Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 957: Overlord meal


"It's over. I killed the police and the investigator. I was planted..." Brother Hu closed his eyes and shouted, this time he was dead.

However, the expected impact did not sound, the car stopped abruptly, and exclamation sounds suddenly came from all around.

Brother Hu and the others opened their eyes, and their eyes almost fell out.

I saw the car stopped, and a large block was recessed in the front of the car. The **** man stood in front of the car, pressing his hands on the front cover, looking relaxed.

This...what is going on?

Brother Tiger and the others in the car were stunned. This is too scary. It seems obvious that it was the **** guy who stopped the car directly. There was nothing wrong with them.

"Come down! Ask you something!" Taotie clapped his hands, walked to the door of the car, and pulled it open. He didn't know how to open the door, anyway, the thing that got in the way was just scrapped.

"Yeah, what kind of monster is this?" Brother Tiger wanted to cry without tears, the car door was gone, the front of the car was so much recessed, and it seemed to be scrapped. The car will pick up people tomorrow. How can I pick up people like this? Don't you shame your eldest brother?

But now is not the time to think about how to explain to the eldest brother. You have to deal with the immediate trouble before talking about other things.

He found out that tonight was very bad. He opened the door and hit people on purpose. He wanted to blackmail some money to spend, but he didn’t know that he was beaten up so badly. He even took out all his money and honored them, and then returned the car. The bumping pile went up, leaving a striking pit. He had thought that if the pit was tossed up overnight, it should have no effect on picking up people.

But I don’t know, now I met such a lunatic, and he actually smashed the car to a halt, and made it so deceptive that this car can’t be forced!

"What's so special, I blame you, can't you just go back after washing the car? You insisted to persuade Lao Tzu to touch the porcelain. What happened? The porcelain didn't happen, but I lost my money. It's better now , The car is scrapped, and a lunatic, why did I accept you as a little brother?" Brother Tiger was angry and patted the driver's forehead fiercely.

The bad idea came from this driver. He's usually a clever kid, but he suddenly got into trouble today. He said that he managed to drive a luxury car out of the house. If he didn't get some money to spend, I couldn't help myself, so he gave his idea. After touching porcelain, Brother Hu also thought this was a good idea at the time. Ferrari, who is not afraid to see it? I was shocked, and tens of thousands of dollars were in hand.

Originally, he had blackmailed Mrs. Zhang, but he didn't think that it would really cost one hundred thousand, so he took the initiative to reduce the price, but he saw that the beauty of Xiong Dabei was gone, and said a few words of humor, but the matter turned out to be wrong.

It's alright now, the car is scrapped, and the big brother still does not peel his skin and twitches him? The eldest brother doesn't care that he is the most loyal little brother, because the car is also borrowed by the elder brother from others, and it will show off in front of the brothers from outside tomorrow.

I heard that the brother was an iron buddy in high school, and he is going to have a class reunion the day after tomorrow.

It's great this time, everything is gone!

"Damn! I told you to get out of the car. Didn't you hear me?" The gluttonous anger, the people in the car are actually in a daze in the car, is this not taking him seriously?

Especially the guy in the back seat was still slapping the driver on the head and cursing someone, and he didn't even look at him!

He grabbed Brother Tiger and pulled off the car.

Only then did Brother Hu woke up, the **** man was a strong man, he couldn't provoke him, put the car aside in advance, and deal with the trouble before him.

"Comrade Police and Cha, you are merciful, I will listen to you in everything!" He said with his head in his hands.

When the crowd watching around heard that the **** man was actually a policeman and an investigator, he suddenly showed compliments and praised the current policeman and the investigator for being a master. He ran into a supercar and had nothing to do. He had the courage to sacrifice and be kind. Fighting with evil is really people's hero!

Taotie glared, and said, "Who is the police and the inspector? What kind of mercy? I won't kill you! Hurry up and say, where can I watch "Jin, Ping Mei"? The movie theater doesn't show it, so fucking!"

As soon as he said this, the voices around him stopped abruptly, looking at him in horror.

Brother Tiger is even more shocked, what is this stuff?

"Gold, Ping Mei"?

This... Is this to test whether you have seen **** or movies?

No, I can't say that I know where to look, the other party must be deliberate!

"Comrade, I don't know! I have never heard of this movie's name!" Hu said.

"I haven't heard of it? No culture! I don't know about "Jin, Pingmei"? Are you stupid? I ask you, Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian, have they heard of it?" Taotie despised.

"Never heard of it!" Brother Hu shook his head hurriedly, not to be fooled, never to say.

"Wasting Lao Tzu's time!" Taotie said uncomfortably, and said to the surroundings: "Who have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it, why would I look at that stuff?"

"Flick, don't look at the excitement, if you find out dozens of small **** and movies in my phone, you still can't sit in the prison?"

People shook their heads, and then quickly dispersed. No one dared to watch anymore. Everyone had the same idea with Brother Tiger. This **** man must be a policeman, a policeman who inspects **** and movies!

I didn’t expect it to be banned online and offline now! It seems that there will be a home visit in the future, so quickly go back and delete everything in the computer and mobile phone to avoid being caught...

"Why did they all run away? All uneducated people!" Taotie defined.

Brother Hu was trembling, and said timidly: "Comrade, can you let me go?"

"Let you go? I finally caught you. Where can I find someone if I let go?" Taotie stared.

"Comrade, good work, I really haven't seen it! How about I treat you to dinner to calm down?" Brother Tiger said.

"Brother, we have no money..." the driver reminded.

"Shut up!" Brother Tiger glared at him.

The driver shrank his neck and dared not say anything.

"Eating?" Glutton swallowed, then looked back at the holy pond god, and said: "Holy pond, are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry! Why don't we put the movie beforehand, let's eat first?" Shengchi Shenzun smiled.

"Okay, I'll listen to you! Watch the movie when you're full and drink!" Goutiao smiled and said to Brother Tiger: "Brother, you are interesting, where are we going to eat?"

Brother Hu complained in his heart, brother, it's just a polite remark, you really don't have to take it seriously, eat? All the money in the bag was emptied today, where to eat?

But he didn't dare to say this. He found that the **** man in front of him could not be a policeman or a policeman. Under normal circumstances, who would agree to go to dinner?

But what if it is not a police officer or a police officer? The head is here, and he is very strong. If he dares to regret, he will definitely be beaten by him.

"Big brother, we are also hungry..." The younger brothers in the car also looked at him eagerly at this time.

Yes, I drove out the car before it was dark and washed it. I hadn’t eaten dinner yet. The brothers were all hungry. I didn’t feel it yet. When I was reminded by Brother Tiger, I felt hungry. Panic!

"Let's go, let's go eat!" Brother Tiger gritted his teeth, and eats as soon as he eats. The big deal is a Overlord's meal. It's not that he has done this before!

Brother is a bully, who are you afraid of?

Seeing him so bold, gluttonous, put his arm around his shoulder, said: "Brother, you are so loyal, I will cover you in the future!"

Brother Tiger smiled bitterly and lost his smile.

The car can’t be driven anymore. Ask the driver to park the car on the side of the road temporarily. In order not to be fined, he has to park in the parking space. Brother Hu can understand that he will come late for dinner and drive away after get off work is charged. There is no parking fee.

"Hey, you pay the parking fee first!" The toll collector shouted after him.

Brother Hu turned his head and said angrily: "What to shout? Isn't it only eight yuan? Do you know how much this car is worth? Could it be that you will be missing a few dollars?"

The toll collector was very dedicated and said: "Then you give it first!"

"No change, come back and give it to you! Let's yell again, Believe it or not, I will cut you off!" Brother Tiger's eyes widened, looking fierce.

The toll collector stepped back in fright, looked at the car, and thought that this group of people must have been mixed, driving such a good car, there should be really no change, it happened that he did not have any change, forget it, offend These people will have a hard time in the future, and driving such a good car should not rely on the eight yuan parking fee.

After getting the toll collector, Brother Hu is in a good mood, but he still has face, and he scared the other party back when he roared. Is he really a fool?

"Brother, where are we going to eat?" the driver whispered.

"Food stalls!" Brother Hu immediately replied, the food stalls are good, this kind of roadside stalls basically doesn’t matter, and there’s nothing to do if you go to a big hotel. If you go to a big hotel, it’s terrible. If you are a bit shameless in society, eating Bawang Meal is easy to eat!

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