Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 992: Obama!

Everyone is both envious and afraid. What is envious is that he can enjoy the best stunners. What is afraid is that with James's ability, if he really fights, he must win, but now they are replaced by two girls with excellent bed skills. In a different battle with him, James must die!

This is a foregone conclusion, there will definitely be no suspense!

"Mr. Qin, please sit inside!"

Oppama warmly invited Qin Fei into the factory and into a luxurious office.

Qin Fei didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd. He glanced at him and said, "Mr. Oppama, please explain what you mean by calling me."

Opalma smiled, a sly look flashed across her dark face, and said, "Although I have never met with Mr. Qin, we have already heard of your name. I invite you to come this time because I want to meet you. Cooperative! With your strength, coupled with the full cooperation of our dark council, great achievements will be achieved!"

Cooperation? Cooperate? great cause?

Qin Feiyun is in the mist, this guy is too outrageous, there doesn't seem to be such a good relationship between the two parties?

He can't figure it out. What kind of medicine did this guy take wrong? Why do you want to fawn on yourself for no reason? Is it because you see that you are too strong, so you are ready to change the enemy into a friend?

Dreaming, Westerners cannot be trusted!

Judging from the history of China and Xia, Westerners are not a good thing. They are rebellious, unbelieving, and selfish. These are not enough to describe their nature. Interest is their ultimate choice. Alliance is for them. It's like playing with a child, and if you don't agree, you will turn your heads into enemies.

Qin Fei didn't believe the other party in the bottom of his heart, and was completely farting.

He smiled contemptuously, and said: "Mr. Oppama, according to what you said, we want to cooperate, right? Okay, you have to show some sincerity? Talking about cooperation can't make Qin feel at ease!"

When Opalma saw him say this, she split her mouth and said with a wretched expression: "That's that, Mr. Qin is right. Since it is a cooperation, of course, we must show sincerity! I heard that Mr. Qin is very sincere about the bright light of the Holy See I’m interested in the torch, I’m asking someone to collect some for you, please accept it!"

After speaking, he winked at the person next to him, and the other party hurriedly took out a password box, opened it and placed it in front of Qin Fei.

Qin Fei's eyes lit up, and there were more than a dozen glass bottles in the box with golden glow in the bottles. It was exactly the kind of gold thread he got from Phillips before, which was related to the plane tree That kind of energy.

The other party called it the bright flame!

He would not be polite, accept them all, let Suzaku Ling absorb them all, and said with satisfaction: "Mr. Oppama is very sincere! Thank you! I would like to have more things like this. I wonder if you can take me to Brahma Emperor. Ge?"

Obama smiled, and immediately agreed: "Of course there is no problem! Mr. Qin can go anytime he wants, and our dark council is always there for you!"

"Thank you so much!" Qin Fei nodded, looking very satisfied.

No matter what conspiracy the other party has, he doesn't bother to care, as long as the other party can help him get the sacred flame of light, this is not a problem.

"Then Mr. Qin, the cooperation between us will continue?" Opalma said loudly.

Qin Fei said indifferently: "No problem, we can cooperate! It's just that I want to hear, if you want to cooperate with me, what do I need to do?"

Obama smiled and said: "How dare we bother Mr. Qin you? You don't need to do anything, as long as Mr. Qin can be a good friend with our dark council!"

Qin Fei thought that he might have understood the other party's intentions. They might have been afraid of themselves, so they deliberately expressed it and be a good friend, meaning that Qin Fei should not deal with them in the future.

He thought for a while, and said seriously: "Of course good friends can, but I have a request. You can make noises anyway you want, but you must never be wild in China and Xia, otherwise I don't mind shooting!"

"Haha, Mr. Qin is such a patriotic man, how can I not understand? Mr. Qin can rest assured, we can absolutely guarantee this!" Oppama smiled very happily, as if his goal had been achieved, and then told Qin Fei Said: "Mr. Qin, you sit down for a while, there is something wrong in my factory, I need to greet you, and I will accompany you later!"

Qin Fei didn't doubt that he had it, and asked him to leave. Only three people were left in the office.

"Master, this guy must have a conspiracy, and I have to guard it!" Shengchi God Venerable frowned, and waved his hand to place a restriction so that others could not monitor it.

Qin Fei nodded lightly, and said, "Of course I understand this. What do you guys see?"

He pointed to a pot of flowers on the east wall with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The holy pond **** wants to go over, Qin Fei stopped him, and said: "Don't move, it's a camera. What we said just now must have been recorded. The other party just said so much nonsense, I am afraid it is just waiting for me to agree. With regard to working with them, now we will stand still and see what they want to do."

He actually discovered something was wrong early in the morning, but he didn't expose it at all and continued to act with the other party.

Opalma left the office and went to a secret room. There was a big screen inside, fully showing the scene of Qin Fei's office.

He said to a young Westerner inside: "Is it all passed?"

The young man nodded and said respectfully: "It has passed!"

Obama said with satisfaction: "Okay, let someone evacuate from here immediately!"

The young man immediately went down, Opalma smiled sinisterly, and said to himself: "Qin Fei, Qin Fei, we can't deal with you, someone will take care of you, I hope you can do it yourself!"

About ten minutes later, Opalma walked into the office and said with a smile on her face: "I'm really sorry, there are too many things in the factory. I neglected Mr. Qin, please forgive me!"

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "It's okay, we still have something to do, so let's say goodbye!"

Oberma asked, "How can I do it? I have prepared red wine for a hundred years, and I want to buy you a glass!"

Qin Fei said: "No, there is indeed something else, please contact me another day!"

Speaking of him getting up to leave, Opalma didn't want to stay, and sent each other enthusiastically, and even specially arranged a special car to take Qin Fei and the three people away.

After the car was far away, Opalma's face turned gloomy, when the young man ran over and said, "Important personnel have been evacuated."

"Okay, let's leave too! People from the Cultivation Alliance should be here before dawn!" Opalma nodded, turned and left...

At this time, in a huge manor hundreds of kilometers away from the provincial capital, He Feng stood respectfully in a room. In front of him was a middle-aged man with a majestic face, a powerful breath exuding. , Making people daunting.

"Deputy leader! This is evidence, please see it with your own eyes!" He Feng respectfully handed over his mobile phone.

The man called the deputy leader took it, opened it, and saw that a scene of Qin Fei talking with Obama was playing inside, and the voice of the speech came out clearly.

The deputy leader's face was gloomy, he slapped his phone on the table, and said angrily: "What a courage, who is this kid? Actually associating with Western barbarians!"

He Feng took the opportunity to say: "This person's name is Qin Fei. He is not from our alliance, but he is an Eastern monk. He is very powerful. He colluded with Westerners and destroyed our provincial and city branch. I finally escaped. "

"So how did you get this video?" The deputy leader looked at him and said.

"I've been investigating the dark council's hidden location in the provincial capital. I found the factory where they were located a month ago and sent someone to install a monitoring device in it. This time I captured evidence of Qin Fei's collusion with them. The deputy leader, You must avenge the dead branch brother! This thief will not kill it will be a big disaster!" He Feng had already made up his excuses.

The deputy leader nodded and said: "Damn this son! Where is he now?"

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Deputy leader, this is also the most worrying thing for his subordinates. Qin Fei has always lived in Xiong's home. He is a guest of Xiong's family."

"What? Xiong's family? How could Mr. Xiong have something to do with him? Is this old man Xiong confused?" The deputy leader exclaimed in anger.

He Feng took the opportunity to say: "The subordinates don't know what's going on. During this period of time, Mrs. Xiong respected Qin Fei very much and regarded him as a distinguished guest! I don't know whether he knew Qin Fei was colluding with the Dark Council?"

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