Chapter 1310 Space illusion, exit

After a while, I saw that there were really a group of five people, hurriedly coming from a distance.

These are all humans, no sirens.

Moreover, all of them are top-level rank nine cultivators.

Two of them, like the purple jade fox, are loose cultivators without flesh.

However, judging from the aura emanating from their bodies, their strength is probably stronger than that of the purple jade fox.

In fact, this is no longer a matter of doubt, and now in this Sea God Palace, I am afraid that only those rank nine cultivators can survive.

Of course, Wu Yun and the others were an exception.

But in other words, if it weren't for Wu Yun and the others, it would be someone else's words.

During the last time they were surrounded and suppressed by Ziyu Fox and others, they had long since ceased to exist.

Soon, the group of five flew through the space where Wu Yun and the others had just fought. ,

Their speed is very fast, and it seems that there is something in front of them that is attracting them, and they don't want to stop for a moment.

Soon, they disappeared from Wu Yun's sight.

"Brother, they seem to be going somewhere, is there something ahead?"

Bald-haired bird wondered.

Wu Yun frowned, just as he was about to speak, he immediately motioned the Bald-haired Bird to be quiet.

Ahead, I saw the five people who had just left suddenly turned back.

They stayed in the air for a while, and they all landed at the place where the bald bird and the purple jade fox fought.

There are still traces of their battle ahead, but the soul of the purple jade fox has dissipated.

Wu Yun wondered to himself, "Could it be, what did these guys see?"

And Wu Yun's question was quickly answered.

I saw one of them looked around and said, "It seems that there has been a war here just now, and it is a very powerful loose cultivator, his soul has been scattered."

"And, looking at the traces, this loose cultivator was killed by one move."

"One-shot kill, what kind of characters are there? I'm afraid that none of us can do it."

Someone was uneasy.

"Could it be that we are late, and the exit of the space illusion has been occupied?"

Someone wondered.

"It's possible, let's go, let's rush over and take a look, be careful, if there are such strong ones, we will definitely not be able to win this exit, and immediately go to the next exit."

The person who spoke before said these words after a moment of contemplation.

Then flew away again and left.

The rest of the people looked around and quickly followed.

After they left, Wu Yun and Bald-haired Bird looked at each other.

The bald bird said: "Big brother, they mentioned the exit of the space illusion just now, and there is more than one? Listening to their tone, it seems that only one exit can be allowed, or a group of people can leave."

"Well, bald man, let's go and have a look!"

Wu Yun gritted his teeth and tracked down such strong men. With his own strength, he probably couldn't do it.

must be discovered.

Of course, it is not impossible.

Whether it is tracking or exploration, in this case, the nose-eared beast must be an excellent weapon.

Release the nose-eared beast and teach him his meaning.

Under the leadership of the nose-eared beast, the two followed the breath of the five people who had just left, and quickly followed.

However, because the opponent's strength is not weak, even the nose and ears can not be too close to the beast.

Once it is too close, it will inevitably be discovered, and I am afraid that it will inevitably be done at that time.

Today, their goals are only two, one is to find a way to crack this space illusion.

The other is to find Xiaojin and the others.

As for hands-on, try to avoid it for the time being, Ziyu Fox is dead, and they and others no longer have the necessary hatred.

The two followed up all the way. Fortunately, the group of people in front were in a hurry and didn't pay attention to what was behind them.

This gave Wu Yun and the others a chance to follow them all the way without being discovered.

It lasted about half an hour.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the front.

The nose-eared beast also stopped and told Wu Yun.

The five people in front it was tracking also stopped at the front left.

Withdrawing the nose-eared beast, Wu Yun and Bald-haired Bird hid their breath.

Bypassing the group of people in front, from the other direction, slowly groping forward.

Gradually, the noise in front became louder and louder.

In addition, Wu Yun and the two were able to perceive many powerful Rank Nine auras intertwined in the air.

Finally, the scene ahead had caught their eyes.

There were not many people, and there were about a dozen people standing in the open space ahead.

Some of these ten people form a group, and some stand alone.

Human Kraken, half each.

However, they didn't mean to fight each other.

Because, at this moment, their attention is fixed on the sky above their heads.

Above, a not-so-big Tai Chi Bagua Diagram is slowly rotating.

A mysterious energy gushed out from the Tai Chi gossip diagram.

"Brother, could it be that the Tai Chi Bagua map is the outlet of this space illusion?"

Bald-haired bird asked: "But since they have all come here, they must all come for this, but why haven't they started?"

Wu Yun stared at the Tai Chi gossip without moving.

Seeing Wu Yun froze, the bald bird asked, "Big brother, what's the matter with you?"

After a while, Wu Yun shook his head and said, "Bald, I think, I know what's going on with this so-called space illusion!"

"Do you know what's going on in the illusion of space?"

The bald bird said excitedly: "Brother, you mean, do you know how to crack this illusion?"

"It can't be cracked, but I should know how it was constructed."

Wu Yun retracted his gaze.

Looking at the bald-haired bird, he said: "Before, I always thought that this so-called space formation was very mysterious, and it should be an existence beyond ordinary formations, but in fact, it is indeed the case, with ordinary means, it is impossible to Crack this space illusion!"

"However, when I just saw this Tai Chi gossip picture, I suddenly wanted to understand something..."

"What's up?"

Bald-haired bird interjected.

"I think, this so-called space illusion may just be..."

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