Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1363 Crazy decision

Chapter 1363 Miscalculation, begging for death

The Taishang Martial God Art worked, and immediately mobilized the power of the Indestructible Holy Body.

Today, his inextinguishable body is still in the second realm, and the vajra is not bad!

But this time, he did not use the Shadow of the God of War and the Nine-Star Linglong Pagoda.

Because he had tried it once at the entrance to the Xianshan Realm before, and the power of external force amplification would not play any role in this kind of assessment.

Of course, with the exception of Hunyuan Jindan.

In the last assessment, the Hunyuan Jindan played an absolute role, so this time Wu Yun dared to come here with a rank five cultivation base, and he also relied on the Hunyuan Jindan.

Even before, he thought that if Hunyuan Jindan could force back the power of the assessment, he would be able to enter with Xiaojin at that time.

But after arriving here, he discovered that the assessment strength at the entrance of the Holy Land was completely different from the assessment strength of the Immortal Mountain Realm.

He is not sure how much help Hunyuan Jindan can give him, but what is certain is that this kind of power can never be forced back by Hunyuan Jindan.

After everything was ready, Wu Yun began to awaken the Hunyuan Jindan.

However, Hunyuan Jindan has always been a very strange existence, and often in many dangerous moments, it can appear to save Wu Yun's life.

But more often, it was never under Wu Yun's control.

There have been only a few times since the Primordial Golden Pill entered his body, and it was motivated under his control.

This time, Wu Yun didn't have much confidence in whether he would be able to urge it ahead of time.

Sure enough, Wu Yun lay cross-legged on the ground, calling out the Hunyuan Jindan over and over again, but got no response.

The whole calling state lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour without any response.

Not only the Hunyuan Jindan, but also the God of Fortune did not pay attention to him.

In the end, Wu Yun could only give up.

But Wu Yun was not too surprised by this result, because he had already expected this consequence.

He didn't expect the Hunyuan Jindan to be awakened by himself and controlled by himself!

Although he has not awakened, he is still confident. Over the years, he has experienced countless life and death situations, and every time he comes to the juncture of life and death, the Primordial Golden Elixir will appear.

So, this time, he also had the same idea.

Since I can't wake you up, I will use my life and death to force you to take action.

Thinking of this, Wu Yun no longer hesitated.

Under the blessing of the Supreme Martial God Art and the power of the Indestructible Holy Body.

I saw Wu Yun jumped and shot towards the entrance to the Xianshan Holy Land.

Wu Yun flew from a few hundred meters away. If it is normal, the distance of several hundred meters would be able to fly to him in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, the distance of several hundred meters seemed to him to be more difficult than reaching the sky.

Just flying forward less than twenty meters, Wu Yun suddenly stopped.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he can't and doesn't dare to move.

When he was a few hundred meters away before, he felt the pressure that made his blood boil.

At this moment, this feeling is even more serious.

Moreover, it was no longer just the blood boiling, he even felt that his body and meridians were being crushed.

This is an extremely painful feeling, different from the suppression of the cultivation base, but even more terrifying and uncomfortable than the suppression of the cultivation base.

At this moment, Wu Yun stood there, not daring to move.

He even had a feeling that if he didn't move, maybe he could hold on for a while.

But if he gets closer, even if it is half a meter, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to resist this crushing force.

"It's so strong, I still underestimate this power. Now it's just the beginning, there are still several hundred meters ahead, what should I do!"

Wu Yun's pupils tightened, staring at the entrance of the passage ahead. This distance may not seem far, but for Wu Yun at the moment, it is as difficult as the road to the sky.

"Hunyuan Jindan, if you don't wake up and help me, I'm going to be completely cold!"

Wu Yun whispered in his heart, but Hunyuan Jindan still did not respond at all.

After a while, Wu Yun gritted his teeth and secretly said, "Is it not time yet? Then I will go a little further, I will force myself to the point of death, I don't believe it, you don't do it!"

As of now, it is impossible to retreat.

At this moment, all Wu Yun's hopes are pinned on the Hunyuan Jindan.

He thinks that Hunyuan Jindan is not moving because he has not yet reached the real desperate point of death at this moment.

Don't say it too far, just like at the entrance of Xianshan Realm before, he did not wake up the Primordial Golden Pill.

Even, at that time, he felt that he was about to be torn apart. At the last moment, Hunyuan Jindan appeared to save him.

This time, he firmly believed that as long as he was forced to that point, Hunyuan Jindan would definitely take action.


Two steps!

Wu Yun began to walk forward tentatively.

However, every step he took was extremely difficult, and he had to spit out a mouthful of blood.

And the bones of the whole body also make a crackling sound.

Obviously, his bones were the first to bear it.

The broken bones and the piercing pain pierced Wu Yun's body, but it didn't make him flinch, he still persisted.

the fifth step!

Finally, Wu Yun took the fifth step.

However, after taking the fifth step, he couldn't hold it any longer and fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, it wasn't just his bones that were cracked, his body was almost crushed.

Not to mention the level of meridians and blood in the body.

Even his flesh and blood skin, every pore, began to bleed out of the body.

One can imagine how much pain Wu Yun was suffering.

This feeling was so painful that Wu Yun couldn't hold it anymore.

Eyes darkened, consciousness dazed.

This was not just a precursor to fainting, Wu Yun even felt that he was on the verge of exploding and dying.

"Bastard, have you miscalculated, what's going on, the Primordial Golden Pill still doesn't respond!"

Curled on the ground, Wu Yun, who was enduring the pain, muttered to himself with his last consciousness.

At the same time, he once again tried to wake up Hunyuan Jindan.

However, as before, the Primordial Golden Pill did not react at all!

Seeing that, Wu Yun was on the verge of dying.

At this moment, the reason why he is still alive is that he has not been crushed.

Relying on it is the Supreme Martial God Art, the Indestructible Holy Body, and his unwilling will to die is doing the last perseverance.

But these powers could never help him get out of trouble, they could just make his death a little slower.

Wu Yun is on the verge of dying!

Even Wu Yun was about to give up, because the feeling was so painful that he didn't want to bear it anymore.

At this moment, a thought of begging for death appeared in his mind.

"Perhaps, death is the best release for me, isn't it?"

"I'm too tired to live, I want to give up, I don't want to live with responsibility and hatred anymore, the past is like the wind, I'll die, goodbye, the world, goodbye the people who love me and the people I love!"

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