Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 906: Earthly crisis!

In the evening, the secular world.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, the atmosphere was depressed, and the squally wind swept down the dead leaves, raging across the world.

In the dark clouds, more than a dozen dark dragon shadows entangled, releasing a terrifying breath of the dragon, crushing tens of thousands of people in the earthly sect, standing outside the house, looking up at the sky, looking at the terrifying black dragon.

Above the sect, the senior members of the sect gathered together, and the third sister Xue dignifiedly looked at the black dragon in the sky, and said in a loud voice: "This is the earthly sect. What is the reason for the dragon ancestors here?"

Her pretty face was full of shock, suppressing the shock of her heart, biting her scalp to face the terrifying coercion, she did not understand, according to the current status of Sejong Chen, why the dragon ancestor came to the door and belonged to the black dragon clan. , What frightened her even more was that the other party was obviously unkind, and unexpectedly unabashedly broke out an astonishing pressure, causing 90% of the disciples in the clan to lose their combat effectiveness at this time.

This is not a move that a friend should do here, so there is only one possibility. The other party is looking for something, but she can't attack, even if she is angry, she has to endure it, because these Black Dragon World Sect cannot offend, the major sects in the dragon world They are not qualified to oppose them, the only choice is to try not to intensify the conflict, first find out what the other party is doing, and then think about the way to deal with it.

"Let's find Qin Fei and let him come out, otherwise you will all have to die!" A black dragon said solemnly, with a voice like thunder, rolling high in the sky, with shocking momentum.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for him?" The third sister Xue was shocked. The other party actually came to see Qin Fei. Didn't Qin Fei go to the Longzhan Field? Where did these dragons come from?

"You don't have the right to know who we are! Call him out quickly, otherwise you will step down on your sect!" The black dragon said proudly, with a lofty appearance.

"Stepping down on my sect? Why are you? Although the Dragon Ancestor is noble, we are also a member of the Dragon Realm and should be respected!" Nie Lin stood up and shouted coldly.

"Are you looking for death? I'm not interested in ants. You abolish your dantian and get out of here!" Heilong said indifferently.

Domineering, cruel!

If he didn't agree with him, Nie Lin had to abolish his cultivation.

Nie Lin laughed and said coldly: "It turns out to be a group of domineering things! What about Long Zu? How can I fear the power? If you want my life, come and get it yourself!"

"Things that are irresponsible, you dare not follow my orders! Take him down, kill one to let them know that we are not here for sightseeing!" The black dragon looked at the black dragon beside him coldly.

"Captain, there is no problem, let's see how I clean up this kid!" The black dragon called by it excitedly said, stepping out of the team and rushing towards the crowd.

"Forming!" Xue Sanmei yelled. Although the dragon people worship the dragon ancestor, it is just awe. If the opponent wants his own life, whoever cares whether the opponent is a dragon or a human, he will fight first.

Wow! The powerful people in the clan formed a large formation in the blink of an eye, lay across the sky, blocking the punch of reading.

As soon as the formation was activated, a surging and terrifying aura spread out, and the entire earthly sect was enveloped in the blink of an eye, looking indestructible.

"It's just a small plan for the bugs!" The black dragon sneered disdainfully, and continued to rush over, raising his giant claws and waving them towards the light curtain formed by the formation, with the intention of directly smashing them and killing them.


Its wishful thinking failed, and the light curtain was like a ball of weak cotton, resisting its claws, but gently sinking inward, completely dissolving the opponent's power, making it unable to produce the slightest effect.

"Wait!" The leading black dragon hurriedly stopped, looked at the light curtain carefully, and said coldly: "This is the defensive formation under Qin Fei? It actually includes space defense, not bad!"

The third sister Xue's beautiful eyes dazzled, and she was secretly surprised that the other party actually saw through the essence of the formation. Yes, this formation was left by Qin Fei when he left, and it contained part of the space defense power he had realized. He had learned it from the Nirvana Realm master battle.

She still remembers Qin Fei saying when he left that this formation can block the attacks of the masters of the Nirvana Realm, and the changes in the general Nirvana Realm cannot be seen, because it contains the wonderful changes of the star profound energy. Can not help the master of pseudo-consummation.

At this time, the black dragon could see through it at a glance, which shows that the opponent is definitely a master of pseudo-consummation!

Pseudo-Perfect Realm, such a powerful man, is it possible that the Earthly Sect will be destroyed in his own hands today?

No way!

There was a resolute expression in her eyes. The Earthly Sect is not hers now, and Qin Fei's share is still there. She must guard and help him, otherwise, how will he explain after he returns?

Nie Lin and others on the side are people who have followed her for a long time. Seeing her expression and sensing the aura radiating from her, they all knew that she was going to be crazy!

The third sister Xue went crazy, and the consequences were serious. No matter who it was, she didn't dare to lightly despise the crazy things she did after her anger.

There was expectation in everyone's eyes. It seemed that those black dragons in front of them had nothing to be afraid of. The real scary person was Xue Sanmei.

The black dragon in the air was naturally the ghost guard who came to chase Qin Fei.

They chased all the way to the earthly sect. They thought that this small sect could be solved with just a finger. They didn’t know that the first attack was a loss, and their defenses blocked the first attack. , It’s embarrassing to say it, the dignified ghost guard, a master of pseudo-consummation, can't even break the formation of a small sect. This is really incredible!

The captain of the ghost guard broke the secret of the formation with a single word. He thought these humble dragon men would be scared to death, and then immediately handed over Qin Fei obediently.

But something is not right. Why is the beautiful woman below who looks like the suzerain not scared at all, but shows fierce expression instead?

Damn it!

It has never seen this kind of situation. The dragon people I usually see are the overlords of all parties. If you see it, you have to bow to your knees. Who is not afraid to die?

Even the Dragon Race, in front of it, has to lower its proud head, and dare not even breathe in front of it.

Frightened, it is used to seeing it.

At this time, I saw Xue Sanmei, a female generation, and in this situation, she was able to maintain her usual calm, which was beyond her expectations.

Its gaze swept across the faces of other people, and couldn't help being even more surprised. These humble dragons were actually like that woman. They were not afraid of the arrival of the ghost guard, as if they had not seen it?

What the **** is going on?

The captain was in a mess, and in shock, more anger came to his heart, secretly saying that these dragons were so courageous, they didn't kneel down when they saw themselves, and they dared to resist. They were simply challenging its authority and the majesty of the dragon clan!

So it became angry, and shouted: "Bold dragon people, we are ghost guards! The first guard under the Black Dragon Throne, you can't wait to kneel down and beg for mercy, and hand over Qin Fei obediently! Otherwise, I will decide. You die!"

With this roar, it was like thunder rolling across the sky, causing the surrounding mountains to tremble.

The members of the Ghost Guardian looked at it enviously, and praised it as the captain. This roar was like thunder, enough to shock the world!

This roar really worked, and the people below Earth Sect and others finally reacted, only hearing the third sister Xue said: "Are you ghost guards?"

"Ha, not bad!" The captain was proud, the dragon head was high, with a triumphant look. It seems that these dragon people still dare not presumptuously, no, they will come as soon as they hear the reputation of the ghost guard The set is close.

This made its heart full of hunger and disdain, a group of humble dragon people, it was nothing more than that, thinking how tugged, it seemed that he had just looked at them highly.

The members of the ghost guards also showed a proud look. Look, the name of the guards is so majestic, so scared that these dragon people will soon come close.

Just when they were triumphant, the third sister Xue said, "Isn't it right? The legendary ghost guards are all indomitable dragons, mighty, handsome, and obscure, but why are you so wretched? Look at you. They look as black as coal and ugly as reptiles. They have no spirit at all. They must be fakes. They are humiliating ghost guards!"

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