Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 886: Li Yuan's plan!

"Trouble! He himself has the strength of the Eightfold Unreal Realm, and it is not easy to deal with it!"

"This is not a problem. The strongest masters we brought can compete with him! And we have a lot of people, but to deal with him, we must first draw him out alone, and we cannot let the ghost guards and dragons follow. Just fine!"

"Oh, don't be stupid, what if he comes out alone? Do you dare to kill him? The ghost guards don't ask us for revenge?"

The crowd talked a lot, but in the end they were trapped in the Dragon Clan. Qin Fei was the sacred dragon in the starry sky and received the attention of the Dragon Clan. If he were to be killed, how could the Dragon Clan spare them?

Li Yuan said at this time: "Actually, there is no need to worry about the consequences of killing him! After we kill him, we will naturally gain his power and be able to make a starry sky holy dragon body. The dragons only recognize the starry sky holy. Dragon, it doesn't matter who got it!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, as long as they have the holy dragon body, they can give orders to the dragon clan, right?

Everyone's mind became active.

Hope to refill the body and mind.

"Actually, I have a way to kill him! I just don't know if everyone is worthy of cooperation!" Li Yuan's conversation turned.

"What way? Tell me!" People's eyes lit up.

"Everyone knows that the only person who can get close to him is Shen Feifei. We can make a trick, pretend to find her, and say that we want to get along with Qin Fei and ask her to be an intermediary to introduce him, but we are all from different families. Master, you have to be fair, so she asked her to ask Qin Fei to meet him alone. Then everyone will set up an ambush and kill him in one fell swoop. What do you think of this method?" Li Yuan laughed.

Everyone listened and thought about it carefully. Someone raised doubts: "Shen Feifei comes forward, will he listen to her?"

"Yeah, he might not listen! And asking my goddess to approach him, I don't feel good about it!"

"Yes, and she doesn't like us in the first place, maybe she won't agree to it!"

Li Yuan glanced at these people, and a haze flashed in his eyes, and said: "You can rest assured, Shen Feifei is a big beauty. If she comes forward, Qin Fei will definitely pay attention to her words. As for whether she can help us, it is There is no problem at all. As long as we don’t say that we are going to kill Qin Fei, but we want to make friends with him, how can she suspect? When we find her, thank you very much, we will make some exchanges in the interests of the family, I believe she will definitely I will agree. If you don’t believe me, I can help to talk to her. You can give me what you think you can get to her. She will definitely be moved!"

"This method is not bad! Okay, you have to try it anyway. It's best to get him tonight! Brother Li, then trouble you! This is a dragon ball I brought from the family, and it has reached the level of illusory triple. Give it to Shen Feifei as a gift, remember to tell it was me!"

"No problem, haha, everyone just wait for my good news!" Li Yuan smiled happily.

Everyone took out their good things and gave them to Li Yuan. Although some people didn't have good treasures, they swore that they could give the family business to the Li family to express their hearts.

Li Yuan took the baby and said to them: "Before dawn, when everyone sleeps most well, we will do it at that time. As for the location, where do you think it is suitable?"

Everyone discussed it, and finally decided that the location was behind Shapo, one mile outside the resident. It was very hidden, and set up the formation in advance, and then started fighting so that the breath would be blocked, so that the dragons would not be disturbed.

"Okay, you all go there to arrange it, and wait for my good news! I'm going to find Shen Feifei first!" Li Yuan nodded.

"Then trouble Li brother, this matter is done, no matter who we get the starry sky holy dragon body in the end, we must thank you again!" People thanked Li Yuan.

Li Yuan smiled, and after turning around, his face showed sarcasm...

"Miss, that **** from the Li family came and said that he wanted to see you. This guy stays outside and doesn't leave. Do you want the old man to drive him away?" Mr. Qin frowned at Shen Feifei where he was resting.

Shen Feifei didn't know what she was thinking, and she lowered her head without answering, causing him to say it again.

"Ah? What is he here for?" Shen Feifei was alert and wondering.

"He said he has important things to say, but he won't say it until he sees you with his own eyes!" Old Qin said.

He looked at Shen Feifei worriedly. Too many things have happened today. Qin Fei’s identity is the starry sky sacred dragon. He knew that it must be painful in the young lady’s heart. She liked Qin Fei, but today she gave up on her own initiative because of Qin Fei. Shen Feifei's status is too noble. Shen Feifei knows that she is hopeless. She likes someone but has to give up. She can only feel the pain in her heart. He also knows this feeling deeply. This is also the reason why she is willing to stay in the Shen family.

Shen Feifei frowned and said, "I don't want to see him, this bastard, there must be nothing good."

"Okay, the old man will chase him away!" Old Qin raised his foot and left.

Li Yuan waited outside and looked in from time to time, hoping to see Shen Feifei as soon as possible. He was very happy in his heart. This is a golden opportunity!

What happened today gave him another idea. Qin Fei was a matter of the starry sacred dragon, which shocked him, but he saw hope again.

Shen Feifei is definitely not worthy of Qin Fei, so Li Yuan’s opportunity came. Without Qin Fei’s blockade, he believed that with his own strength he would be able to hold a beautiful woman, and of course others were not weak, so He figured out a way to get several benefits.

At this time, Old Qin walked out from inside, and he hurried to meet him, but was stopped by the Shen family.

"Li Yuan, go back, Miss doesn't want to see you!" Old Qin looked at him in disgust. Since the last time this product was used to Shen Feifei, Old Qin hated him so badly. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have killed him. Drop this bastard.

So when he faced Li Yuan, he naturally didn't look good.

"Old Qin, why didn't she see me? I have something important to tell her!" Li Yuan was anxious, if Shen Feifei didn't see him, then this plan would be impossible to implement.

Of course, he is also ready, and I believe Shen Feifei will definitely agree to meet him.

Because this is something that concerns Qin Fei, she can't help but care.

"Go back, don't force the old man to do it!" Old Qin said coldly, without even looking at him. He has always been jealous and hateful. He has been restrained by not killing shameless villains like Li Yuan on the spot.

"Old Qin, you have misunderstood, I came this time, there is a very important thing to tell Miss Shen, it is Qin Fei!" Li Yuan smiled.

"Qin Fei?" Old Qin stunned, glanced at Li Yuan, frowned, and didn't believe this guy's words in the bottom of his heart. They must be making up excuses.

Just about to scold him for leaving, Shen Feifei rushed out and said anxiously, "What's the matter with Qin Fei? Hurry up!"

"Miss, don't listen to him, you can't believe anything about this shameless thing!" Old Qin hurriedly said, afraid that Shen Feifei would be fooled by Li Yuan.

"Old Qin, please let him explain clearly what the matter is." Shen Feifei was upset when she heard about Qin Fei. Although she had cut off Qin Fei's ideas, she still couldn't help but worry.

A sneer flashed in Li Yuan's eyes, and he returned to normal, saying: "Miss Shen, I just got a news by accident that someone wants to deal with Qin Fei. I want to tell you the specific details only!"

"Someone wants to deal with him? Then you come in and tell me!" Shen Feifei hurriedly said.

Old Qin stopped Li Yuan with his body, and said, "Miss, I can't believe him!"

"Don’t worry, Mr. Qin, there’s absolutely no evil thoughts underneath. If you don’t worry, you can stay outside. This is your site. If I dare to do anything wrong, you can dismiss me. No one will stop you. Live in your old man!" Li Yuan smiled.

When Old Qin thought about it, it was reasonable. This was the site of the Shen family. The Shen family were everywhere, and it was not far from Qin Fei's place. Li Yuan didn't dare to mess around if he wanted to!

And since this matter concerns Qin Fei, he is also a little curious, who is not opening his eyes and thinking about dealing with Qin Fei at this time, isn't it too long?

"Well, you go in, miss you, pay attention to him, if he dares to have a half-way point, the old man will let him die!" He nodded.

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