Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 875: Give you a chance to save the beauty!


A crisp sound cut through the black night.

Li Yuan's eyes widened, and he looked incredible at the strong and strong man who fell back and wailed, his mouth opened so wide that he could lay an egg.

The others were also dumbfounded, and subconsciously stepped back, looking at Qin Fei like a ghost.

Just now, the strong and strong man blasted Qin Fei with a punch. They didn't see Qin Fei's movements at all, but saw the man threw himself out. Seeing that his fist was **** and bloody, he was already seriously injured.

"You... dare to deceive..." Li Yuan shuddered, his face pale, the strong man is a master of the Eighth Layer of Unreal Realm, his strength is much stronger than him, he never expected that the man would fail.

The only possibility is that Qin Fei used some conspiracy to succeed.

Qin Fei glanced at him lightly, and said, "Brother is not in the mood to cheat you. Brother is here to discuss things with you. Can we talk about it now?"

Li Yuan gritted his teeth and said: "Huh, what else can you talk about who hurt this young master? Go with the big guys and kill him!"

Others reacted, although they were shocked by how the big man would get hurt, but thinking of his many people, no matter how strong Qin Fei was, he would never be their opponent. Besides, Master Li had spoken, and they had to obey.

Qin Fei watched the crowd rushing, shook his head helplessly, flashed around, turned into a light breeze, only heard a muffled noise, and the people on the 7th and 8th fell down and screamed. There is no power to fight back.

Li Yuan was so scared that his face turned green, his legs trembled, and he wanted to run but his legs and feet didn't listen. He trembled with fright, and said tremblingly: "What do you want to do? Don't pass...come..."

Seeing that none of his subordinates had the power to fight again, he still didn't understand that Qin Fei's strength definitely surpassed him. If he resisted hard, he would definitely die, so his momentum dropped by 90%, and he almost knelt down to beg for mercy. .

No way, he is the young master of the Li family, representing the entire powerful Li family. If he kneels at this time, he will be ashamed to say it, and the family will not let it go.

So he can only bite the bullet and look at Qin Fei, hoping to escape.

"Hehe, I don't want to do anything, didn't I say it? I'm here to talk to you, now we can have a good talk?" Qin Fei smiled, leaning on a tree trunk leisurely, looking at Li Yuan faintly .

Li Yuan was shocked: "Are you really talking to me?"

"Nonsense? If I don't talk to you about business, would I be dating you? I have no interest in men!" Qin Fei curled his lips.

"Okay, that's fine... Let's talk about it, let's talk about it!" Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. It's better not to trouble himself. As for the injury of his little brother, he didn't even bother to seek revenge from Qin Fei. , When it’s okay, it’s blatant and invincible in the world. It’s really hard stubble, and it’s going to be lost immediately. The Li family has these wastes, and he is too lazy to be pitiful.

"Well, Miss Shen Jia has been pestering brother all the time these days, you must have an opinion?" Qin Fei said calmly.

"Huh?" Li Yuan stunned, his eyes turned straight, and he thought that this topic is not good. It must be his hostility to Qin Fei, let him know, so he specifically came to trouble him.

"Haha, you really can laugh, how can I have any opinions? You are handsome and handsome, and you are a hero. It is more than enough to accompany Miss Shen. I think you and her are a perfect match, a perfect match." Li Yuan hurriedly said with a flattering smile, he is completely out of mind now, at least here he dare not have any complaints, can't beat Qin Fei, Shen Feifei still don't think about it for now, if you want to, wait until after you leave. Think of a way.

"Oh? Don't you like her a lot?" Qin Fei was a little surprised. Li Yuan could see his admiration for Shen Feifei at a glance. How could he deny it now?

"You have misunderstood, I have absolutely nothing wrong with her, you must not misunderstand! I promise that you will never look at her if you are far away from her in the future!" Li Yuan thought Qin Fei was there. Test yourself and immediately promised to pat his chest.

He was afraid, if he showed the slightest greed for Shen Feifei, I am afraid that Qin Fei would kill him immediately, so he can't take this risk, he has to grit his teeth to the end.

"Forget it, you go back!" Qin Fei saw him say this, thinking that he was wrong, and waved his hand helplessly, letting Li Yuan get out, too lazy to waste time.

"Oh? You let me go?" Li Yuan couldn't believe his ears, Qin Fei actually wanted to let him go? It's that simple? No, is this kid so cheating that he can get it done in a few words?

He couldn't believe it, for fear that Qin Fei was teasing him, so scared that he didn't dare to move.

"If you ask you to get out of the way, don't worry, mother-in-law," Qin Fei said impatiently.

Seeing that he was about to get angry, Li Yuan was frightened. It's better to go the secret way first, but don't make this killer angry, otherwise there will be no good fruit.

He hurriedly turned around and left, for fear that Qin Fei would change his mind.

At this time Qin Fei sighed, and his voice came into his ears: "Hey, it's really troublesome. What should I do to get that girl out?"

Li Yuan is also smart. Hearing these words, he instantly thought of what happened in the past few days. Every time Shen Feifei approached Qin Fei, Qin Fei was avoiding. Now when he heard his words, Li Yuan suddenly felt a strong excitement. He was so excited that he thought of all the possibilities immediately, and looked back at Qin Fei expectantly: "You mean you don't like her? Find a way to get rid of her?"

Well, the opportunity has come. He thought he had no hope for Shen Feifei. Who knew that Qin Fei was unwilling to accept it. Then this matter would be easy to handle, and his opportunity came back.

"Yes, this is what Brother asked you to discuss. Originally, I thought you liked her, so I wanted to find a way to catch her. Then I was liberated. You said that there is no problem with this arrangement, right?" Seeing his interest, Qin Fei immediately showed joy.

Li Yuanyi heard that his guess was correct, and he couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

God, the excitement today is too strong, like a sea wave, one after another, he never thought that Qin Fei would actually hate Shen Feifei and give himself the opportunity to get close to beautiful women. What a fool!

That’s right, what he thinks now is how Qin Fei is so stupid. Shen Feifei is not just a peerless beauty. She is the only daughter of the Shen family. If anyone marries her, it’s like getting the entire Li family. The endless wealth is inexhaustible!

He felt that Qin Fei had no need to lie to himself. After all, there was no need to lie about this matter. If it was him, if he really wanted to get Shen Feifei, he would never say such a thing.

"Are you serious?" He stammered, his voice trembling because of his excitement.

Qin Fei curled his lips and said indifferently, "Of course it's true, what is wrong with you, brother? If you don't want to, then brother will look for other young masters. I believe they must be very interested!"

Li Yuan hurriedly waved his hand and said with a flattering smile: "Brother Qin, Uncle Qin, look at what you said, I'm thinking of such a good thing in my dreams, why would I not want it? You will be my uncle from now on! Don't call anyone else!"

He panicked, if Qin Fei really told the other princes these words, those guys would definitely agree to it immediately. Of course he couldn't let go of such a good thing.

"Hehe, you are quite clever, okay, just relying on your pro-uncle, brother will help you again, and later, brother will call her to the Dongtou Gap, what should you do? Do you want to do it? Come to a hero to save the United States? Brother is willing to sacrifice, you are a hero, and give you a chance to save the United States!" Qin Fei smiled.

"The hero saves the United States?" Li Yuan was shocked, and immediately understood what Qin Fei meant. He smiled and nodded hurriedly, and said, "You are really my pro-uncle. This is a good method. This is the easiest way to get it!"

He rubbed his hands in excitement, and it appeared in his mind that after saving Shen Feifei who was bullied by Qin Fei, the peerless beauty would definitely agree with her body, haha, it's beautiful to think about it...

He laughed out loud, with a charming look on his face. Qin Fei looked at him and shook his head and sighed. There is no way. Although this method is a little damaged, there is no way. Who called Shen Feifei? ? In fact, this Li Yuan is also a good person. If you like it, you must really like her, so let it be a good thing.

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