Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 982: Xiong Linlin was kidnapped!

Soon Gourmet and Shengchi returned, Qin Fei hurriedly asked about the situation.

The matter was similar to what He Feng described. It was discovered that there were more than 30 people on the scene, all monks, and the biggest one was the power of fire. According to Taotie, this power is comparable to gods. The strength of the first division of the division, He Feng's strength is also comparable to that of the gods, so it is normal that he is not an opponent.

"Qin Fei, Elder Xiong, my injury has healed, so I rushed back to the branch immediately, reported the matter to the headquarters, and then mobilized people from the entire alliance to find them, even if they lifted the ground, they must be found!" He Feng patted. Chest road.

Immediately after he left, Qin Fei asked Mr. Xiong to speak alone.

"What's the problem?" Elder Xiong has been in the world for decades and has read countless people. Since Qin Fei solemnly asked him to narrate alone, he felt that something went wrong.

"Lao Xiong, do you really understand He Feng?" Qin Fei said solemnly.

"What does Mr. Qin mean? Does he have a problem? If this is the case, then Mr. Qin doesn't have to worry at all! He Feng is absolutely loyal to me to the Alliance. I brought him in when he joined the Alliance. We are like a teacher. He’s like a disciple or a father and son. I taught him all of his things back then. I will definitely not be dissatisfied. And I will tell you a story. Before I saved him, he actually saved him five times. We are like that. I can give my life to the other person’s life-and-death acquaintance! Later, after I became disabled, he was the one who blamed him most. He almost didn’t get into trouble. In the process of tracking down the traitor, he rushed to the forefront for five years. The clue, the first one to rush is him. In his five years, his whole person has lost more than 50 catties, and he is very haggard! He even almost died a few times! I have been disabled all these years, and I have been taken care of by him. You have never disliked hardship, you can rest assured of him, he will never have a problem!" Master Xiong said solemnly.

Qin Fei smiled and said, "The old man said that I actually asked you this for the same purpose as you said. I'm worried that he will be impulsive and take things too seriously. I'm a sinner if I'm exhausted!"

Mr. Xiong smiled and said: "Don't worry about this. He Feng is a man of measure. He will arrange all kinds of time reasonably. When doing anything, he will go through many considerations before putting it into action! It is precisely because In this way, after I came down that year, I recommended him to be in charge of the provincial and capital branch. The result showed that he was capable of handling any major issues!"

"Oh? You let him be the head of the branch back then?" Qin Fei's eyes flashed brightly.

"Well, I was the person in charge back then, but I am inconvenient to move, and I am not a monk anymore, and he is my favorite disciple, so I recommended him to the headquarters to be the person in charge! It turns out that I did this correctly. Since he came, there have been very few disturbances in our provincial capital, only twice, and one of these two times was caused by you!" Old man Xiong laughed.

Qin Fei knew what he was referring to. It should be the Phillips issue. The embassy was blown up. If the Alliance did not solve it, it would directly affect the trust of the government.

Although monks are superior to mortals, they still have to rely on the official to survive. Therefore, if they cannot be trusted by the official, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. Qin Fei understands the truth, even in Xuan. On the Spirit Continent, it is also dominated by the official empire. The Xuanwu Hall, the Alchemy Association, and the Iron Fort are all very powerful, but they must also obey the management in front of the empire, otherwise they will be waiting for thousands of troops. !

Although ordinary people are weak, they are huge in number, and there are many ants that can kill strong elephants.

Qin Fei looked at the ceiling at this moment and said, "Brother Huo, are you digressing?"

Brother Huo's awkward laughter sounded: "Sorry, you continue..."

Father Xiong looked at Qin Fei strangely and said, "Who are you talking to? Who is Brother Huo?"

Qin Fei shrugged and said: "A wretched fat man, it's okay, let's continue the topic just now!"

Elder Xiong only thought he was talking to himself, and then said: "He Feng has absolutely no problem with us. I will not doubt him. You don't need to worry. In the alliance, if you want to be a responsible person, you need to It has to go through many heavy tests, and it will be appointed after it is confirmed! His character has also been tested by our leader, and he is absolutely trustworthy!"

"Well, if I don't believe him, I have to believe you. Besides, I really don't doubt him, I just ask by the way!" Qin Fei smiled, and did not continue to inquire too much about the wind.

It was late, and he couldn’t bother Mr. Xiong anymore. After returning to his room, he frowned and thought hard. Until the next morning, he didn’t see Xiong Linlin coming back. He couldn’t help smiling. It seemed that this girl was very sad. , I haven't returned all night, and I don't know if something will happen?

Of course, it is not that she will have an accident. People are police and prosecutors, and they are very capable of self-protection. He is just worried that she will spread her anger on others, which is called an accident.

"It's weird! Linlin's phone is still turned off, where will she go?" Xiong Guodong asked with the phone in confusion.

Qin Fei moved in his heart, remembering that he had left a mark on her, and he could know where she is now, and whether to look at it, but after another thought, he thought it was all right. Since he decided to clarify the relationship with her, Don't do it this way, save trouble.

After He Feng went back in the middle of the night, there was no news now. Qin Fei felt bored. He had to urge this matter, or how much time would he waste?

Just thinking about it, suddenly the phone in the living room rang.

Mother Bear picked it up and just asked, her expression suddenly changed, "What? Linlin is in your hands?"

Everyone in the living room looked drastically changed and felt something was wrong.

"I'll pick it up!" Father Xiong strode to the landline, took the phone, and solemnly said: "Who are you? Why are Linlin in your hands?"

He pressed the loudspeaker, and the other party's voice came out from inside, sharp and harsh, and it was obvious that the voice line was deliberately changed.

"Don’t talk so much nonsense, Xiong Linlin of your family is in our hands. Within two hours, you prepare 100 million cash, pack it in a snakeskin bag, and then send it to the pavilion of the fountain in the square of the city garden. Put the money down and leave. When the time comes, we will have someone to pick it up. It is clear that if you dare to call the police, this beauty will not survive. At that time, we will **** and then kill. You will wait to find her naked body and corpse on the streets of the city! I will call you any more, you can not listen but you are at your own risk!"

Then the other party hung up with a snap, and didn't give everyone time for questioning.

Xiong Linlin was kidnapped!

The other party was very cunning and would not call again in the middle of the journey. He just waited for the Xiong's family to send the money. He didn't say when to release it, only threats and consequences.

This is equivalent to cutting off the Xiong family's escape route. If you don't do it, you will see the corpse. Only if you do it, you can save people.

"I'll prepare the money right away!" Xiong Guodong hurriedly said.

Qin Fei immediately stopped him and said coldly: "Let's not panic. We can't be sure whether the other party has a hostage. What if it is a lie to us?"

Everyone thought, yes, Xiong Linlin didn't hear her voice, the other party did it too unprofessional.

But the other party has made it clear that if there is no money, people will die, and they will be humiliated to death.

The bear family cannot take this kind of risk.

"No matter so much, let's prepare the money first, take it there, and then ask you to watch it there, who is going to withdraw the money!" Old man Xiong was calm.

"By the way, inform He Feng and see what they can do!" Father Xiong said anxiously.

Everyone agrees with this method. It is definitely impossible to report to the police. It is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not know, but the monk alliance is different. The other party cannot end to that level, otherwise it is impossible to engage in kidnapping.

Especially if there is the help of the cultivator alliance, this matter will have a better chance of success.

Father Xiong asked Qin Fei to guard the fountain in the square, and then follow the money taker. This is a good way!

Just as he said, Xiong Guodong hurried to collect money, and the other party asked for 100 million in cash. This is not a small amount. There is not so much cash in the company, so you can only get it from the bank.

Qin Fei unexpectedly happened. He told Taotie to go with Xiong Guodong, and then he hurried to the square, while the holy pond **** was guarding the Xiong's house to protect Mr. Xiong, and the mother Xiong picked up the phone to inform He Feng.

Qin Fei sensed the imprint before leaving, only to know that she was worry-free now, and that she had to see the specific situation with her own eyes.

But at least she is not hurt now, which makes him feel more at ease!

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