

Thinking that Qin Fei would also be one of his backers in the future, he couldn't help but ecstatic, and he got interested, suddenly got up from the bed, pulled a beautiful girl under him and tried to press it up.


Suddenly at this moment, the closed door was kicked abruptly, and there was a loud noise. I saw countless sawdust flying, and a gust of wind followed into the room.

The girls in the house were startled, screaming to protect their chests and legs, looking at the broken door with horror.

Xu Yong was furious. Who was so courageous that he dared to break into his room. This was something that had never happened before.

"Grass! Who doesn't want to live anymore..." He looked at the door angrily, and just cursed, but he saw that Qin Fei was standing at the door.

How is this going? Isn't Qin Fei supposed to be enjoying the tenderness and ecstasy of a girl in bed now? How come here?

The visitor was unkind. He saw the two long-legged girls standing timidly behind Qin Fei, and suddenly understood what had happened.

But he was not flustered, and this kind of thing hadn't happened before. There were indeed some self-righteous big shots who wanted to help the girls to get ahead, but after all his methods, weren't they all right?

This time he believes it will be no exception. He calmly withdrew from the girl’s white and charming legs, and put on the clothes indifferently. Then he walked to Qin Fei and said flatly, "My lord, is that you? Are the two women not comfortable enough to serve you? Damn it if you are young. You can't tune and teach them well. Don't worry, the girls here are more skilled than them, and their body and appearance are definitely the best choice. You can choose! Come here, put the two of them down and locked up, so you dare not serve good adults, you deserve death!"

He said Chase as soon as he came up, and then called the guard outside the door loudly.


As he yelled, nearly a hundred guards suddenly appeared outside, with a strong aura and many illusions mixed in.

Qin Fei gave Xu Yong a faint look and sneered in his heart. This guy was really cruel. He first condemned the girl with long legs when he came up, and then called out so many powerful guards. It was obvious that he wanted to disarm him.

"Who dares to touch them? Mayor Xu, we know that people don't talk secretly. Since I came here unceremoniously, you should know why. If you let them go now, I don't need to investigate today's affairs!" Qin Fei glanced at the guards coldly.

"Haha, Master Qin was really joking. The little ones don’t know what you are talking about. They eat and live with me, enjoying the best conditions. Look, what they wear, use, and put on perfume. The rouge, they are all top grades, they didn’t have a bit of hardship with me, where would they find such a good life? Who can afford them after leaving me? As the saying goes, they are used to living a rich life. In fact, I can’t live in a poor life. In fact, I understand if you do this, but if you think about it, their lives will become a mess if they leave me. Then, in order to enjoy such a life, they can only rely on selling, There is a big difference between the flesh and the body living. In my case, as long as they try their best to serve every adult like you, the future life is not good, but if they sell it out , That's really a sheep's mouth. I did this for their good!" Xu Yong didn't worry about what Qin Fei would do, with a leisurely expression.

"Strong words, you have a lot of ways, and their lives are up to them to choose! I only ask you, do you want to let go or not let go today?" Qin Fei said calmly.

What Xu Yong said sounds reasonable on the surface, but it’s all wrong. After hearing these words, ordinary people may stop there. If you think about it, it’s actually as he said. The conditions here are very good, girls. Live well here.

But Qin Fei is an extraordinary person. He knows the importance of freedom. If a person has no freedom, such as a bird in a golden cage, what is left to be held alive?

He is a person who pursues freedom, for the freedom of his family, for the freedom of the people around him, for his own freedom, he has experienced too much, even now, he is still seeking freedom, in order to prevent the Profound Spirit Continent Being invaded by foreign forces and losing everyone's freedom, he must continue to fight until the day when people are truly free.

"Master Qin, what I said doesn't seem to be true to your heart! Then let me be clear. It was not like you did not want to do heroic things to save the United States before, but without exception, they all changed their minds in the end, Master Qin. , How about today’s incident? I have one hundred thousand dragon spirit stones here for you to practice for a long time!" Xu Yong still smiled flatteringly, but his tone was not too friendly, with a touch of threat.

Qin Fei sneered, shook his head, and said, "I just want them to be free!"

"Is the conditions not enough? So how? I will give them to you. If you think they are not enough, the best girls in our house are allowed to be selected by you. What do you think?" Xu Yong continued to throw temptation, and Called all the panicked girls by the bed, squeezed the tall snow-white steamed buns of the two of them and smiled: "Look, they are all top-notch bodies, and the fancy style on the bed is even more dazzling, promise You have never experienced it!"

"Shameless! I'll say it one last time and let them go! Otherwise, I won't be polite!" A cold light flashed in Qin Fei's eyes, and Xu Yong's actions made the fire in his heart grow bigger and bigger, so despicable and shameless. , Killing 10,000 times is not enough.

"Haha, I still can’t move you? Then I’ll tell you one more thing. Someone used to be as determined as you, but then he changed his mind, but he was too late when he changed his mind, because he was already He's dying, no one can save him, Qin Fei, don't shame you, I'm infatuating with you, just because you are the celebrity of Xianglongcheng Longzu, if you don't know the truth, I will take a minute You can immediately abolish you. There will be no chance for you to beg for mercy. I advise you to accept it when you see it. These women have nothing to do with you. You are just a passerby. Why should you lose your life for them? Women? It should be a man’s toy by nature. It’s just a tool we use to vent our physical desires. Don’t you even care about your life for them?” Xu Yong’s face became gloomy, and Qin Fei repeatedly rejected his kindness. , It also made his patience wear off. Since the writing is not good, then come hard. His army of illusion realm powerhouses has already surrounded the door, as long as he gives an order, even if Qin Fei is strong, Only for death.

But he still didn't want to kill Qin Fei. If Qin Fei could use it for him, it would be the best, but it would be a shame to kill.

"A woman is a toy? It's ridiculous!" Qin Fei sneered, looking at Xu Yong with cold eyes, and said solemnly: "Your mother gave birth to you and raised you, but you said that women are toys? You are really a beast! I disdain to befriend a beast. Say more, since you don't let them go, then I will do it myself!"

After speaking, he suddenly moved, turned into a streamer, and shot towards Xu Yong...

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