Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 927: No longer a slave!

The Dragon Emperor seemed to overestimate the capabilities of the Golden Dragon Clan.

It quickly discovered what was wrong. The dragons and dragons who were jealous of Mao just now greeted the golden dragons, as if they had found a common enemy.

It's angry, these guys really didn't accept its rule, and now they are taking the opportunity to attack themselves, and even their hatred between them is ignored?

Damn, it can't help it anymore, it soars up suddenly, and kills towards the Tulong clan, ready to do it yourself!

"Hurry up, everyone, you can't let it go even if you sacrifice!" The Tulong clan shouted, and for a while, dozens of figures rose into the sky, fell around the Dragon Emperor, and surrounded it.

These figures are the patriarchs of the dragon clan, as well as the most powerful masters in the clan. Each of the cultivation bases are between the eighth level of Nirvana and the fifth level of the pseudo-perfect level. This is a powerful strength, enough Shock the world.

This was not over yet, the Dragon King discovered that there seemed to be a tacit understanding between the dragons and the dragons, and the patriarchs of the dragons also surrounded them, and brought the strongest masters of the various races.

The dragons are innately succumbed to the dragons, but it does not mean that their strength is also low. Many experts among the dragons reach a realm that is not lower than the dragons, but the dragon is vast, and no one has dared to fight the dragons. Fight high and low.

But now, under the encouragement of Qin Fei, the dragon people completely abandoned their servility and started to stand up and stand up. They did not seek to reverse their position with the dragon clan, but only wanted to be able to obtain the same treatment and status as the dragon clan. that's enough!

Qin Fei gave them hope that even a dragon can obtain the inheritance of the starry sky holy dragon, so what else is impossible?

Freedom and equality have become the pursuit of every dragon man. They have the courage to challenge the destiny that has not changed for hundreds of millions of years. They have the determination to control their own destiny, and they have the belief to make themselves fight for it.

Even if it is dead, let the dragon people of later generations get the best living environment!

Let humans and dragons live freely and harmoniously in this dragon world, and lose their servility!

From this moment on, although there was still fear and worries for the dragons deep in their hearts, the anger in their eyes was burning, and the waves in their hearts were roaring, which would eventually burn away the fear and wash away the worries without a trace.

The number of dragons is much more than that of dragons. At this time, the dragon king has surrounded nearly a thousand people, all of which are elite fighters of various races. The lowest cultivation level is also the first level of Nirvana, and more It is between the fourth and fifth levels of pseudo-consummation.

"Damn! When did the humble dragon people have so many masters?" The Dragon King said in amazement. The dragon people have always been weak. It is rare to see the masters of Nirvana in thousands of years. Why do so many of them suddenly appear today. "Are you surprised? In fact, our dragons are not inferior to the dragons, and even we are more able to endure hardships and tolerate more, and the talent of cultivation has appeared many earth-shattering geniuses! But we dare not show it! Every time there is a dragon in Nirvana If people live in this world, your Dragon Valley will call them into the Dragon Valley, saying that it is focused on training, but in fact it is vigorously suppressing, and it does not give everyone the resources for cultivation. Let us cultivate slowly, or even regress! Don't think that our dragon people are stupid , Don't you know that this is because the dragons are afraid that the dragons will sit up and threaten your status." The patriarch of the dragons raised his expression, his expression very indignant.

He went on to say: "So we started discussing secretly thousands of years ago and unanimously decided to forbearance. Anyone who has the Nirvana Realm successfully cultivates and hides the cultivation base, so there is no need to enter the Dragon Valley. Of course, for Do not make you suspicious, we will select a disciple who is willing to sacrifice for the family every 100 years, let them join the Dragon Valley, bear the humiliation, and blind your eyes!"

"And now, we can finally no longer tolerate it! Because Qin Fei has appeared! He is the pride of our dragon people. He is the sacred dragon in the starry sky. He is destined to lead us to glory. We want to sit on an equal footing with the dragons!"

"Huh! Dreaming! Tulong patriarch, Mulong patriarch, are you willing to sit with slaves like them?" Long Sovereign said angrily. It dare not act rashly now. Although the Ninth Level of Pseudo Perfection is strong, it must be short. It has not been confident enough to solve so many opponents within time, and the time cannot be delayed. Qin Fei has been trapped for only more than an hour. Since the dragon man wants to escape from the rule of the dragon clan, he will instigate the contradiction between the two sides and use Use it, so you can save its time.

"Dragon King, you are wrong!" Tulong clan chief said: "Dragon people, over the past hundreds of millions of years, they have made great contributions to the development of the dragon world. It can be said that without the efforts of the dragon people, our dragon clan would not Today, they are not slaves and are qualified to sit on an equal footing with us! What's more, Qin Fei, who was born as a dragon, is a sacred dragon in the starry sky, and they should have equal status! This is reality, you must admit!"

"Confused! You are all wrong! What about the starry sky holy dragon? This emperor has already figured out a way to grab the starry sky holy dragon body from Qin Fei. By then, our dragon clan will still be the overlord of the world!" The Dragon Emperor sneered.

It believes that as soon as this matter is said, the dragons will definitely change their minds. What they care about is definitely the fact that Qin Fei owns the starry dragon, but now that it can get it, then they should change their attitude!

However, when the Tulong patriarch heard this, he disdainfully said: "How about you get the starry sky sacred dragon? A brutal man like you, after becoming a starry sky sacred dragon, I am afraid that he will be more ruthless to us! You have killed us during the day, do you think Do you have any credibility? Tell you the truth. We did this to prevent you from getting the starry sky holy dragon! Qin Fei gave us a voice transmission half an hour ago and said your despicable behavior, so we and The dragon man played a scene. Although there was sacrifice, it was worth it! We would rather be Qin Fei than you in the starry sky holy dragon! If you want to kill us, he saved us. The difference is still Do we need to consider it?"

"Damn it! You traitors of the dragon race! The emperor killed you!" Seeing the instigation hopeless, the dragon emperor did not hesitate and launched an attack brazenly.

However, the direction of its attack was towards the Dragon Palace. Everyone reacted. This guy wanted to return to Qin Fei immediately.

It's also okay, everyone already knows about this, it can't delay it, it must take Qin Fei Yuanli here immediately, and then settle accounts with these guys after capturing the starry sky holy dragon.

It is beautiful, but everyone will not let it happen.

The Tulong clan grew up and shouted, "Stop it! Stop it at all costs! Buy time for Qin Fei!"

The dragon people and the dragon clan firmly stopped the dragon king, isolated it from the dragon palace, and died without giving way!

This is the last chance for all races!

It is ironic to think about it. Since the Dragon King was imprisoned by the Black Dragon King, all the tribes of the dragon world have lived under the strong suppression of the Black Dragon King. They are all looking forward to the return of the Dragon King, thinking that the Dragon King will bring everyone a new life. , Peace will always accompany, and war will stay away.

However, now that the Dragon King has returned, the Black Dragon King has fallen apart. Who knows that the Dragon King is a more cruel ruler. Once he comes back, he must settle his grievances, causing all races to fight again and fight for their freedom. .

The hopeful savior has become the public enemy of the world, which is really a great irony.

After all, this is the Dragon Emperor's own sin. If it does not settle the old accounts and is not greedy for Qin Fei's things, it will not lead to the current ending, and the Dragon Realm will be a different scene.

The dragon emperor’s angry flame burned in his eyes, but he could not break through the barrier and enter the temple. No matter what method it used, the dragon people and the dragon clan would keep it out of the temple door even if they exchange their lives.

Blood is like a river flowing in the Dragon Valley, the smell of blood wafts in the air, the sound of fighting drums shakes the earth, Dragon Valley trembles, wailes and whimpers, the valley is in chaos, shouts of killing, screams, and begging for mercy are endless, who ever Would you think that the prosperous and solemn Dragon Valley will now become a **** scene?

The Dragon Sovereign also went crazy, seeing that there was no hope of getting away, and now it was impossible to want Qin Fei's things at least in a short time, so he was too lazy to bear it, and began to kill.

The dragon emperor of the pseudo-perfect peak realm will be everyone's nightmare once he gets serious.

After listening to the words of the Tulong clan, it has thoroughly understood that this matter is irretrievable!

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