Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 890: Above Consummation!

The day always flies quickly, in the evening in the resident.

The ghost guard counted today's harvest, and was very happy. There are already more than 80,000 beast cores. Only more than 10,000 points are short of it, and there is enough.

Qin Fei was naturally very happy when he heard the news, wishing to get Feilongxiang immediately.

His confidence is now greatly increased. With the help of Danque, Xuan Ling'er and Leng Feng in the Xuan Ling'er cauldron have absorbed all the pills and reached the illusory realm. Xuan Ling'er has the eighth layer and Leng Feng's seventh layer. They have become stronger. Will be Qin Fei's greatest help.

Although it is impossible for them to fight against Nirvana, isn't there still time? I believe that when I see the Black Dragon King, these will not be a problem.

"Brother Qin, I brought you footwashing water!" Li Yuan smiled and brought a basin of hot water.

Qin Fei glanced at him. This guy looked like a subordinate, and it was really embarrassing to him. It was not easy for the young Master Li family to be willing to do the dirty work that these subordinates did.

"Li Yuan, you didn't do this. Brother doesn't blame you anymore, as you are your own!" Qin Fei said.

This Li Yuan's performance made him very uncomfortable. Qin Fei is not a person who likes to wait on people, but Li Yuan does everything, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"What Brother Qin said, this is what I should do. I was disrespectful to you before, and it was my fault. I have always felt terrified. As long as I take care of you, I feel at ease!" Li Yuan laughed It's brilliant.

"Why are you doing this? It doesn't matter what happened before, I don't care anymore!" Qin Fei said.

"Brother Qin, to be honest, I did look down on you before, especially Ms. Shen. I have always liked it, but she fell in love with you. It made me very sad, and hatred grew out of jealousy, so I did it before. There are some things that I’m sorry about you, I admit, I have been unconvinced, very unconvinced, but just yesterday, you showed the sacred dragon body in the starry sky, which made me completely awakened. What is the point of me fighting with you? There is no hope at all, so I might as well submit to you, and follow your instructions. You are a starry dragon, destined to be extraordinary in the future. My Li family will follow you and get endless benefits, so this made me determined! "Li Yuan said sincerely.

Qin Fei kept listening to him, raised his brows, and smiled: "You are quite clever and know how to follow the general trend! Well, you will follow me with peace of mind in the future, but remember that once I find anything wrong, Will kill you and annihilate your Li family! Never be merciless!"

Li Yuan fell to his knees with a thump, and kowtow anxiously: "Thank you, Brother Qin, for taking in. You can rest assured that Li Yuan is absolutely loyal to you. If you violate it, I am willing to accept any punishment!"

"Okay, I don't like these imaginary things. This pill is my gift to you, accept it!" Qin Fei narrowed his eyes, took out a pill and handed it to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan took it and swallowed his stomach without hesitation, with a smile on his face, and said: "It's an illusory fourth-grade pill, thank you Brother Qin!"

"Go on, I'm going to rest!" Qin Fei said lightly, with a smile on his lips.

Li Yuan walked out, returned to his place of residence, opened his mouth to spit out the pill, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth...

Qin Fei retracted his consciousness, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and whispered in a low voice, "Idiot, brother, I knew you had a problem a long time ago. If you don't take the pill, you must be guarded, but I want to see what plot you have?

The next day, the ghost guards gathered everyone and held a meeting, saying that today they can gather the beast cores, and then refine the Milongsan and lead out the strongest dragon beast. Now we need to arrange what should be done with the strongest dragon beast. fighting.

These **** obviously wanted to weaken Qin Fei’s power, and they actually let the dragons such as Jinlong be the main force. They said that they would attract the attention of the strongest dragon beasts. Their ghost guards suddenly attacked, and they would kill with one blow. Nothing will happen to everyone, and there is absolutely no worry about life.

If the ghosts didn't believe them, Qin Fei objected on the spot, saying that since it is the strongest dragon beast, then only ghost guards can resist. If other people confront the dragon head-on, don't they die?

The captain indifferently rejected his protest and said: "This is the case. There is no room for maneuver. If you don't agree, I don't mind sending you on the road first!"

"What do you mean?" Qin Fei glared at it, without giving way: "Why? You dare to kill them, brother won't take Feilongxiang, what can you do with me?"

"Hehe, it doesn’t matter if you don’t cooperate! Do you really think that we will listen to you and you will not succeed? Feilongxiang is not a real thing, but a strong gas, which was transformed by the dragon’s breath of the starry sky dragon. You now have the six great treasures in your body. When Feilongxiang appears, it will automatically enter your body and merge with other great treasures! You can't do it if you don't want it! So whether you are worthy of cooperation, there is no threat to us!" The captain sneered.

"Huh? Are you kidding me? Believe it or not, I told Brother Huo to come out and kill you!" Qin Fei said angrily. He found that he had been tricked. If it was really like what the ghost guard said, the previous compromise was fundamental. It's meaningless. Isn't this what is playing him?

"Brother Huo? Who?" The captain looked at him suspiciously, then looked around, inexplicably: "What are you talking about? Is Brother Huo famous? Is he amazing?"

"Hmph, of course it's amazing! He is the number one master in the universe, and whoever dies will die!" Qin Feiyang said with air.

"Haha, so tugging? I'm so scared, the number one master in the universe? Ask him to come out and try, I swallowed him in one bite without leaving any bones!" The captain dismissed, thinking that Qin Fei was clearly bragging. With such a powerful person, Brother Huo doesn't unify the entire universe? How can there be anything about the Qin Dynasty?

"Don't believe me? Brother kindly tells you, don't be rude to Brother Huo, if his old man just thinks about it, you will die miserably!" Qin Fei laughed, this guy is purely seeking death, and Brother Huo dares to provoke him. , I really don't know the sky is high and the earth thick.

"Haha, just one thought made Lao Tzu die? Has he already practiced the'Immovable King's Heart'?" The captain laughed, and the huge dragon body trembled.

"Fudo Wangxin? What is it?" Qin Fei was shocked!

"Of course you don't know what it is. If you don’t touch the heart of the king, even the masters of the true perfect state can’t grasp it. It is the supreme power who has reached the top of the earth to master it, and the sky is turned upside down in a single thought. Reverse, the universe goes against the current." The captain sneered.

"True Consummation?" Qin Fei was shocked. He only knew that the illusion was followed by the Nirvana, followed by the Pseudo Perfection, the Small Perfection, the Great Perfection, and the True Perfection. Now that this guy has said it, is it true that he will be in the Divine Realm after he reaches the realm?

"Is it surprising? You don’t know if you think about it! Indeed, in our dragon world, the most powerful is only the Small Perfection Realm, which is our Black Dragon King! But as our existence for hundreds of millions of years, we know that Before the Qin Dynasty unified the primordial world, there were strong people everywhere, and the small perfection stage was just a general existence, and could not be taken on the stage at all. Only the great perfection and the true perfection could be regarded as real masters!" The captain said in a deep voice.

"And above true perfection, there are stronger existences with the title of Zun, such as Earth Zun, Heaven Zun, and Supreme! Masters with titles of Zun are the masters of the universe! Not what you know, as long as you reach Great Perfection It's invincible across the universe! This is just a foolish dream!" The captain looked at the people and dragons disdainfully.

Everyone was shocked, it turns out that there are so many more terrifying existences behind this.

"Well, it's too much. It doesn't make sense for you to listen to it. Just relying on you, you don't have hundreds of millions of years, and you may not even be able to reach the pseudo-consummation level! Now Qin Fei, do you have any comments?" The captain was impatient. Tao.

"Of course there are opinions! You were playing tricks before, right?" Qin Fei stared.

It's uncomfortable to be tricked, he is not a person who has no grudges.

"What about playing you?" The captain sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

"Okay, it's fun, isn't it? Now that they have surrendered to Brother, Brother is obligated to ensure their safety. The strongest dragon beast can help you resist, but we can't be the main force. We can help you at most. If you don't agree , Okay, now I will destroy the other treasures in my body, and everyone will break up after playing!" Qin Fei said with his neck raised.

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