Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 916: Lord Obsidian Alchemy!

"There is a way to be small! There is definitely a way!" said Lord Obsidian.

"What's the solution? Let's listen!" Qin Fei put it on the rock, looking very interested.

To be honest, Lord Obsidian is his little brother. Although this guy is afraid of death, he still has a lot of skills. At least he is now the most powerful fighter on his side. How to say it is also the triple level of pseudo-completeness. Where can I get it? They can all be handed out, besides, it is also a living life. If it is used to refine alchemy, people will be finished. Qin Fei is not a person who does not use any means to achieve his goal. He has not been so cruel.

Now this guy said that if he thought of a way, he would listen to it if it was feasible. There was really no way, he didn't move, and there was no way to be cruel.

"Master, the younger one has the ability to control the sanity of all creatures whose cultivation base is lower than mine! When we arrive at Dragon Valley, we can do this..."

Lord Obsidian eloquently said a big deal.

After listening to Qin Fei, he pondered for a long time, looked at it in disbelief, and said, "You didn't lie? Didn't you exaggerate? Is this really as good as you said?"

"Master, rest assured, after the little one turned into a black dragon, he won't lose his reputation as the dragon king, and there are many preparations to ensure that the task can be completed! Then you will wait for a good show!" Lord Obsidian Tao.

Qin Fei thought about it for a long time and said in a deep voice, "Don't lie to brother! Otherwise, I will **** you up with You Huanwu Tiancao!"

Upon hearing the name You Huan Wu Amakusa, Lord Obsidian trembles with fright, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, master, I promise not to dare!"

"Okay! Then listen to you. You said that anyone with a cultivation level lower than yours will be controlled mentally, right? Okay, brother will give you a chance. From now until dawn, if you give you enough pills, you can achieve What level?" Qin Fei decided. Since this product has a way and it sounds pretty good, then don’t worry, try its method first if it doesn’t work. If it doesn’t work, just think of a solution. .

The Master Obsidian's method made him look forward to it, really wanting to see what it will be like in the Dragon Valley.

"Master, the little one used to be the eighth level of pseudo-completeness, and now it has fallen into the realm. As long as there is enough medicine, it should be no problem to restore to the peak state before dawn!" Venerable Obsidian said with joy.

Qin Fei's eyes lit up and said, "That's not easy? Brother now has a lot of elixir in his hand. Look at which ones can make the pill you need, and then you can use it as you like!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a hill-like elixir appeared on the ground, which he had collected.

There are also a lot of blood and essence of dragon beasts, which are collected when the dragon beasts are hunted and killed in the wild of dragon war, and they are also necessary for alchemy. It was originally reserved for the use of alchemy, but now that Lord Obsidian is useful, let's use it first.

As for the pill of refining the pseudo-consummation realm, although he is still in the Nirvana realm, he can’t refining the pseudo-consummation pill by himself, but there is Lord Obsidian here. This guy is a real pseudo-consummation master, and understand For alchemy, Qin Fei was going to lend the Xuanling Cauldron to it and let it practice on its own.

Lord Obsidian laughed excitedly: "Haha, the master is too great, most of the elixir here can refine the pill of pseudo-consummation! If there is a dragon ball, it will be even more wonderful!"

"Dragon Ball? Isn't that simple?" Qin Fei split his mouth, and was happy. It's okay not to mention Dragon Ball. He almost forgot that Xuan Ling'er and Leng Feng were caught by those dragons in the wild Besieged with the Dragon Clan. After killing those guys at that time, he didn't waste it. He collected all the Dragon Balls of the Dragon Clan. At that time, the ghost guard asked him, so he didn't stop it.

He took out more than thirty dragon **** at once, and a lot of beast cores, which he kept secretly.

"Great Master, you really have everything! The little one promises to be able to regain your strength before dawn, and by the way the guys outside will be cleaned up for you!" Lord Obsidian smiled happily.

"They? Don't move, it's still useful to keep them!" Qin Feiyin laughed. The ghost guard is an important chess piece. He still can't move. He has suffered such a bad loss all the way, and he has resisted the impulse. , Is to let them play the most critical role at the last moment.

Qin Fei had more than one plan to deal with the Black Dragon King...

"Ling'er, Leng Feng, first come out for a break!" Qin Fei took out the Xuan Ling Cauldron and let Xuan Ling'er and Leng Feng come out.

Lord Obsidian was a little surprised when he saw two more people.

"This...who are these two?" It shuddered, terribly scared, and as timid as a mouse, it was terribly scared to see Qin Fei still following someone beside him.

"They are my friends, don't talk too much, hurry up and do business. This mysterious spirit cauldron can guarantee you 100% alchemy success, and I will help you by the side!" Qin Fei said, now that time is urgent, he has no time to take his time. Xuan Linger's explanation of their origins.

I have to say that Lord Obsidian is worthy of a powerful existence that was able to be as famous as the Dragon King hundreds of millions of years ago. The art of alchemy was so masterful that Qin Fei was eye-opening, and he had to admire that the world of alchemy is truly a mountain. A mountain is high, he originally thought he was a great genius in the alchemy world, but now he saw Lord Obsidian refining alchemy, he knew that they were more than twice as powerful as him.

He looked at the Lord Obsidian intently at the alchemy, and found that it was faster and very refined. It was a leader in alchemy in all aspects, and it was worth learning.

Lord Obsidian saw that he was so interested. In order to show his loyalty, he took out his own alchemy techniques and taught them all to Qin Fei, which benefited him a lot. Alchemy has reached a new level. .

Lord Obsidian once refines a furnace of pill, immediately stops after the end, and then swallows the pill to restore its strength. It recovers very quickly, and it was originally a downgrade, so as long as there is the supply of pill power, it does not take a while to recover.

When it recovered, Qin Fei carefully studied the knowledge of the alchemy it used, and learned it quickly. Originally, his foundation was good enough, and it was a miracle to learn.

When dawn was approaching, the cave was filled with a terrifying aura, and Lord Obsidian had returned to its peak state, shaking the world with the eightfold power of pseudo-perfect.

Qin Fei hurriedly told it to be introverted, never show it.

Lord Obsidian knew what he meant. Although he had recovered his strength and wanted to give it a go, he also knew the priority of the matter. He had to suppress the excitement in his heart, suppress his strength, and was taken in by Qin Fei. In the universe bracelet.

"Okay, it's time for me to refine the pill!" Qin Fei said excitedly, and began to refine the pill he needed. There was half an hour before dawn completely. He had to hurry to refine more pill, and then Dragon Valley would fight. Although the plan was very good, he couldn't completely pin his hopes on Lord Obsidian, and he had to be fully prepared, lest he didn't respond to something uncontrollable.

At dawn, the ghost guards withdrew their formation, and the captain said loudly at the entrance of the cave: "Boy, it's time to go!"

Qin Fei let Xuan Ling'er and Leng Feng enter the Xuan Lingding, then walked out of the cave, glared at the captain, and said displeased: "Are you thundering? Can't you sleep longer? What a trouble!"

"Boy, stop playing tricks, hurry up!" The captain sneered.

Qin Fei was very cooperative this time, allowing them to fly in the direction of Dragon Valley.

At the same time, thousands of miles away from him, densely dense dragon people and dragon clan gathered together, forming a torrent, approaching fast in the direction of Dragon Valley.

If someone watched from the air at this time, they would fall straight down. The number of dragon people is endless, boundless, on the ground, in the mountains and forests, crowds of people crowded the space, overlapping, the number is no less than 100,000, And the huge body of the dragon clan is particularly conspicuous in the crowd, and the number has reached thousands.

Dragon Valley, the center of the dragon world, the center of power.

The creatures in the dragon world, whether they are dragons, humans, or beasts, are proud of being able to enter the Dragon Valley. Dragon Valley represents status and power, and is admired and envied by the creatures of the dragon world, and more often than not, they are jealous. And crazy.

When Qin Fei saw Longgu from a distance, only one word flashed in his mind, big!

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