Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1493 landslide, sky crack

Chapter 1493 Not Satisfied

As before, he went directly to the non-martial spirit immortal skill area.

Although he is a little curious and yearning for spirit-based immortal skills, Wu Yun is still not ready to practice spirit-based immortal skills this time.

First, because Wu Yun is unfamiliar with martial arts immortal skills, he is not sure how long it will take to complete the cultivation.

Second, martial arts immortal skills often need to cooperate with martial spirits to be able to exert their maximum power, just like attacking and defensive beast martial arts, or attacking and defensive weapon spirits!

Only by cooperating with each other can the power of the immortal skill be exerted.

And although Wu Yun has a martial soul, whether it is the shadow of the martial god or the swallowing martial soul, he does not have the ability to attack or defend.

Devouring Martial Soul belongs to the auxiliary cultivation category, while Shadow of the Martial God belongs to the augmentation category in the auxiliary Martial Soul, and does not have the ability to match attack or defense immortal skills.

The most important thing is that, in Wu Yun's opinion, non-martial spirit immortal skills have power that is not inferior to martial spirit immortal skills, so there is no need to cultivate martial spirit immortal skills.

And for the outside world to say that martial arts immortal skills are more powerful than non-martial spirit immortal skills, in Wu Yun's view, that is simply a non-existent thing.

It was just a non-existent lie that the martial arts cultivators made up for themselves.

In other words, in a sense, there is indeed a difference between non-martial spirit immortal skills and martial spirit immortal skills.

The difference here is that the martial arts immortal skills, because of the help of the martial arts, are easier to cultivate to the pinnacle.

It is not a martial arts fairy skill. It is easy to get started, but it is not so easy to cultivate to the pinnacle.

After all, not everyone has a deep understanding of martial arts.

Of course, Wu Yun has a level of martial arts comprehension that millions of people can't reach, and it's not difficult to reach the pinnacle of non-martial spirit immortal skills.

Therefore, Wu Yun will naturally choose the non-martial spirit immortal skills that he is more familiar with.

When it comes to comprehension of martial arts, we have to mention the martial arts that Wu Yun comprehends, the reincarnation of life and death.

This is Wu Yun's trump card killer.

But for some uncertain reasons, his reincarnation of life and death was sealed by a mysterious force and could not be used.

Even after flying to the fairyland, there is still no way to use it.

However, with the gradual improvement of his cultivation, Wu Yun felt that the power that sealed his reincarnation of life and death seemed to show signs of loosening.

Although Wu Yun doesn't know what kind of cultivation base he needs to achieve, the reincarnation of life and death can completely lift the seal.

But at least it is certain that the sealing power is gradually fading, and there is no need to wait until you go to God's Domain.

In Immortal Realm, with the growth of cultivation, sooner or later, one day, it can be used again.

At that time, with the help of this reincarnation of life and death, Wu Yun will have a certain degree of certainty even if he kills an enemy in a smaller realm, even if he crosses a large realm.

Of course, these things are not what Wu Yun should think about now. After all, his reincarnation of life and death is still sealed, but there are only signs of loosening.

Now, the most important thing for him is to choose several immortal skills that he needs.

These kinds of immortal skills will accompany him to fight in all directions before he leaves the human fairyland area and goes to the real fairyland area.

The entire area of ​​non-martial spirit immortal skills is not large, there are only two rows of shelves, and on each row of shelves, there are about 20 kinds of immortal skills.

Wu Yun took a look around and saw that there were immortal skills of fist and foot on a row of shelves.

On another row of shelves, there are weapons, such as swords, spears, whips and hammers, and more!

In the boxing category, Wu Yun is not very interested.

Although he used to be in the mortal world, he also practiced many martial arts skills.

But now he already has a fixed weapon, either the silver blade or the Fangtian halberd, so he definitely won't go to practice fist and foot immortal skills.

After a few quick steps, he walked to the spear and halberd classification of weapon-type fairy skills.

There are seven types in total, there are those with main attack, those with main defense, and those with both offense and defense, but it is naturally much more difficult to have both offense and defense.

However, from Wu Yun's point of view, the spear and halberd immortal skills, no matter what kind they are, have certain flaws.

Of course, no matter it is any kind of immortal skill, it is inevitable that there are certain flaws.

This is not to deny the power of these immortal skills. They can be put into the cabinet collection by Daowu Xianzong. These immortal skills are naturally very domineering and powerful in the human fairyland area.

However, they didn't quite fit Wu Yun's imagination.

After all, the immortal skills selected now are not the ones that were selected in the outer cabinet at the beginning.

When he was in the outer cabinet, he just wanted to choose a random battle against Long Teng.

The immortal skills chosen now are not only to compete with the top disciples of the other four major sects in the human immortal world, but also to be used as his opponent's means for a long time before he breaks through to the true immortal in the future.

The top disciples of the other four major sects, don't think about it, the immortal skills they cultivate are naturally very suitable for them, and they are also very powerful. Wu Yun must not learn one or two kinds of skills as before.

But at this moment, these seven immortal skills suitable for him to cultivate, but they all made Wu Yun not satisfied.

This time, it became a big problem for Wu Yun.

He looked at the seven spear and halberd-like immortal skills again, and pondered to himself.

"What should I do? Is it okay to choose one of these seven immortal skills? But none of these seven are in line with what I imagined. Even if I grit my teeth and cultivate, I am afraid it will be difficult to exert its power to the fullest. The ultimate, but apart from these seven kinds, other weapon-like fairy skills are probably even more unsuitable for my cultivation!"

"Do you want to go to the fist and foot immortal skills?"

With that said, Wu Yun's eyes slowly turned to the shelf of the fist-like immortal skills behind him, but he soon shook his head again, "No, if I go back to the fist-feet-like immortal skills, the silver blade or even the Fangtian halberd will be useless. It's gone!"

Wu Yun frowned, this is really a big problem.

But just as he was thinking about it, his eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of a corner of the Immortal Skill Cave.

In this inconspicuous corner, there is a delicate but dusty stone box.

It seems that no one has moved for a long time.

Wu Yun couldn't help but wonder, although there were not many people in the Xianji Cave, it wasn't so dusty, right?

It shouldn't be anything precious.

But if it wasn't a precious thing, why was it included in the Immortal Skill Cave of the Daowu Immortal Sect's cabinet?

Wouldn't it be enough to just throw it in the outer pavilion of the Immortal Skill Pavilion?

Moreover, what attracted Wu Yun's attention the most was that under the dust of the stone box, faintly visible, there were engraved pictures of a long spear and a flame.

The more Wu Yun looked at it, the more strange it became, and the more he couldn't hide his curiosity, he slowly stepped up and walked towards the stone box.

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