Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 974: What is your aspiration?

Xiangyuan Farm, located at the east end of the city, occupies a very large area, and many large-scale dinners and activities will be held here.

When Qin Fei and Xiong Linlin came to the door of the farm, they saw Zeng Shao, Li Jun and others standing at the door. Seeing their car arrived, they greeted them with smiles.

Qin Fei looked at the two with cold eyes, and thought that these two guys were good and fast. This is only a little longer? Come together, and it looks very harmonious.

"Haha, Mr. Qin, I thought you couldn't find here, I was about to pick you up!" Zeng Shao enthusiastically opened the door and invited Qin Fei to get off the car.

Li Jun was also standing here, and didn't look at Xiong Linlin again, as if he had no more thoughts.

"What are you two?" Qin Fei frowned. He didn't know how to circumvent him. He always felt that these two were too weird, so he asked directly.

"Mr. Qin is really sorry, I sincerely apologize for what happened before! I swear by Zeng Shao that I will never have any other thoughts on Xiong Linlin in the future. We are classmates, ordinary friends, and that's all!" Zeng Shao raised his hand and sweared. Tao, extremely serious and solemn.

Li Jun also said at this time: "Mr. Qin, I hope you have a large number of adults. I was blinded by the disrespect to you before. I promise that I will never make the same mistake again. I promise Xiong Linlin that I will not have any thoughts. If it violates the sky, thunder strikes!"

Qin Fei glanced at the two of them, then turned to look at his car, and suddenly understood why their attitude had changed so quickly.

"Is it because you did this?" He said, pointing to the lane.

Zeng Shao and Li Jun were shocked. They didn't expect Qin Fei to ask so directly. They smiled awkwardly. Zeng Shao said: "Mr. Qin is really quick to talk, yes, I did look down on you before, and I thought a poor boy could deserve it. Classmate Linlin, but now, with the car you drive, she will never be wronged, and I will die of this mind. In terms of wealth and status, I must be inferior to you, so why bother Make enemies for yourself? So I think we can let go of the past and be friends in the future! We can make money together if we have money!"

Li Jun nodded hurriedly, with a flattering smile on his face.

Qin Fei smiled. These two guys are quite straightforward. They seem to think that they must be rich in driving such a good car. Behind the wealth, they must also mean power. Women have a lot in their hearts. It may just be something dispensable, this one is not available, the big deal is just to change it, absolutely not with money!

This is also good, so that they don’t have to trouble themselves again, and they are happy to worry about it!

He nodded and said: "Since you have all said this, then I should explain it too. Linlin is mine. If anyone fights with me, I will never be soft, and whoever wants to be my Qin Fei's friend, Of course I welcome it, and I am willing to take care of each other! Let’s just buy and sell things like this, and in the future everyone will be classmates or friends.

"Haha, Mr. Qin is right, go, everyone is waiting inside!" Zeng Shao said with a smile.

The two of them followed Qin Fei and Xiong Linlin as eunuchs serving the emperor, and walked towards the farm.

Just carrying Qin Fei on their backs, the two of them walked behind and smiled at each other, there was a coldness in their smiles...

Walking into a quaint wooden building, everyone in the hall stood up, showing them bright smiling faces, watching Qin Fei's eyes shine.

Now he is surrounded by the crowd like stars holding the moon, and everyone wants to say a few more words with him, handing out his business cards, hoping that he can remember them.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly in his heart, but had to pretend to be happy to greet everyone.

He could understand the faces of these people. They were all special forces. They tried their best to see the benefits, but he didn't know that he was just a passer-by and it was absolutely impossible to stay in this blue continent. After a long time, after today, they tried to find themselves but couldn't find it. What is the use of handing out business cards? What's the use of leaving a phone number? What's the use of such a diligent machine?

This is definitely a huge irony. The people they fudge will never be able to help them.

Everything is predestined, but people are still living in the spiritual fantasy world, I don't know how cruel the real world is!

Qin Fei exclaimed, the Azure Continent and the Xuanling Continent are completely different!

The mortals here do not practice martial arts, do not seek longevity, and pursue only material satisfaction and spiritual vanity. How is this different from the walking dead?

People in the Xuanling Continent all yearn for martial arts and wish to become gods. Although material matters are also important, it is not all of life. Even the poorest people at the bottom of the world are pursuing martial arts, hoping to change their lives through martial arts. , And these mortals in the Azure Continent only think about the worthless vanity and the power that is of no use at all, and the selfish psychology is extremely deep. Is it a blessing or a curse?

He thought, maybe this is the reason why people on the Profound Spirit Continent call this a deserted place!

He talked to everyone, occasionally taking the opportunity to ask a question, what is their life pursuit.

Someone answered that becoming a high-ranking official will naturally bring prosperity and wealth.

Some people want to be comfortable and carefree.

Some people want to sit on countless beauties and be drunk.

Some people want to be masters, and always dominate others.

Qin Fei asked if they had any ideals other than material comfort.

Everyone is silent!

It seems that in this world, people only have material in their hearts, but no spiritual yearning. The best thing is to think of being able to live a long life.

He was very disappointed. These people kept talking about their dreams, but they didn't know that far away in another part of the world, people there were no longer worried about longevity, their dreams had already been sublimated, and becoming a **** was the final wish!

He and the others were speechless, walked out of the wooden building alone, sat under an old tree, staring at the sky in a daze.

Under the same sky, there are two completely different worlds. What is the reason for this result?

"What's the matter? You are so popular, why don't you talk to them again?" Xiong Linlin walked out and stood beside him, looking up at the sky together.

"Can you answer me a question? What is your dream?" Qin Fei did not look at her, still looking at the white clouds in the sky.

Xiong Linlin thought for a while, and said, "My dream? It's very simple. A happy family. Everyone can live a long life and spend every day carefree and disease-free. We are happy together. This enough!"

Qin Fei retracted his gaze, looked at her sideways, and said seriously: "Why?"

He feels that although his dream is similar to her, the realm he pursues is completely different. He also hopes that his family and friends will live a peaceful life and live a simple and happy life, but he knows that this is difficult, and it is a very difficult dream. , He needs to pay a lot of price, even now, he is still in this blue continent for this dream.

"Why? Are you not very smart? Don't you understand this? A happy family, healthy and safe family is the greatest wealth in life! In the eyes of many people, there is only money and power, but they don't know it, and there is no family to share. What is the use of these things?" Xiong Linlin said.

Qin Fei did not answer her, but fell into silence.

He asked himself inwardly, what is the greatest wealth in life?

Yes, it's family, those friends who can trust their lives!

"Qin Fei, I am going back to the county seat and resign in two days!" Xiong Linlin said suddenly.

"Why? Don't you really want to be the best policeman and investigator? You are giving up now?" Qin Fei withdrew his thoughts, no longer struggling with this question, but was surprised at Xiong Linlin's decision.

When chatting, she once said that her dream is to be the best policeman and prosecutor to prove her worth, but at this moment she said this.

Xiong Linlin sighed and said: "I came back this time and saw my grandfather who loves me the most and almost left me forever! It made me realize that a person should spend the most time with his relatives. I did not give up my dream. When I return to the provincial capital, I will still apply for the police and inspection exams. I just want to be able to do my best to stay at home and stay with my relatives as much as possible! I think there is no conflict in doing so!"

Qin Fei nodded, and said, "You are right to do this! Maybe I should learn from you! After completing the task this time, I will carefully consider how I will go in the future!"

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