Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1504 Xianyaofeng, 10gyunzong

Chapter 1504 Reluctance to give up

Without Jin Luer, everything can only depend on him.

It's just that Wu Yun is really short in this regard. He recalled it repeatedly, but found that the things in his memory were all skins.

That's all!

"Damn, is there no way?"

Wu Yun sighed helplessly, and after a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Asking the God of Fortune Zhongdao: "Old bastard, ask you something, is there any way for me to get in touch with people in the mortal world now?"


The God of Fortune was stunned for a while, and then said: "You mean, you want to contact Jin Lu'er?"


Wu Yun nodded, "I used to contact the bald man who was far away in the Divine Realm on Ziyun Mountain. Now, it should be much easier to contact the mortal realm from the immortal realm, right?"

"Theoretically, yes!"

Good Fortune Zhongdao: "However, don't forget that you were able to contact that bald man because you had the space feather he gave you. There is nothing personal between you and Jin Lu'er!"

"The connection between the interfaces is either the strength of the sky, or the mutual understanding of each other's minds, and the possession of the other's personal things, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible, but obviously, your strength is not sky-high, and you do not have Jin Lu'er's personal closeness. thing, so basically, it's impossible for you to get in touch with her."

Saying that, Fortune Divine Clock rolled his eyes and said, "Cross-interface communication is not as easy as you think, otherwise, why do you think the people from the Luo family in God Domain want to come to find someone, they have to come down in person. It's as simple as you think, why don't he just transmit the sound directly?"


Hearing this, Wu Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, and stopped talking.

Indeed, he made things too simple.

In other words, he thinks his abilities are too bizarre. Throughout the ages, many top powerhouses have appeared, but no one has ever been able to penetrate this special cultivation method of the Angel Race. How can he do it?

"Forget it, stinky boy, let's put this matter of fellow cultivator Huowu aside for now and talk about it later!"

Suddenly, the divine bell of good fortune spoke slowly.

"That's all!"

Wu Yun also sighed helplessly. Although he was extremely unwilling, he was helpless.

Unable to capture the power of the fire element to complement the purple flame and red feathers, this fire martial fellow practitioner is bound to die.

He has already worked hard, and instead of doing this mortal move, it is better to take a step back and let it go!

But if so, what about his immortal skills?

Probably guessing what Wu Yun was thinking at the moment, Fortune God Bell suddenly said: "What immortal skills are you worried about, the Shengwu Tianyan Fire Spear on the scroll is enough for you, although if you want to use the strongest power of this immortal skill, you need a fellow practitioner of Huowu. The power to maintain, but the supply of immortal power alone is enough for the current you."

"As long as you don't encounter that kind of sky-defying characters in those five sects, the others, even ordinary geniuses, are not enough for you to see!"

"Fellow Huowu, let it go for a while, don't you want to repair your Fangtian halberd? Don't you want to find a way to integrate multiple weapons? Haven't you done it yet?"


The words of the god of good fortune suddenly pulled Wu Yun back from his thoughts.

"That's right, since this fellow Huowu can't practice for the time being, then I can't continue to spend time on this matter. Time is running out, and I have other things to do!"

Wu Yun took a deep breath, muttered to himself, and then moved his right palm, and the silver-blade spear appeared in his hand.

With a flick of the silver spear, he stood proudly, and in his mind, he kept flipping through what he saw on the scroll, about the cultivation method of Shengwu Tianyanyan.

Shengwu Tianyan Spear Art, a total of three moves!

They are called landslides, sky cracks, and burning silence!

Just listening to the name can tell one or two, the power of these three martial arts skills is strong enough to see the spirit of Emperor Shengwu.

Moreover, these three martial arts skills themselves are not graded.

The strength of each move is entirely attributable to the cultivator's own cultivation, as well as the cultivator's own understanding of martial arts.

In other words, Wu Yun practiced these three moves at the level of the human fairyland today.

These three moves can be low-level people's fairyland fairy skills, high-level people's fairyland fairy skills, or top-level people's fairyland fairy skills other than extraordinary.

And when Wu Yun's cultivation base reaches the real fairyland, the power of these three martial skills will also be upgraded to the real fairyland fairy skills.

This is also what makes this Holy Martial Heavenly Flame Spear Technique created by the Great Emperor Shengwu, completely contrary to other exercises, and completely different.

Because looking at the whole immortal world, apart from this holy martial arts, so far, I have not heard of other types of immortal skills that can achieve this step.

To achieve the change of grade and quality with the improvement of the cultivator's cultivation base.

However, there is another point, the current Wu Yun, can only practice the first two moves, landslide and sky crack.

This is the last trick of burning silence, which was created by Emperor Shengwu specially for him to become a fellow practitioner of Huowu.

If you don't become a fellow cultivator of fire martial arts, this last trick will never be used.

However, it is a pity to say that Emperor Shengwu has just created this trick for fellow cultivators Huowu, and then he has gone into trouble.

If Emperor Shengwu can be given enough time, it is hard to imagine how many immortal moves he will create, which are only suitable for the immortal skills of the fire martial practitioners.

"Since Fen Ji can't cultivate, let's cultivate the first two moves first!"

Wu Yun stared at himself and muttered to himself.

Moreover, at this moment, a very excited thought appeared in Wu Yun's heart: Since the original Emperor Shengwu was able to rely on fellow cultivators of Huowu to create such a powerful immortal skill of burning silence.

Although I may not be as good as Emperor Shengwu, in the future, if I also become a Huowu fellow practitioner, can I also create a brand-new immortal technique that is only suitable for Huowu fellow practitioners?

Thinking about it, the corner of Wu Yun's mouth rose slightly, but he quickly calmed down the excited thoughts in his heart.

These are all things to do in the future, what should be done now is to cultivate the first two moves of the Holy Martial Heavenly Flame Spear Technique!

The next moment, I saw him flying up and flashing, leaving the Zashu Cave and appearing in the cabinet mountain outside.

The Zashu Cave is narrow and almost full of bookshelves.

Cultivating immortal skills, it is impossible to use it at all, and if the bookshelf or scroll is damaged, it is not Wu Yun's wish.

What's more, there is such an empty place outside, Wu Yun naturally would not choose to practice immortal skills in the Zashu Cave.

At this moment, the first move and the second move, the moves and formulas of the landslide and the sky crack, flashed in his mind constantly.

After a while, I saw one after another violent Xianli Gangfeng, which began to wreak havoc in the entire mountain space.

Wu Yun, began to practice the first two moves of the Holy Martial Heavenly Flame Spear Art.

"The first move, a landslide!"

He heard a low roar spit out from Wu Yun's mouth, and in front of him, scenes of violent and violent silver winds appeared.

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