Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 949: provincial capital!

Qin Fei decided to go to the provincial capital!

Hearing his decision, Chen Lin and the director looked at each other and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he would not give up.

The Secretary thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Qin, we are officially unable to come forward, but I personally agree with your decision very much, but I have to remind you that once this matter gets bigger, our China and Xia Xia can’t help you. , Everything depends on you!"

"I understand! This is my personal business, it has nothing to do with you, don't worry!" Qin Fei smiled.

"But I will ask Chen Lin to go to the provincial capital with you. If you are unfamiliar with the place, he can also show you the way!" said the director.

"Hmm..." Qin Fei thought for a while, and that's okay. This time to catch Phillips, the time must be hurry, and he must not be allowed to run. With Chen Lin leading the way, it would be faster.

Seeing his promise, the director looked at Chen Lin. Chen Lin nodded and said: "I have studied in the provincial capital and I am very familiar with it. If I want to set off, I'd better leave now! We can arrive in half a day. In time!"

"I want to go too!" Xiong Linlin said suddenly.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Lin glanced at her, but this time she was going to do a big deal. Why did she join in the fun?

"Can't I go home? There are still three days off this month, can I always ask for leave?" Xiong Linlin raised her chin and said.

"Naughty! No way!" Chen Lin flatly refused, she must want to join in the fun, of course not.

"Director, I want to go home to see my grandpa!" Xiong Linlin had to look at the director.

The director didn’t know what was going on. As soon as he heard her say the word “Grandpa”, he wiped off his sweat and said with a dry smile: “Okay, I will allow you to leave, and go back with them! But remember, don’t join in. Go in, I'll call your grandpa and explain the situation later!"

"Whatever!" Xiong Linlin said.

Qin Fei glanced at the director, and it seemed to him that Xiong Linlin's grandfather was not easy. When the director heard that he was sweating coldly, was this scary or happy?

However, the director agreed. He hasn't yet agreed. Whether or not Xiong Linlin will be with this matter, he still has the final say...

Chen Lin immediately went down to arrange the car, but Qin Fei stopped him and said, "No car is needed. Time is urgent. I can't wait for half a day. Let's go now!"

Before Chen Lin could understand, Qin Fei waved his hand suddenly, and a faint light suddenly poured out, enveloping Chen Lin, and then disappeared!

"This..." The director turned pale with fright, and Qin Fei and Chen Lin were gone in the room.

Only the gluttonous and holy pond gods were still there, gluttonous smiled at the sacred pond gods, and said: "I will leave it to you!"

When the words fell, he hulled and disappeared.

The **** of the holy pond snapped at the director and said: "I'm sorry, the young master has orders. It's better that you don't know many things!"

The director snorted and fell softly to the ground.

Xiong Linlin was frightened and waved her hand. She had seen this trick and erased people's memory directly. The director's memory about the previous paragraph must be erased, she doesn't want to.

Fortunately, Shengchi God Venerable did not take action at her, and said with a faint smile: "The young master said you don't need it. Anyway, you have done so many things at most. Wiping too much will affect your IQ. He said that your **** are already brainless. , So we won’t get into trouble, but let’s go first. If you want to go home, take the car yourself! Bye!"

When the words are over, the **** of the holy pond is also gone!

Xiong Linlin stomped her feet with anger. She was tricked by Qin Fei, especially the phrase she had no brains because of her big breasts, and it made her angry. She knew her **** were big, but it was unforgivable to say that she was brainless. !

By car, right? Row!

She gritted her teeth and rushed out of the office, frightening everyone in the hall. I don’t know who provokes this iron-faced girl again...

Chen Lin only felt that there was a flower in front of him. When he saw it again, he was already in mid-air. He looked down at the Sanlie county seat at his feet, dumbfounded, and suddenly got excited and flew. This is how many people’s childhood dreams, even if he is four now. I'm a teenager, and I've passed the age of dreaming, but at this moment, when the real childhood dreams appear, I can't help but feel excited and excited.

This is completely beyond the laws of physics. Whoever says that it is impossible for people to fly without the help of external forces is a powerful witness at this moment.

The whistling wind sounded in my ears, and the white clouds that were out of reach in the past seemed to be reachable.

Qin Fei stood beside him, smiling: "Where is the direction to the provincial capital?"

"Over there!" Chen Linqiang held back his excitement, pointed to the south, and said: "It is more than 600 kilometers in total. The private plane that Phillips took should have returned to the embassy!"

"Well, let's go!" Qin Fei nodded, a beam of light covered Chen Lin, lest he would be scratched by the strong wind.

At this time, Taotie and Shengchi Gods were coming one after another, Chen Lin saw that Xiong Linlin was not there, and did not ask much.

"Let's go!"

Qin Fei said calmly, flashed around, and disappeared in the blink of an eye with Chen Lin.

Chen Lin just closed his eyes, and he felt like he stopped. He thought it was not so fast, right?

Looking down, it really wasn't so fast. There was a rolling mountain underneath, and there was no shadow of the capital city.

Qin Fei said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I flew over my head all of a sudden, it seems to be over a thousand kilometers, wait, I'll calculate the distance..."

Chen Lin's eyes are almost staring, what? In the blink of an eye, it was a distance of a thousand kilometers, and it flew over. This is too scary, faster than light!

Soon Qin Fei calculated the distance, and it flashed again. Chen Lin opened his eyes again, looked down at his feet, and said with excitement: "Here, this is it!"

Below is a huge city that stretches for dozens of miles. Looking at the densely packed high-rise buildings, and those city landmarks, it is undoubtedly the provincial capital.

"Let's go down!" Qin Fei said calmly, and appeared on a street in the city with Chen Lin. They suddenly appeared, but they did not attract the attention of pedestrians.

"Where is the embassy?" Qin Fei said.

Chen Lin thought for a while and said, "It's on Embassy Street! But we can't go rashly now. It will be troublesome to cause diplomatic disputes between the two countries. We have to resolve this matter through normal channels!"

As a law enforcement officer, he naturally takes the law as a benchmark and cannot go beyond his power.

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "No! Time is too late, and the problem can't be solved by normal means. Let's go straight ahead! You don't have to go, your identity represents the official, and some things are still not involved. it is good!"

"But what do you do?" Chen Lindao, he naturally knew the truth. If he followed, his identity would be easily found out, and it would be an official incident at that time.

But he really wanted to know what Qin Fei and the others did?

Qin Fei smiled and said: "It's very simple, go directly to the embassy to arrest people, and then do what we should do! Don't worry, the disappearance of Phillips will not have any impact on the authorities!"

When the words fell, he gestured towards Taotie and Shengchi, the three of them disappeared in the blink of an eye...

Chen Lin smiled bitterly and thought about it for a while. This is actually not a bad thing. From his personal point of view, he is eager for Qin Fei to teach the Americans to save them from being so arrogant.

Embassy Street, in the American Embassy, ​​Phillips stayed in a luxurious room with a thick soft carpet on the floor and a marble table. Behind the table, sat a white with sunken eyes and a pointed nose. The hair man, who is about thirty years old, looks much younger than Phillips. I saw that he was well-dressed and very neat, his hands and feet looked well-organized, and his snow-white hair was meticulous. The post is on the top of the head, very energetic.

His eyes were like electricity, staring at Phillips, and he made a sharp and cold voice: "You are too disappointing for me! I just asked you to find out the details of the old thing, but you were caught, how to let I trust you?"

Phillips was so scared that his legs trembled, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and tremblingly said: "My lord, please be careful! Your subordinates must be careful next time!"

"Humph! I spared your life this time, so quickly say, what news did you find out?"

"My lord, there are hundreds of secret whistles around the old man's residence, and his subordinates can't get close at all. Finally, he was injured and escaped desperately. The injury broke out and the pain was unbearable. That power took the opportunity to eat my yin. Shali, his subordinates had to kill to save their lives!" Phillips said.

"Asshole! Nothing can be done well! Old man Zhuang's identity must be found out, otherwise, how do we control the underground forces of Sichuan Province?" Xue Faren snorted coldly, an extremely gloomy air instantly filled the room, rising from the walls. A layer of hoarfrost...

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