Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 939: The anger of big beauty Xiong!

After a while, Xiong Linlin realized how ambiguous and ambiguous this posture was. Her pretty face blushed, her beautiful eyes glared, and she suddenly retracted, sat back in the chair, and gave Qin Fei a fierce look.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly, is this to blame me? Did you make it yourself?

He turned his gaze away, and didn't dare to stare at the other person's chest anymore. If this woman rushes, he doesn't know what to do. It is impossible for an ordinary woman to fight her, right?

However, this girl has a really good figure!

and many more……

Qin Fei suddenly felt that something was wrong, why did he have so little concentration? To be honest, although Xiong Linlin's appearance is good and his figure is hot, but his woman is not bad, why doesn't he have concentration on her?

He began to think hard about the root cause, and soon he discovered the problem. It was not that he had poor concentration, but that the other person had a very charming smell. The fragrance was something he had never smelled before. The fragrance on her body penetrated into his nose. It made him a little lost, so he had the performance just now, so he secretly used his profound energy to block his sense of smell. In this way, he finally couldn't smell the scent of Xiong Linlin's body, felt much better, and his heartbeat became normal.

Now his mind was calm, he looked at her with a serious face and said: "Okay, I promise not to talk nonsense, you continue!"

His expression is extremely serious, his eyes are calm and calm, and his whole body exudes a majesty.

Xiong Linlin's eyes changed. She discovered how Qin Fei suddenly changed in front of her. With the clothes he was wearing, it was really like an ancient king, and she was full of domineering and majestic aura. She was still sitting. There, a completely different breath was released. She had an illusion for a moment, that was the case when Grandpa became serious, majestic and domineering, and people dare not look directly!

She murmured in her heart, how do you compare this **** with grandpa?

She immediately threw away the idea, cleared her throat, and became more serious, and said softly, "Sex!"


"family address!"

"Huh?" Qin Fei was shocked.

"Where do you live?" Xiong Linlin couldn't help but glared at him again. She found that talking to this guy was very difficult, most of them couldn't understand, so she could only explain it in plain language.

"The Qin Family at the east of the North Xuancheng of the Xuanling Empire!" Qin Fei said in a deep voice after understanding.

"What?" Now it's Xiong Linlin's turn, what the hell? empire? Is this guy kidding him?

"Honestly, speak up!" she angered.

"What I'm saying is true, my house is there. If you don't believe me, check it out!" Qin Fei curled his lips and said, how can I be hated by others if I tell the truth these days, it is really unreasonable!

"Huh! I'm too lazy to tell you more! The address is unknown!" Xiong Linlin immersed herself in a few notes and changed to the next question. Anyway, she was only responsible for asking the basic information, and someone else would handle the details.


"Professional? I understand this. What is it for, right?" Qin Fei smiled, and said, "Martial artist, alchemist, and king of the imperial town. They have a small territory. I don't usually manage it so much. Let's help watching!"

After hearing this, Xiong Linlin was completely messed up, and felt that she couldn't ask anymore. Let someone else do this. She felt that if she kept asking like this, she would have to become a lunatic.

She has basically determined that this Qin Fei did not deliberately play tricks, or has a brain problem, it is really possible that he escaped from the lunatic asylum, and what she said completely puzzled her.

What a pity, Bai looks like a little fresh meat, but he has problems in his mind.

"Forget it, I don't bother to talk to you anymore, just stay!" She stood up, her slender legs were higher than the table, and she turned and was about to leave.

"Miss, please stay!" Qin Fei would not be willing to see her leaving. She has been asking questions. She hasn't asked her questions yet, or else come here to dry her own hair?

Xiong Linlin ignored him, pulling the door handle and wanted to open the door and go out. Qin Fei's eyes flashed, secretly conveying a trace of profound energy, and silently attached it to the door handle.

"Why can't it open?" Xiong Linlin wondered, she couldn't open the doorknob anymore, and she couldn't open it with the maximum force.

The lock must be broken, which is really troublesome. What does the logistics department do? I must have taken a rebate from another lock factory and bought inferior products.

Bang bang bang...

She knocked **** the door and shouted out loudly: "Open the door quickly, the lock is broken!"

Qin Fei smiled and said, "Miss, let's talk about it. The lock will not get better for a while, so why not have a good chat!"

The people outside would definitely not hear her shouting, nor would the knock on the door be heard, because he blocked it all.

Now he wants to ask carefully what is the place here.

Xiong Linlin sat back on the chair angrily, but didn't turn around, not looking at him at all, as if completely ignoring him.

Qin Fei didn't care, and started his own problem.

"Where is this place? Why do people here dress so strangely? A lot of things are really weird." He said.

"Humph! Crazy!" Xiong Linlin answered him with only one word.

"Hey, miss, speak!" Qin Fei curled his lips, this girl had a real personality, and she ignored herself.

He repeated the question again, and the result was still the same.

Seeing that she was really unwilling to answer, Qin Fei was gone. It seemed that this trick was useless, so let's leave and find the answer somewhere.

"Okay, when I didn't ask! Why can't this door be opened? Isn't it because you can't open the door?" Qin Fei smiled.

Xiong Linlin glared at him, what do you mean? The door can't be opened, what can a three-year-old kid do, can you?

This guy is clearly cursing her around the corner!

"You shut up, no one will treat you as dead if you don't speak!" she said in an air.

Qin Fei shrugged, okay, don’t tell me, we don’t know, uh, it seems we don’t know her...

Xiong Linlin got up, walked to the door again, stretched out her hand to try again, not to mention, Qin Fei actually said to her heart, nothing is absolute, it is really possible that the way she opened the door was wrong, after all, she was also in this interrogation room. For the first time, it is not impossible that some locks have minor problems.


Something unexpected happened to her. This time, when the doorknob was twisted gently, the door opened without any problem.

"Haha, I said you won't open the door!" Qin Fei smiled straight behind her.

She turned her head and glared at him fiercely, went out, turned and slammed the door, her voice came from outside the door: "You keep this madman well, something is wrong!"

Qin Fei smiled faintly and didn't care. The madman should be a madman. Since there is no way to ask a question here, he should come, then leave as soon as possible.

Induction Xiang Tao and Shengchi God Lord, they are also in the same situation, driving people crazy, no one is wrong, they simply left it on the side, no one asked them in the interrogation room.

He stood up and was about to leave. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside, making his heart move and suppressing the thought of leaving.

Captain Chen opened the door and walked in with a solemn expression. He solemnly sat in front of Qin Fei and said: "Vice Team Xiong has already told me about your situation. To be honest, you really don’t know anything about this place. , Or deliberately pretending to be crazy and stupid!"

Qin Fei also solemnly said: "I never lie!"

"Okay! Then tell me, how can a normal person know nothing about this place?" The captain stared at Qin Fei's eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.

Qin Fei smiled, looked directly at the other person, and said, "Because it came from a far away place! So I don't know anything about it!"

"Remote place? Kunlun Mountain? Tianshan? Or Penglai?" The captain's voice became more solemn, and he leaned toward Qin Fei slightly.

"I have never heard of these places! Xuanling Empire, do you know? We call your place a deserted place!" Qin Fei smiled.

"Abandoned land! Abandoned land..." The captain said twice, his eyes became blank, and he didn't understand what Qin Fei was saying.

"Abandoned land means a place abandoned by our martial arts world! You people here do not practice martial arts, do not refine qi, and the environment has great constraints on our martial arts practitioners. Therefore, for hundreds of thousands of years, the martial arts community has No one has set foot here!" Qin Fei thinks it's better to say it straight. He is here to look for the phoenix tree. The more direct the better, the sooner he can accomplish his goal.

"Xiuwujie?" The captain murmured, becoming more and more puzzled.

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