Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 964: Send a luxury car!

After eating a meal for nearly an hour, Qin Fei finally satisfied Xiong Linlin.

When they came downstairs, everyone looked straight at the two of them, and Qin Fei murmured, what are they doing? Are you stupid?

"Mr. Qin, I will give you a gift!" Xiong Guodong smiled.

"No need!" Qin Fei said politely.

Xiong Linlin's eyes lit up and said, "Quickly, go and take a look!"

When everyone came to the yard, they saw a black car parked there, with a **** waistline, a fierce front face, and a streamlined body, like a running horse on the track. It looked wild and full of charm.

Xiong Linlin recognized the goods, yelled in surprise, ran over and stroked the mirror-like car paint, turned back to Xiong Guodong and said, "Big brother, you are so partial. I have begged you for this car dozens of times, but I refused. Lend me to drive once, but you want to give it away!"

"It's not that the big brother is partial. You are a policeman or a policeman. What are you doing in such a good car? Mr. Qin is different. He, our distinguished guest, saved grandpa and gave us a fresh start to the Xiong family. He drives this car the most Suitable!" Xiong Guodong smiled, and then said to Qin Fei: "Mr. Qin, why don't you go for a stroll with Linlin?"

Qin Fei drove around the car and said in admiration, "Benchi Mai Kailun, a good car!"

This car, according to the price of the blue continent, is converted into a huge sum of tens of millions of dollars in Hua and Xia coins. This Xiong Guodong is really bold, and it is such a big hand.

He knew from the book that this car has a price but no market. Many people want to own it, but they can only stare.

He can't accept such an expensive gift, although he likes it, he can't ask for it.

"Big Brother Xiong, forget it, I'm a novice, driving a car is too wasteful!" Qin Fei smiled, resisting the temptation.

Everyone looked at him in confusion and changed other people. Even He Feng was deeply fascinated by this car. He actually said no, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Are you stupid? Why don't you? Bring the key!" Xiong Linlin said immediately, then took the key from Xiong Guodong, took the driver's seat, and greeted Qin Fei: "You don't want me, come up quickly, let's go for a drive! "

"Yes, Mr. Qin, go and try!" Xiong Guodong smiled, pulling Qin Fei into the co-pilot.


A roar sounded like a roar of a god, and the car rushed out of the courtyard gate like a black whirlwind...

As soon as it broke the next day, Qin Fei was awakened by Xiong Linlin's knock on the door. She asked him to get up and clean up immediately and prepare to attend the class meeting.

Qin Fei rubbed his eyes and cried out with sorrow. This woman's spirit is also very good. It was almost two o'clock in the morning when she came back from a drive last night. She has been asleep for less than five hours. She is so energetic. It's incredible.

Wake up and put on a black suit that she bought yesterday. Qin Fei took a photo in the mirror with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Not to mention, this dress is so handsome when he wears it, he almost can't recognize himself. .

Opening the door, Xiong Linlin's dress today made him shine, fresh and refined, bright and elegant, and the beautiful identity was set off very charming, the makeup was very delicate, like a blooming rose, the breath was charming and breathtaking.

"Let's go, we will gather at the Dynasty Hotel at noon!" Xiong Linlin took him and walked out.

Chen Lin and He Feng have not followed Qin Fei anymore. Although the director confessed that he would follow Qin Fei, Mr. Xiong greeted the people above, and that's fine. Since Mr. Xiong promised that Qin Fei would not leave privately. , That is absolutely, no one will doubt!

At this time, a group of people gathered in a luxurious office in a skyscraper four blocks from the Xiong's Villa.

A **** man with a height of two meters and a middle-aged man with a gentle smile were particularly eye-catching. A group of more than a dozen people surrounded the two of them, each with a respectful look.

"Two gentlemen, I will trouble you today. I'm going to attend the class reunion later. I can't accompany the two of you to stroll around!!" A young man with a smile on his face faced Erren in a very polite tone.

"It's okay, you have helped our buddies a lot in the past two days! It's a blessing that we can meet someone as generous as you!" Shengchi Shenzun laughed, and now both he and Taotie have changed their clothes and have neat suits. He wears a thick gold chain on his neck, a jade bracelet on his wrist, and a pure gold ring on his fingers, which looks like a nouveau riche.

"Hey, two brothers, Brother Jun has money, what's this?" Brother Tiger leaned over and said with a flattering smile.

"What money is not money, that's not a problem, Li Jun, I am not a stingy person, let alone two hero-like characters? This is one hundred thousand yuan, you take it, if the two gentlemen have any needs, You can do it!" Brother Jun took out a stack of money and handed it to Brother Tiger.

"Hey, no problem! I will definitely take care of the two brothers! Brother Jun, please rest assured!" Brother Tiger bowed his head and said.

"Okay, you have to get things done this time. Did the Ferrari fix it for me?" Zhu Shao said.

"It's repaired. Before dawn today, the repair shop drove the car over, and all of it has been repaired. It is guaranteed to be fresh!" Brother Tiger hurriedly said.

"Very good! This car is worth more than five million yuan. I borrowed it from Zhu Shao of the Zhu Family Group. I drove this car to participate in the class reunion. Let the big guys look at my Li Jun's achievements today! By the way, you quickly call my brother and tell him that he is ready to go!" Li Jun said proudly.

When Brother Hu heard about Zhu Shao, his eyes lit up and said: "Is this car borrowed from Zhu Shao? Brother Jun's road is really wide!"

"What's the matter? Zhu Shao and I are brothers who worship the handle. A car is nothing at all! Go and call my brother!" Li Jun said proudly.

Being able to worship the young master of the Zhu Family Group is also the reason why Li Jun has become so prosperous in the past two years. He was a good student with excellent studies in high school, but he fell in love with a goddess secretly in his second year of high school, and later confessed to the goddess. The goddess agreed to his pursuit, but the goddess was very conservative and refused to let him hold hands. He was so angry that he was not thinking about reading. Once he was drunk, he wanted to use the strong but failed, and then naturally broke up. He was shocked and couldn't go in to school. He spent the whole day with the school gangsters. In the end, he didn’t pass the university entrance examination. He got out of society. With all his hard work, he got some wicked business, but he stood firm. Later, he got on the line with Zhu Shao, specially doing some secret activities for Zhu Shao, so that he now has some millions of net worth.

In this classmate meeting, he wanted to show off in front of the goddess of the year, so that the other party regretted not following him!

After a while, Brother Tiger came back and said: "Brother Jun, your friend is already waiting for you downstairs!"

"Well, the two gentlemen are embarrassed, I'll leave first!" Li Jun nodded politely to the two gluttons.

These two people are really gods, and he has the heart to settle down, and if there is the help of these two strong people in the future, it must be foolproof!

The night before yesterday, he was in the hotel preparing to roll the sheets with the beautiful woman he had just met. He was disturbed by a phone call from Brother Hu. He actually said that he had no money to pay for the meal and asked him to pay the bill.

He still cares very much about Brother Hu. These guys are desperadoes, and they have done any bad things. Zhu Shounen's ability to worship him is also because he has such a group of desperate little brothers under his hands.

So he couldn't ignore the matter of Brother Tiger, so he had to let the beautiful lady wait in bed first, and he would come as soon as he went.

When he arrived at the food stall, after he paid the bill, he naturally had to educate Brother Hu and others.

He didn't pay attention to the two of Taotie and Shengchi Shenzun at first, thinking that they were friends of Brother Tiger outside.

But Brother Hu said that they are martial arts masters, masters of the world, and possess a good ability, which makes him unhappy, thinking that Brother Tiger is talking nonsense, evading responsibility for this meal.

When Taotie gently lifted a thousand catties of artificial rock in the roadside garden, he was completely stunned, calling the gods and believing in Brother Hu.

Even if Brother Tiger told him that the Ferrari had been smashed by a thief, he didn't feel distressed at all, and he didn't pursue anything. Just let Brother Tiger directly contact the repair shop to fix it, and didn't take it to heart.

Hearing that the two gods were going to watch "Jin, Ping Mei", he immediately enthusiastically helped, and took the gluttonous two to the Internet cafe, and let them enjoy it.

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