Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 859: Forget it!

"This is to create unexpected effects. As for the beauty, hey, she is the goddaughter of Hong Jiu Niang. She has a good cultivation base. She originally lived in Cangshan. She was another bandit leader. He and the Cangshan Thirteen Eagles are old. Good day!" He pointed at the girl in the crowd again.

When Qin Fei heard this, he understood everything. Xu Yong was really cunning enough. If he changed someone else, he would definitely have to die this time. However, if he targeted the wrong target, he was not that simple and would be caught The killer.

"So do you have any other conspiracies?" Qin Fei looked at him lightly.

"No! These conspiracies are enough to deal with you. We have already thought about the changes in various links, and you will definitely be in the midst of it! Why do you need to plan other conspiracies? No matter how clever you are, you will never be able to guess. The result!" Xu Yong laughed.

"Really? I think you missed a little!" Qin Fei suddenly laughed.

"What do you mean?" Xu Yong was startled.

"If you missed me, I can't be killed so easily! Although your conspiracy plan is very detailed, but my strength is not what you can imagine! Now you all go to death!" Qin Fei suddenly stood up, body Suddenly, his breath burst out, a monstrous golden light burst out, and a series of terrifying sword intent emanated, filling the entire thatched house, covering everyone!

"What? Why do you still have power? This is unreasonable!" Xu Yong exclaimed, sweating coldly. The power that Qin Fei burst out at this time made him frightened and absolutely couldn't resist.

"Huh! There is nothing unreasonable, but you didn't calculate it!" Qin Fei activated the ultimate move without hesitation, and a huge golden sword condensed out and pierced Xu Yong's chest!

In a panic, Xu Yong suddenly grabbed Hong Jiuniang's arm and greeted the giant sword.

Hong Jiuniang didn't expect that he would suddenly make a move. She couldn't defend herself. She screamed, Huarong paled, and was suddenly pierced through her chest by a giant sword, passing straight through her back, and her soul flew away instantly!

Xu Yong reacted very quickly. He seemed to know that Hong Jiu Niang couldn't resist at all, and once again caught the young man on the side, the best friend in his mouth, was betrayed by him again, pushed to the giant sword, and his body was pierced.

He retreated straight back and quickly approached the Cangshan Thirteen Eagles.

Qin Fei was willing to let him go, snorted coldly, and several giant swords condensed again, trying to pierce his body.

At this time, the Thirteen Eagles in Cangshan were alarmed. They put the girl aside and fled in fright. The girl did not even have time to put on her clothes. She was naked, showing alluring parts, and then fled away. go with.

No one can help Xu Yong stop the attack anymore.

Xu Yong gritted his teeth, and a cloud of black mist suddenly burst out of his body, covering the Cangshan Thirteen Eagles and the girl.

The girl let out a furious snort: "Xu Yong, do you dare to use vampire power!"

"Die! Use your life to help me stop him!" Xu Yong was unmoved, and suddenly activated his magic arts. There were tens of thousands of skeletons and monsters in the sky, covering the 13 eagles and girls in Cangshan. , They let out a screaming scream, and their bodies burst open, bursting out a cloud of blood mist.

And Xu Yong got into the blood mist.

Seeing this, Qin Fei knew that the other party wanted to escape, so he hurriedly stepped forward with a sword, and cut down fiercely toward the blood mist.

With his power, even without using the star profound energy, he could easily slash opponents of the same realm under this sword, but when he slashed on the blood mist, he didn't smash the blood mist, but eliminated it. For the most part, Xu Yong let out a muffled snort, leaving an arm behind, and then the blood mist suddenly exploded, and even his figure disappeared.


Qin Fei let out a cold snort, and the divine consciousness spread endlessly, covering thousands of miles in an instant, but without the slightest breath of courage, he seemed to disappear out of thin air, without a trace.

Let him escape like this!

While Qin Fei was upset, he became extremely vigilant about the blood mist. What is this? It was really amazing to be able to block his blow!

Hearing the girl's exclaim before her death, she seemed to know exactly what the blood mist was and what vampire demon art was called.

This kind of magic must be understood, otherwise, if you encounter it again in the future, I am afraid you will suffer.

For unknown things, Qin Fei always reported vigilance and alert, did not understand clearly, even had no appetite for eating.

Looking at the corpses in one place, Qin Fei searched over and over again, and obtained hundreds of thousands of dragon spirit stones and more than 30 pill. The gain was not small.

He turned and left, returned to Guanglong Town, and called the deputy mayor who had worked under Xu Yong to ask about the blood-sucking magic power, but the mayor was also confused and didn't know the existence of the blood-sucking magic power.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, he gave some clues, saying that all mystery skills with the word magic can basically be linked to the black dragon clan.

This shows that Xu Yong should have something to do with the Black Dragon clan, otherwise it would never be possible to perform magic power.

Regarding this matter, he decided to inquire about Jiao Unyielding. Jiao Unyielding is still a guest with Long Zu in Guanglong Town. He secretly transmitted to Jiao Unyielding and asked it to find out if Xu Yong was in harmony with Long Zu in Guanglong Town. What does the dragon have to do?

The result was quickly obtained, but it was a great disappointment to him. The Longzu also said that he did not know about this matter. It has always ignored worldly affairs. The mayor was also selected by the dragon himself, although it is about whether there is a black dragon clan for Xu Yong. The relationship is also unclear.

Long Zu had learned about the incident in Guanglong Town, and he did not take it to heart, but also expressed apologies, saying that Xu Yong had caused the inconvenience to Qin Fei.

As for the post of the new mayor of Guanglong Town, Long Zu didn't bother about it. He just asked Qin Fei to take a look at it and decide who is suitable to be the mayor!

Qin Fei smiled bitterly, he decided to fart? He is not interested in participating in this kind of thing, so he just put it aside, anyway, he only stayed here for a few days and then left. In the future, let people choose who may be the mayor. If nothing happens, the deputy mayor should take his place. Of course, this has to be based on his strength enough to be able to accept the challenges of the townspeople and outsiders, but this has nothing to do with Qin Fei, and he doesn't bother to worry about it.

He only cares now, what else will Xu Yong do? Since the Black Dragon is involved, will it attract the attention of the Black Dragon?

This trip to the Dragon Tomb, if the black dragon clan also participates, I am afraid it will cause endless trouble, but at this time, you can only take one step and count one step. In many cases, people are not as good as the sky. The more you don’t want to happen. God will arrange a game, which makes people feel bitter and can't help but sigh God's tricks.

30,000 miles away from Guanglong Town, there is a waterfall with a height of one hundred meters. The flood is like pouring down from the sky and hitting the ground with a deafening noise.

A cloud of blood mist appeared outside the waterfall, and a figure appeared. It was missing a left arm and looked embarrassed. The blood on the wound was still flowing, and there was no sign of stopping.

This person was Xu Yong, and he saw his face pale, his teeth were tight, and he was covering the bleeding wound. The blood mist turned into a blood-red light and shot into his body, regaining some of his breath. , His face also recovered a trace of ruddy.

He became respectful, flew to the front of the waterfall, slowly lowered to the middle of the waterfall, and bowed to the wall inside across the waterfall, and said with humility: "Well, the villain has something to see!"

Facing the deserted waterfall, people who didn't know thought he was crazy and talked to the waterfall.

Unexpectedly, the waterfall suddenly stood still, and a thunderous cold voice came from behind the waterfall: "Xu Yong, it's okay not to disturb my ancestor, have you forgotten the rules?"

"Master, the villain was forced out of the Dragon City! I encountered a powerful enemy and couldn't kill the opponent by all means, so I came to my master for help!" Xu Yong said respectfully.

"Oh? There's something else? Come in and talk!" The voice paused, showing a curious color, and then the waterfall separated from the middle, revealing the brown mountain wall inside. I saw that the mountain wall was originally flat. As the sound fell, a ripple appeared, and a blue halo gradually spread, forming a mirror like water.

There was joy in Xu Yong's eyes, he hurriedly flew over the waterfall respectfully, kneeled in front of the blue halo, stretched out his hand and touched it gently, and saw the blue halo suddenly rotate, and a strong suction came out, Xu Yong’s The figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The waterfall flood flowed again, as if nothing had happened...

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