Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 914: Was awakened by urine!

Nirvana, rebirth in silence, wandering on the edge of life and death, comprehend the mystery of life and death, appreciate the difference between clouds and soil, and realize the most essential characteristics of power from it, so that one's own life and power can be sublimated and breakthrough.

Each repetition is a process of Nirvana, and each Nirvana is an alternation between life and death.

Xuan Ling'er and Leng Feng didn't know how long it took, but they could only watch Qin Fei helplessly, waiting for him to wake up.

It may be an hour, a day, a month, a year, ten years, or a hundred years. This is unknowable, falling into nirvana. It all depends on how fast the cultivator can realize it and the time to wake up How quickly, after waking up, the power of that realm would be considered mastered.

Nirvana, relying on divine consciousness to condense the true body, reach its peak, and achieve the immortal golden body,

Divine consciousness becomes the key to comprehension. Strong divine consciousness makes comprehension faster.

And Qin Fei's divine consciousness can be said to be very rare in the universe. He has cultivated the profound energy of the stars, so that his divine consciousness has already become vast and powerful.

In less than an hour, he woke up with a flash of stars in his eyes, revealing joy.

Seeing him wake up, Xuan Ling'er and Leng Feng happily came over and asked about the situation.

"Hey, this time I picked a big bargain. I didn't expect a hint of dragon incense gas to make me break through. Now we have to find a way to get rid of the ghost guard and go to Lord Obsidian, whether it agrees or not, I've made this Shenglong Pill!" Qin Fei smiled and tasted the sweetness. He can't wait to make the Shenglong Pill now. Once this thing is made, it will definitely be able to achieve what the Dragon King said is enough to defeat the black dragon. The realm of the king, what realm would it be? Is it perfect? He is looking forward to it!

"This matter is very troublesome. They stay outside and go out is a problem. It must be even more impossible to get rid of them!" Xuan Linger frowned.

"If it doesn't work, you have to try it!" Qin Fei put the Xuanling Cauldron away, put the treasure in his body again, and started thinking hard.

"Yes!" Leng Feng suddenly shouted.

"Is there a way? Tell me!" Qin Fei was overjoyed.

"Since we can't leave, then call Lord Obsidian to come by himself!" Leng Feng smiled.

Qin Fei's eyes lit up, yes, how simple this thing is, Lord Obsidian will end if he comes by himself, it's really a pig's brain, I can't think of it.

"Okay, Leng Feng, you and I thought about going somewhere, I just wanted to do this too!" He patted Leng Feng on the shoulder and smiled.

Xuan Ling'er rolled her eyes on one side and muttered, "A hypocritical guy..."

Qin Fei still smiled happily when he heard it in his ears, and didn't take it to heart.

Relying on the "Blood Profound Contract", he contacted the two unyielding brothers and asked them to notify Lord Obsidian to come here immediately.

"It can be here in two hours!" Qin Fei said lightly.

Lord Obsidian followed the Dragon Howl, just not far from here, and arrived here, the sky hasn't lit up.

"You go first to cultivate!" He let Xuan Ling'er and Leng Feng enter the Xuan Ling Cauldron.

Xuan Ling'er quit, shook his head and said: "No, we finally came out once, why are we going back so soon? Did you even make an appointment with that woman?"

"Who? Which woman?" Qin Fei was shocked, inexplicably.

"Who? Who else? Isn't it the same Shen Feifei who keeps haunting you? Is it because I guessed it right?" Xuan Linger said dissatisfied.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly. Xuan Ling'er had already said that she likes herself, but there is no need to be so jealous, right? Hasn't it been said how many times, is he not interested in Shen Feifei? Why can't this girl listen?

He sternly said: "Ling'er, I am Qin Fei by no means a person who is bothered. It is my greatest happiness to have you and Duan Ruoyandie now. How can other women be as beautiful as you? How could I like it? What about someone else? You say yes?"

"Huh! I'm too lazy to care about you, I know how to make women happy! Leng Feng, let's go in!" Xuan Ling'er blushed and greeted Leng Feng and entered the Xuan Lingding.

Qin Fei took a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had touched Xuan Ling'er's temper. This girl was afraid of boasting, and she was shy when she praised it. He hadn't seen it before, thinking she was so big, how could he know that she had an affectionate conversation unintentionally , So that Xuan Ling'er was too embarrassed to say anything, he understood that she was a knife-mouthed tofu heart, and it was easy to get it.

However, it is not that he is deceiving Shen Feifei that he does not like Shen Feifei, but that he is really not interested. To be honest, he really can’t understand the two horns on the dragon’s head. The more he looks at it, the more he feels that if he associates with such a woman, Very guilty.

Battle between beasts and humans? He is not interested.

Without thinking about it, he began to plan. It was time to find a way to get the formation laid by the ghost guard. Lord Obsidian came, but couldn't make any movement, otherwise the matter would not go on.

After thinking for a long time, he finally figured out a good way, and he just waited for Lord Obsidian to arrive and notify him.

Two hours later, it finally transmitted the sound, saying that it was waiting ten miles away from here, waiting for Qin Fei's order.

Qin Fei walked to the entrance of the cave and kicked into the void. He only heard a bang, a black light curtain appeared out of thin air, and bounced him back.

The ghost guard was immediately alarmed and surrounded the entrance of the cave.

"What are you doing?" The captain looked at Qin Fei coldly through the hole.

Qin Fei rubbed his eyes, pretending to look like he had just woken up, and muttered: "What the **** are you doing? Hell, where did this stuff come from? You guys clothed it?" The appearance that he didn't know made the ghost guard avoid suspicion.

"Humph! Of course we did it, lest you kid do any tricks! Say, what do you want to do?" The captain snorted coldly.

"What are you doing? Brother is urinating, quickly withdraw the formation, brother is going to pee!" Qin Fei curled his mouth and clamped his legs, showing anxious appearance.

"Huh? You want to pee? Don't play tricks! I have a limit to be hungry and patient!" The captain roared, his eyes were red. If Qin Fei said other things would disturb him, he could still endure it, but Qin Fei unexpectedly Speaking of peeing, making up such a ridiculous reason, is this playing with yourself?

"It's like a fart, I don't have time to gossip with you, so I quickly withdrew the formation, my brother is about to pee out!" Qin Fei said anxiously, his legs tightened.

"Huh! You pee? The hole is so wide, and no one looks at you. Why do you want to spread it outside? Don’t think I’m so cheating, you’re a little tender, I’m not a fool. , Will not be fooled by you!" the captain roared.

"What a shit? Brother has a habit of cleanliness, how can he sleep in Dongli? Doesn't it smell? Don't think that you are sloppy! Do you think that the dragons are like your dragons, do you just Lazard? How about some hygiene?" Qin Fei said.

"Boy, don't say any more, I will never let you out today, unless I'm a fool!" The captain said with his neck held up. It's all about being awakened in the middle of the night. Nima was actually peeing, so why not? angry? Originally still dreaming and playing with a beautiful and **** female dragon, he was awakened by Qin Fei. This incident made it furious, and it was considered to have outstanding patience without a killer on the spot.

"Hey..." Qin Feiyin laughed and glanced at it, thinking that this guy is so silly and cute that he did everything he swore and swore. Okay, don't you say that you are a fool if you let Brother go out? ? Today I will make you a fool!

"Don't let me go out to pee, right? Okay, if you are good, I can't afford to provoke me, but I can't hide it? But you can think about the consequences. I was very upset tonight, extremely upset, and very dissatisfied with you, brother. Can you afford the consequences of dissatisfaction? Other dragons of the ghost guards, no wonder you brother, brother was actually very satisfied with today's affairs, you waited for brother to eat well and drink well , I slept soundly, brother was very touched, ready to hand over the treasure obediently, but I'm really sorry, the pee in the middle of the night woke my brother up, it is really uncomfortable, isn't it just a small request? Is it so serious? Okay, since you didn't even agree to your brother's small request, brother is also a bad guy. I'm sorry everyone!" Qin Fei sighed.

"What do you mean? Hurry up, what do you mean by this sentence?" The ghost guards on the side panicked. The meaning revealed by Qin Fei's words is very bad!

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