Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1198 Healing, grudges

Chapter 1198 This battle, a fiasco

Hearing this voice, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Also looked up almost at the same time.

It was none other than Yang Yiyun.


An attack came.

Dubutian withdrew the strength that was suppressed on Wu Yun, and flew away, dodging Yang Yiyun's attack.

At the same time, he also frowned secretly, "Why does this old thing seem stronger than before? Where did Zi Linglu go? Why didn't you stop him?"

On the other hand, Wu Yun's face was full of joy.

Finally came, Yang Yiyun finally came.

At the same time, he also saw the other person who was carried by Yang Yiyun at first glance.

It was my father, and the palace master brought my father back.

Due to the distance, he didn't see anything unusual about his father.

At this moment, Wu Yun didn't want to pay too much attention. Since Yang Yiyun brought his father out, it proves that his father is safe.

And now that he was no longer bound, what he cared most about was the long coat that fell to the ground.

He didn't stop at all, and quickly ran to the side, beside Feng Changyi, who was already lying in a pool of blood.

"Elder Feng, Elder Feng!"

At this time, the cry in Wu Yun's voice became more and more obvious.

Elder Feng was so angry that he was blasted through a blood hole in his chest.

Although he is not dead, he is no different from the dead.

"Wu Yun, come with me!"

Just waiting for this moment, I only heard a rushing voice beside my ear.

It was Yang Yiyun.

"But, Elder Feng, he..."

"Don't worry about it, don't care so much! I can't last long."

Before Wu Yun finished speaking, Yang Yiyun interrupted him immediately.

And it was only at this moment that Wu Yun realized that Yang Yiyun was different.

At this moment, his face was as pale as paper, his lips were black and blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth.

If he hadn't been standing, if he hadn't been breathing.

This look is even scarier than the dead.

Just as he was about to ask, he suddenly discovered something that made him panic even more.

His father was also covered in blood at this moment, his breath was weak, and he was unconscious.

"Palace Master, what happened to you and my father, Dubutian didn't move, who stopped..."

In the middle of the conversation, Wu Yun did not continue to speak, because he suddenly thought of a person.

The man has not been seen since the war began.

Ziling Road.

But at this moment, Wu Yun couldn't help thinking too much, only to see that Yang Yiyun was directly holding Wu Yun in one hand.

The other hand slammed a palm towards the rushing towards the far away.

Both feet slammed on the ground, and in an instant, I felt the mountain shake for a while.

And Wu Yun was also directly carried by Yang Yiyun, like an arrow from the string, rising from the ground.

Flying away into the distance.

The speed was so fast that even Wu Yun couldn't react at all.

When he turned around again, the martial arts field was hundreds of meters behind him.

But for some reason, Dubutian and the others did not catch up.

On the martial arts field, Dubu Tianzheng was about to order Yang Yiyun to be hunted down.

But I saw Zi Linglu stopped him again.

"what are you doing?"

There was a bit of anger in the questioning tone of Wubutian.

Although he didn't say it, he was clearly questioning.

Why didn't you stop Yang Yiyun? Why let him take Wu Yun away?

Who is Ziling Road, he naturally understands the meaning of Dubutian's words.

He smiled and said, "Palace Master, there is no need to worry. Could it be that you didn't discover this abnormality of Yang Yiyun just now?"

Dubutian took a deep breath, but he didn't speak.

Indeed, he discovered Yang Yiyun's anomaly, and he seemed to be stronger than ever.

"Yes, you guessed right, he is indeed stronger."

Zi Linglu's understated smile contained a hint of sarcasm.

"However, he won't live long. Once the effect of the Soul Burning Forbidden Technique is over, he will surely die."

Dubu Tian's eyes moved slightly.

Secretly, it turned out to be the case, it turned out to be the Soul Burning Forbidden Technique.

No wonder he was stronger than before, it turned out to be the use of this forbidden technique.

But soon, Dubutian said, "But that kid Wu Yun ran away."

"He? If he can't run, where can he run? No matter where he runs, it's a plaything in my hands. If I wanted him to die, he would have died already."

Zi Linglu said with a light smile.

"But, that artifact and..."

"That's not what you can have, you don't deserve it!"

Before Dubutian finished speaking, Ziling Road suddenly changed his words.

His voice was cold, he scolded.


"What? Do you want to do it with me?"

Zi Linglu's rude tone naturally made Dubutian dissatisfied.

But soon, he was completely suppressed by Zi Linglu.

Because he knew very well that this young man in his early twenties was by no means an existence he could contend against.

Suddenly, I saw him looking around.

Whispered: "Save me some face, since you want to keep him, then I will not interfere in this matter."

"Congratulations to the Palace Master, Hexi Palace Master, from now on, the Pill Soul Palace will no longer exist, and the Martial Dao Palace will be the only one in the Wilderness Continent!"

Ziling Road is also very reasonable, and at the same time, it also gives enough face.

He directly cupped his hands and said loudly.

The people around were also kneeling on the ground at this moment, imitating Zi Linglu's tone and flattering.

another place.

Yang Yiyun carried Wu Tian on his back and Wu Yun with one hand.

Running all the way through the jungle, I don't know how long it took.

Finally, seeing Yang Yiyun staggering, he couldn't hold it any longer.

fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, his face was whiter than before, and his lips were darker than before.

The most terrifying thing is that his body is already as thin as firewood, and it no longer has the majestic appearance it used to be.

"Palace Master, what happened on your way to rescue my father? What happened to my father? Who was injured!"

This series of questions, like a barrage of cannons, were asked to Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's breath is getting weaker and weaker.

He even had difficulty speaking.

His voice was very soft, but it was barely enough for Wu Yun to understand.

"Wu Yun, I'm running out of time, listen to me."

"I went to save your father, and I met the boy in purple. He is very strong, stronger than me. My injury was caused by him."

"In desperation, I used the forbidden technique to burn the soul."

"Don't worry about me, my deadline has arrived, and no one can save me."

"Your father was deliberately destroyed by the purple-clothed boy. If you want to save him, go to the Western Continent and find a top magician!"

"Wu Yun, this time, the Pill Soul Palace may no longer exist. I only ask you one thing. If it is possible, come back and rebuild it for me. If you have enough ability, wash the Martial Dao Palace with blood!"

At this point, Yang Yiyun's voice became weaker and weaker.

But Wu Yun didn't even dare to breathe, and listened carefully to every word of Yang Yiyun.

"Little, be careful that purple-clothed boy, he, he seems to be playing tricks on you on purpose."

"Palace Master, Palace Master..."

Finally, after Yang Yiyun said the last sentence, he was completely breathless.

A generation of powerhouses, the Hall Master of the Pill Soul Palace, one of the top forces in the Wilderness Continent, has fallen.

Wu Yun roared with a cry.

Then, he looked at Wu Tian on the side.

Climb over quickly.

"Father, father is still breathing, yes, the hall master said just now, that Zi Linglu deliberately destroyed father's sea of ​​consciousness, go to the western continent, the magician of the western continent can save my father."

Wu Yun took his father and Yang Yiyun into his arms.

At this moment, his eyes were scarlet and his face was hideous.

His heart was filled with monstrous anger and resentment.

"Martial Arts Palace, Ziling Road, you all have to die, all of you have to die!!"

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