Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 880: Split!

"If you want to divide the beast core, you are not qualified yet!"

The only answer given by the ghost guard, indifferently rejected everyone's legitimate demands.

Overbearing and unreasonable.

Originally, these beast cores were obtained by the big guys together, and everyone asked for distribution, which was not an unreasonable request, but they categorically rejected it.

Qin Fei stayed silent and sneered in his heart. The Ghost Guard had made a wrong calculation this time. For the benefit, others would not care about your status and strength.

Everyone was very excited, glaring at the ghost guards, angered, and fists clenched.

"You must separate the beast core, otherwise none of us present today will agree!" Old Qin roared loudly as the strongest person.

The Li family has gained the most in the past few days, and has put in the most effort. At this time, he heard that the ghost guard was going to disperse, of course he refused to agree.

"I have already said, you guys get out now, don't think about the beast core, otherwise I don't mind letting you lie here and get nothing." The captain of the ghost guard looked at everyone indifferently.

"Ha, you are too overbearing, what about the ghost guards? Don't give it to us today, don't think about it!" Old Qin said angrily.

"Looking for death!" The captain snorted coldly, and wanted to do it when he moved.

"Stop! You really want to kill people and kill them? We don't agree!" At this time, the dragons who hadn't spoken finally spoke.

Along the way, they all worked silently, did not associate with the dragon people, and did not wrestle with the ghost guards.

But now, they finally made a sound, obviously standing on the side of the dragon people.

The ghost guard frowned, but Qin Lao and the other dragons stretched their brows.

The addition of other dragons made the balance tilt.

There are quite a few dragons. Although there are not as many dragons as there are, there are more than 80 heads, and the strength of each head is above the eighth level of the illusion. Although the ghost guards are very strong, if they are really desperate, how can they be? Will cause some trouble to the ghost guard.

The ghost guards don’t dare to bet that this is the field of dragon battle. Even if they kill everyone and the dragon here, they cannot guarantee that they will not be injured. After being injured, they will still mix in the field of dragon battle, and the probability of death It's huge!

"We represent the Black Dragon King and the entire Black Dragon clan, can't you think the opposite?" The captain shouted coldly.

The name of the Black Dragon King, it believes it can suppress these guys.

It's a pity that it has never thought that when profit is driven, any name will be useless. What's more, this is the field of dragon battle, it is the Jedi of chaos and death, and no one's name is changed.

Suppression? deterrence? It won't affect everyone at all!

"Don't be so nonsense, I'll ask you whether you can divide it, it doesn't matter, we can divide it!" a powerful golden dragon of the dragon clan said angrily.

Qin Fei looked at him with joy in his heart, ghost guards, you fools, aroused the anger of the crowd, really lifted a rock and hit him in the foot.

They wanted to use this to force everyone else to separate, so that he couldn't form an alliance, but he was in big trouble.

This is exactly what Qin Fei likes to see. The reason why he has been close to other people during this time is for this effect. He expects that the ghost guard will definitely be suspicious and will make corresponding countermeasures, no matter what. In this way, they are completely offending people.

As for what is good for him to offend these people, to be honest, he thinks it is no good for him, but what about it? Who called the ghost guard so arrogant, his tail is almost up to the sky, as long as it can cause a little trouble to these guys, he is willing to do so.

Just watch the good show, what should I do after the show? He doesn't care at all, anyway these guys dare not do anything to him, they are just a bunch of bodyguards, and they are free, hehe...

The two sides start a war if they disagree, who is the ghost guard? He is a master of the dragon world for thousands of years, and his dignity cannot be desecrated.

And the other side is fighting for profit. How can they care how good they are?

The so-called death of people for money and death of birds for food have now been the most powerful testimony.

When the battle started, Qin Feigang was about to pull away and stay away. The captain took the initiative to grab him and said, "You stay away, don't get hurt by mistake!"

Of course Qin Fei was happy to stand by and hurriedly retreated to the distance to watch them tear and force.

Smoke was everywhere, and the atmosphere of fighting filled the entire station.


At this moment, a dense cluster of dragons and beasts suddenly appeared all around, surrounding the entire resident, one by one, with red eyes, staring at the people and dragons intently, their eyes seemed to see delicious food.

"What's the matter? The dragon beast has always been afraid to approach the station within five miles, why has it suddenly changed?" someone exclaimed.

Everyone stopped, stunned by the sudden appearance of the dragon beast.

Qin Fei frowned, looking at the endless group of dragons and beasts, feeling very surprised.

The ghost guard also temporarily gave up the battle that was about to begin, looking at the dragon beasts, his eyes flickered.

Everyone is very dignified. These dragon beasts seem to be gathered together, as if someone is commanding them. What is going on?

"We won't talk about dividing the beast cores for the time being. Let's solve the immediate troubles. These dragon beasts surround the outside, which is equivalent to cutting off everyone's retreat. The ghost knows whether they will attack? Will they move out of the station? Is the protective cover broken?" Old Qin said.

"No, the protective cover outside the resident site was set by Lord Obsidian back then. It is at the same level as the Dragon Emperor back then. It has protected this place for hundreds of millions of years, and no one can break it!" Captain Ghost Guard Said coldly.

Everyone and the dragon nodded together, full of confidence. The protective shield was impossible to break. This was something everyone in the dragon world knew.

When Qin Fei heard this, his expression became more solemn, everyone said so confidently, but why are those dragon beasts here? Is the view scary?

Since something unprecedented has happened, it is very likely that incredible things will happen, and there is no absoluteness in everything!

"Hand over Qin Fei, forgive you not to die!" At this moment, there was a thunder explosion from the distant sky, and a strong voice echoed in the sky.

Qin Fei narrowed his eyes, Nima, are you bothering yourself? Actually named Dao surname? What the hell?

The others were also shocked. They actually came to Qin Fei. What is going on?

Everyone looked at Qin Fei suspiciously. Qin Fei shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Don't look at Brother, Brother doesn't know where the ghost came from, I don't even know it!"

He tried to recall that he didn’t offend any powerful people when he came to this dragon world, uh...except for the Black Dragon King, but it has sent ghost guards here, and they are already in their grasp. Why bother to do this again?

But apart from it, there are no other enemies at all, the only one is Xu Yong who ran away, but with the opponent's ability, it is impossible to command so many dragons and beasts!

The enemy, he really doesn't know who it is!

"Who is your excellency? We are the ghost guards under the Black Dragon Throne. The Black Dragon King has issued a strict order. You must take Qin Fei back. Your Excellency doesn't want to fight with the Black Dragon King, right?" The captain of the ghost guards raised his voice.

"Black Dragon King? Are you talking about that little thing? Ha ha, even if it kisses, the owner will still say this, hand over Qin Fei, you are not dead!" The voice sounded, as if it was far away in the sky, but it was close. In front of him, it was very uncertain.

"Huh! Something arrogant! Dare to be rude to the Black Dragon King! Do you think we can do nothing by recruiting these dragon beasts? What if you don't hand over Qin Fei? Here is the protective cover set by Lord Obsidian, you can open it. Is it? How can these dragon beasts get in even if they are controlled by you? It takes time and we can afford it." The ghost guard captain said coldly.

It is absolutely impossible to let it hand over Qin Fei. Qin Fei is more important than anyone now, and no one can get involved.

Others also nodded their heads, agreeing with its statement. The protection was covered and the dragon beast could not enter. That guy was an idiot. Isn't this powerless threat a waste of saliva?

"Haha, protective cover? Then try it!" The voice disdainfully said.


As soon as the other party's voice fell, a loud roar sounded from the dragon beast group, and the dragon beast group suddenly moved, and the situation changed.

Qin Fei suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the voice, and lost his voice: "Why is it him?"

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