Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 994: Go down and play!

With one blow, the master was defeated, and there was no way to fight back!

Gu Hua's eyes were about to come out, and he looked at Shengchi God Venerable in surprise, but he didn't expect the other party to be so powerful.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that he was careless, the opponent is very likely to be the seventh or eighth power of the master, then send a few more powerful masters, so there will be nothing wrong!

So he once again sent five masters, Qizhong, and a master, Bazhong, to rush towards Qin Fei and the others.

The result was still the same, Shengchi God Venerable's simple move, the six people followed in the footsteps of the previous three, without a trace of resistance.

"Damn it! It seems that I underestimated you! You two go and clean him up!" Gu Hua said sternly, and finally sent a stronger Shenzong No. 1 master. He is convinced that this time he will be successful!

The cultivation system is different, so he can't see the specific realm of the martial artist, and can only rely on Mongolian.

Sacred Lake God Sovereign watched the two divine sects rushing forward, and smiled bitterly at Qin Fei: "Master, let's kill them all with one move. This is too troublesome to fight!"

"Okay! Don't waste time!" Qin Fei nodded.

The **** of the holy pond immediately brightened his eyes, and his gentle face showed a sunny smile, his cracked mouth showed white teeth, and said to everyone in Gu Hua: "Go down and play together!"

When the words fell, the water glow rippled out and rushed towards everyone. The first two divine sects who bore the brunt, fell to the ground instantly, and passed out without a hum.

Gu Hua behind the crowd saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly backed away.

When he withdrew from the sky above the bear’s house, looking back, he couldn’t help being stunned, and saw that he had brought more than a hundred masters, who are usually the role of wind and rain, but this time he was made to lie in the yard of the bear’s house, like As if falling asleep, no one can still stand.

He was frightened. Even with his ability, it was impossible to get so many people at once. Even if the leader came to the house in person, he might not be an opponent. What kind of master did he provoke?

He had seen in his life that only the people of the three great immortals could have such an ability!

Could it be?

Suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, the three immortals. Could it be that these Qin Fei and three people came from the three immortals to experience? God, if that's the case, I'm in big trouble this time!

He became uneasy and looked at Qin Fei's trio in surprise, his mouth moved, but he couldn't say anything.

The possibility of the three great immortals has completely panicked him. He has the name of self-knowledge, and any one of the three great immortals can kill him.

Although Hua and Xia are guarded by the Brotherhood Alliance, he knows very well that they are just pawns. The real patron saints are the three great immortals and higher-level figures. Thinking of the existence of the Brotherhood Alliance and the Dark Council, the Holy See, is just a display. It's just the lowest level power in the world.

Therefore, he definitely can't afford to provoke the people of the Three Great Immortals!

Just when he was about to escape, a loud shout suddenly appeared: "Don't be afraid of the deputy leader! He Feng will help you!"

He looked down and couldn't help being overjoyed. He Feng didn't know when he slipped into the Xiong's courtyard and controlled Xiong Linlin.

"Qin Fei, if you don't hold your hands, she will die!" He Feng sternly said, he pinched Xiong Linlin's jade neck. Although Xiong Linlin had some skills, she could only deal with ordinary people. She would have no resistance when she met a monk. Power.

Qin Fei looked at him coldly and said, "Let her go, I will go with you!"

Xiong Linlin's safety is the most important. These people can be cleaned up with casual hands, but they can't reach ordinary people, especially those of the Xiong family.

Seeing that the situation is under control, Gu Hua's expression eased, and said: "Then please go to the Cultivation Alliance with us. No matter whether this matter is true or false, I will find out clearly. If there is something wrong with you, I will pay it back. You are innocent!"

He doesn’t dare to offend Qin Fei anymore. In case someone is really a member of the Three Great Immortals, even if it’s really colluding with the Dark Council, it’s not his turn to take care of him. Hold Qin Fei first, and then report to the leader. Only the leader Only to be able to contact the people of the Three Great Immortals, when the time comes, wait for the people of Immortal Land to arrive, and then decide.

He Feng didn't care about the sudden change in Gu Hua's attitude. No matter what, as long as Qin Fei entered the Alliance Headquarters, he would not be able to escape, so he would think of other ways.

Xiong Linlin did not let go, but said that he would wait until Qin Fei arrived at the headquarters of the Cultivator Alliance before letting him go, lest Qin Fei ran halfway.

Qin Fei didn't insist, and let Taotie and Shengchi God Venerable follow Gu Hua and He Feng together. He Feng still controlled Xiong Linlin and didn't dare to be careless.

Although Mr. Xiong suffered this vicious change, he was still loyal to the Alliance and he was busy sending people to take care of the monks who were stunned by the holy pond. In order to prevent these monks from waking up against him, Qin Fei agreed with Gu Hua not to harm him. Otherwise they must retaliate.

Of course Gu Hua immediately agreed and sent someone to stay here. Qin Fei's current status is very likely to be a person from the Three Great Immortals, and he can't offend him.

Without a word, he soon arrived at the headquarters of the Brotherhood Alliance, located in a manor 800 kilometers away from the provincial capital.

Qin Fei knew that this must be a trick and didn't break it. He wanted to see what conspiracy this guy had. It was solved once and for all, so that this guy would not make any more tricks.

He didn't care, he was worried that He Feng would be detrimental to the Xiong family. Killing He Feng with one blow would inevitably cause a backlash from the monks alliance. At that time, a mixed killing would inevitably not hurt other monks. In the final analysis, these monks They are all people who are very loyal to Hua and Xia. Even Gu Hua didn't blame him. The other party thought that he had colluded with the Dark Council to do it. The degree of loyalty was undeniable. It was just being deceived and the crime was not deadly.

"Qin Fei, we will not wrong you, nor will we let anyone be unfavorable to Hua and Xia, and now you stay there. This is the Qi Feng Pill. You must take it and temporarily seal your power. I will let Xiong Linlin go!"

In a secret room, Gu Hua said to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei nodded and said, "No problem, I just hope you can investigate clearly!"

After finishing speaking, he took the opponent's Fengqi Pill and ate it in one bite. He didn't care. This pill could only seal the qi of the monk, but it could not have any effect on his martial artist.

Gu Hua breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they had all taken it. No matter how strong the people of the Three Immortal Lands were, he would become an ordinary person temporarily after taking Fengqi Pill, so he was safe.

He went to He Feng to release Xiong Linlin, but Xiong Linlin refused, saying that he wanted to stay with Qin Fei. He would never leave without leaving.

In desperation, Gu Hua didn't really offend her. After all, Qin Fei’s identity is very likely to be a person from the fairyland. The relationship between Xiong Linlin and Qin Fei is extraordinary at first glance, so we should take care of it. The orderer arranged a room for her to stay, saying that he could not see Qin Fei for the time being, and asked her to wait.

"He Feng, I will discuss this with the leader, you are waiting here." Gu Hua explained to He Feng.

He Feng nodded repeatedly, looking excited.

When Gu Hua left, he immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Peter's number: "Mr. Peter, the prey has been in the cave! Gu Hua suspected that Qin Fei was from the fairyland, what should he do?"

Peter’s voice came from the phone, and his tone was relaxed: “That’s Gu Hua’s ignorance of Qin Fei’s power. It will definitely not be a person from Xiandi. Let him find it. Prepare yourself and I’ll send someone there right away. Catch Qin Fei, you must arrange for the people in your alliance headquarters, and you can't break the big deal!"

He Feng proudly said: "Don't worry, it's lunch time soon, I have already put some condiments for them, to ensure that no one will stop you!"

"By the way, did Qin Fei and the others take the Fengqi Pill you mentioned?" Peter said.

He Fengyin laughed and said: "It's done, they have already taken it. The Fengqi Pill is absolutely effective for them. This is the most important reason I let the headquarters take action. Only the Fengqi Pill can make them unable to use their power. Dan only has the headquarters, and now everything is ready, waiting for you to come!"

Soon he hung up his cell phone and walked to the kitchen of the alliance headquarters, the sneer on his face thicker and darker.

After lunch, within half an hour, there were almost no people walking in the headquarters, and even the patrolling monks slept beside the pillars under the eaves, seeming to fall asleep very tired.

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