Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 955: Touch porcelain!

\"Don't talk about losing money! We call the police and let the police investigate this matter! At that time, who should be responsible, who should lose money, will have an arbitration!" Xiong Linlin said coldly.

"Oh, my little girl is quite stubborn! I don’t have time to go to the police station to waste time! I think it’s over 100,000 yuan, right? So, if you look so beautiful, I will give you 80,000 yuan! The big man looked at Xiong Linlin with a lustful smile, rubbed her chin in a fascinating way, swallowed his saliva and swallowed his eyes over her tall chest.

"Haha, Brother Tiger, this chick is really sexy. She has a hot body. Why don't you have less money and let the chick accompany you to have a little wine." A little brother came over and laughed and swept over Xiong Linlin presumptuously. Sweep away.

"Ha, that's a good idea! Did you hear that? Let this little girl accompany my brother to have a few drinks, and the money will make you pay less, fifty thousand yuan is enough, I will pay you when my brother!" Brother Tiger said proudly.

Qin Fei looked at him and shook his head. These guys are looking for death. If they know that they are molesting a policeman or investigator, and they say such things to an iron-faced girl who treats criminals like autumn leaves, don’t be scared. Pee.

"Looking for death!" Xiong Linlin was really irritated, she stared at her, and wanted to teach these people who don't have long eyes.

Chen Lin hurriedly grabbed her and said: "Don't be impulsive, hitting them will have no effect, but we are passive! I will call the police and let them handle the matter!"

In other words, he and Xiong Linlin are also police officers and prosecutors. If they openly act at this time and cannot explain it at that time, it is better to resolve this matter through formal procedures.

Seeing him taking out his mobile phone to make a call, Brother Hu was angry. The police did not do any good to them. This was originally a matter of touching porcelain. When the police and the investigation came, they must have planted themselves.

"Put down the phone, what I said is not useful, right? Brothers overthrow them!" Brother Tiger yelled, and several big men viciously took out the fruit knives and iron chains in their pockets, and charged up aggressively.

He Feng moved at this time. He was not a policeman or an investigator. He didn't have so many scruples. He rushed into the crowd, punched one at a time, and knocked all but Hu.

Brother Hu was so frightened that all the knives in his hand fell, and he looked at He Feng in horror. He didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble today, and there would be a master!

He is such a small bastard, who has never seen this kind of battle, his legs trembled in fright, and he kept moving back, and said in shock: "Don't come here, just forget about it..."

"Forget it? You knocked down Zhang's wife, do you think it counts?" He Feng said coldly. He often goes to Xiong's house and is very familiar with Zhang's wife.

"Forget it, do it, I will do it right away. This is all the money on my body. I will give it to you, as compensation for this elder sister!" Brother Hu hurriedly took out his wallet from his pocket and took a dozen hundred yuan bills. come out.

He Feng looked at him calmly, seeing him hairy, he thought, and hurriedly said: "No... not enough, right? They still have them, what are you doing in a daze? Take out all the money!"

A bunch of little guys suffocated his face and took out the money in his wallet one after another, making up more than four thousand yuan.

"Go!" He Feng said coldly.

Brother Hu and others received a pardon, put down the money and turned around and ran.


Brother Hu drove the Ferrari, but hit the road pile with a bang, and then hurriedly fell out. A big hole in the front of the car was shocking, but he did not want to think about it. He slammed on the accelerator and screamed away, like a ghost chasing behind. of.

"These guys, I haven't done a good lesson yet!" He Feng picked up the money on the ground and stuffed it to Sister Zhang, "Sister Zhang, take this money, let us go to the hospital and see, don't hurt anything. !"

Aunt Zhang didn't dare to ask for it, and hurriedly declined. Xiong Linlin took the money and forced it into her hand, saying: "It's okay, Aunt Zhang, these guys should teach them. Let's go to the hospital!"

"Master? How is he?" Aunt Zhang said anxiously, her face flushed with the money.

"Grandpa is okay, my parents have already accompanied him home first, let's go to the hospital for a checkup, and then go home!" Xiong Linlin smiled holding her arm.

Hearing that Mr. Xiong was okay, Sister Zhang's expression became clear, she smiled and nodded in agreement.

Qin Fei has been watching like this. He Feng's actions were beyond his expectation. These are things for ordinary people. He feels that as a martial artist, there is no need to have a general knowledge of these people. Let's talk about Xiong Linlin and Chen Lin. Skilled, those guys didn't pose a threat, but he didn't expect He Feng, a monk, to take action without hesitation.

Walking at the end, he smiled at He Feng and said, "Mr. He is heroic, and Qin admires it!"

"Mr. Qin laughed. Many ordinary people bully the weak by virtue of their power. We monks should draw our swords to help each other. If these things are allowed to happen, we and the monks will be in high positions. How many civilians are being bullied! Mr. Qin must have wanted to take action at the time, but he was robbed first by him. I am really embarrassed, mainly because I have known each other, and I really didn't hold it back!" He Feng laughed.

Qin Fei frowned slightly, and He Feng's words touched him.

Once upon a time, he would still keep the life and death of ordinary people in his heart, and he would not be a martial artist.

But I don’t know since when, as the cultivation base grows, I gradually become indifferent. I always think that the life and death of ordinary people are determined by themselves. Martial arts practitioners don’t need to care about all living beings as ants. This concept has long been there. The hearts of martial artists, including Qin Fei, are filled.

The only thing he cares about is his relatives. He treats other ordinary people, including low-rank martial arts practitioners, like a superior emperor, without mercy and sympathy, and he doesn't care about death and life like clouds of smoke.

At this moment, He Feng's words touched him a lot. He Feng's cultivation is comparable to a martial artist in the Celestial God Realm. He doesn't regard all beings as ants, but instead wanders in the world, experiencing the various forms of life. This realm is very high.

What if the sky is unkind, the man is broken, and the man is unkind?

Extinction? Change it!

He has a new perception at this moment.

Yeah, why distinguish between mortals and gods? Mortals cultivate gods, gods come from mortals! Who are not equal lives? Who didn't start from scratch? Why put yourself on the throne of the sky and land mortals on the ground?

The weak are self-help, bullying the overlord, self-teaching, this does not distinguish between the gods and the ordinary.

"Mr. Qin, my original intention for cultivating immortals is not only to pursue the emptiness of heaven and achieve the goal of immortality, but also our original intention when practicing, which is to resist power and uphold justice! If the strong cannot protect even the weak, cultivate immortals. What's the use? High above, it is actually loneliness!" He Feng said solemnly.

High above it is loneliness!

Qin Fei understood what he meant, and had a deep understanding!

How many friends did he have around when he was still weak? Everyone often gathers together, talks about the world, talks freely, has been drunk, has been crazy, has cried.

However, as the cultivation base grew stronger, he stepped away from the original friends. Although the original intention has not changed, the distance has become far away!

Even his lover has become far away and can't be with him all the time. Everything seems to be an excuse. For the sake of family and friends, I have a look at the end, but they don't spend much time with them.


Qin Fei suddenly understood the meaning of this word.

There was a flash in his eyes, yes, since all the struggle is the original intention, then why should we stay away from the original intention and ignore it?

Some things, although he has to do it, may not be able to reunite with his family and friends in a short time, but he can change from this moment and start from the most basic.

His mentality completely changed at this time. He returned to the starting point and no longer felt that he was superior. He didn't want to be alone!

"Thank you!" He said sincerely to He Feng.

He Feng said inexplicably: "Thank me for what I did? I haven't thanked you for saving the old man yet! I'm just about this. From now on, I He Feng will follow you in the wind and rain, and I will support you in everything!"

"Okay!" Qin Fei said with a smile, did not say much. He Feng is a hearty man. Some things don't need to be said so clearly, everyone can understand each other.

After she accompanied Zhang's wife to the hospital for an examination, she had some skin trauma, and it was fine.

Back at the Xiong’s villa, I saw a black car parked in the garage of the yard. Walking into the lobby, a young man of about thirty-three and four was chatting with Mr. Xiong. When Xiong Linlin and others came back, the young man stood up. She opened her arms towards Xiong Linlin and smiled: "Girl, you are finally willing to come back!"

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