Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 934: UFO!

"I'll catch it!"

Taotie volunteered, jumped up, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the spot of light.

Soon he flew back with a huge object in his arms, and shouted out of breath: "I'm exhausted. This is not a place for people to stay. It feels that profound energy is consumed!"

He is a master of the fourth level of the Xiaoyuan Realm. He flew like this for a while before shouting tired, which shows that the environment here is really bad.

"It's useless!" Shengchi Shenzun took the opportunity to mock him.

He angrily said: "What do you know? If you have the ability, try it, hold it and fly around!"

"Okay, don't make a noise!" Qin Fei interrupted them with a wave of his hand, and stared at the thing that gluttonous embraced.

Good guy, this thing is far from big, it's close, but it's very big, about five meters in diameter and twelve or three meters in length. The whole body is shiny with silver, and the surface is all made of metal. It looks like iron and non-iron, like steel and non-steel, and I don’t know what material it is. The top is pointed, like an arrow, and the waist is cylindrical, with a few unreadable characters written on it, square. On both sides of the waist, there are two flying wing-like devices on the left and right, and the tail is four neatly arranged holes, smoked black, and smoked, falling on the ground, scorching the grass on the ground.

He approached and reached out and knocked, making a crisp sound.

"Master, do you see what this is?" Taotie asked in confusion, he still couldn't feel it after looking at it for a long time.

Qin Fei didn't answer him, but reached out and grabbed the flying wings on both sides and lifted it up.

"Interesting, this thing weighs hundreds of thousands of catties! The weight is heavier than a rock! Gourmet, come, smash it open and see what is inside!" Qin Fei exclaimed, this thing aroused his curiosity , Never seen before, very exquisite, the workmanship is a hundred times finer than his Xuanling Gun and Xuanling Cannon, it must be well studied.

Glutton laughed when he heard him say that, he is the best at sabotaging!

Qin Fei and Shengchi Shenzun stepped aside and watched him perform.

"Drive me!"

Taotie raised his fist and slammed it **** the thing.


With a loud explosion, the thing was smashed open by him, revealing a lot of weird things, which were entangled with wires and distributed in an orderly manner. In addition, there were a lot of metal substances that made Qin Fei unable to name it. It was completely unfamiliar. thing.

Then there was a burst of thick smoke coming out, crackling explosions in many places, and a little electric light blooming.

Qin Fei watched carefully for a long time, reached out and searched around inside, and finally determined that there were no devices with profound energy in it, so it flew up, but there was one place that made him very curious. He touched the lines. At that time, the palm of his hand would feel a little numb, and it seemed to be hit by a weak lightning, and there was an electric current lingering in the body.

"Master, this thing is weird! It seems to be a kind of magical mysterious weapon! But there is no lethal power, and this mysterious weapon is too weird, there is no formation texture, no profound energy supply device, what is it? What?" Shengchi God Venerable frowned.

Qin Fei also found these things and pondered for a while, and said: "I don't know what it is, but since it exists, there must be a trace to be found! We continue to move forward. If we find something like this again, don't catch it. We follow it and we will always find the source!"

Put the unknown mysterious object into the storage ring, and the three of them continued on the road, following the direction it came from, hoping to meet the second one.

But in the next five days, nothing similar appeared again. A more bizarre phenomenon occurred. The gluttonous and holy pond gods, the masters of the dignified Xiaozhuan realm, were tired, saying that the profound energy in the body was consumed very quickly. , If you don’t add it, I’m afraid you will have to downgrade!

Qin Fei carefully sensed and found that they were on the verge of relegation. This was really incredible. They hadn’t fought before, so they simply hurried along. According to normal conditions, they couldn’t consume much profound energy at all, but they did appear like this. Case.

It seems that this abandoned place is really not a place for martial artists to stay.

But what is strange is that Qin Fei found that there was nothing wrong with him, his profound energy was still abundant and he was not affected at all.

With a thought, he took out a top-quality profound spirit stone, spread it in his palm, and stared at it for a while, his eyes became more and more confused, and the profound spirit stone did not lose its profound energy due to the changes Jin Haohan said.

Taotie took out a handful of Dragon Spirit Stone, but shouted, "Damn! Why is there only 20% of my Dragon Spirit Stone left?"

Qin Fei felt it, frowning, and gluttonous used the best dragon spirit stone. Even if it was one, with the strength of his small perfect realm, it would take a full hour to absorb it.

But these dragon spirit stones have been stored by him, never used, but lost their power for no reason.

What is the reason for this? Why didn't the profound spirit stone on my body appear like this?

When he was curious, he thought it might be that the profound spirit stone is different from the dragon spirit stone, so he threw it to Taotie and said, "Use the profound spirit stone, the same effect..."

While throwing it out, the profound spirit stone flickered in mid-air, and gluttonously caught it, but it cried out bitterly, "Master, that's not right, your profound spirit stone is also losing, there are only 50 pieces left!"

Qin Fei stunned and said affirmatively, "What are you talking about? It's obviously full, I checked it all just now!"

"Really, young master, don't believe me!" Taotie spread the profound spirit stone in his palm and showed it to him.

Qin Fei felt it carefully, and couldn't help opening his mouth wide, Nima, it was true that the profound spirit stone that had just been thrown out had lost 50% of its strength for no reason, and it was still passing by at a faster speed.

Something is wrong!

Obviously when he was in his hands just now, he was still intact, why did he change so much just by changing his hands?

Is it a character issue? Your character is too good, gluttony is too bad?

Impossible, it has nothing to do with character.

He suddenly thought of a question, could it be for his own reasons? Xuan Lingshi won't have trouble with him, and it will cause trouble if he changes the individual.

He took out one again, letting Taotie and Shengchi Divine Venerable feel carefully.

Both said for sure that the energy in the profound spirit stone was intact.

Then Qin Fei threw the stone to them. As soon as he shot his hand, he immediately attached his divine sense to the profound spirit stone, and instantly found a strange place. When the profound spirit stone passed in the air, a burst of energy was immediately lost. The unidentified gases in the air were absorbed, and when they fell into Glut’s hands, only 50% was left.

So, the reason really lies in his body. The air here does absorb energy, but his body is different.

Then this reason must be found out, otherwise I really dare not go ahead!

It’s nearly a million miles away from the edge. Even the people from the Four Worlds of the year have never set foot, so no one knows what will happen. He can’t take risks. He has to study carefully, at least You must ensure that you have the ability to protect yourself, and you will not be too late to move on, otherwise, if you encounter something dangerous and have no strength, you will die.

He took out the things on his body one by one for comparison, and looked at the piles of small hill-like treasures lying in front of him. Both the gluttonous and holy pond gods swallowed fiercely, envy and jealousy in his heart.

They finally know how they can be so awesome now. Good treasures can be obtained by one person. Anything can create a peerless overlord. Who dares to imagine that these things are concentrated in the hands of Qin Fei alone. , He was so awesome.

Qin Fei didn’t have time to watch their reactions. He picked it up one by one, and then tested the situation of the profound spirit stone. It was strange. Now the situation has changed. Even if the profound spirit stone is held in his hand, it is still in harmony. In the same situation as the gluttonous people, they quickly lost and couldn't keep it.

This shows that this matter has nothing to do with him, but is related to something.

After testing one by one, the key point was finally found, Suzaku Ling!

When he held Suzaku Ling, the change stopped.

Then he put down Suzaku Ling, and as a result, the change started again. After repeating this several times, he could be sure that Suzaku Ling could prevent the loss of profound energy!

He was excited to collect the things, his eyes gleaming, and he said to the Taotie and Shengchi Shenzun: "It seems that we have come to the right, we are about to find the sycamore tree where Suzaku has stayed..."

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