Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1613 Shura Shenwu Secret Technique

Chapter 1613 It's Time

Wu Yun naturally listened to this orc's ridicule, but he ignored it.

At this moment, he has already landed next to Tianji Demon Eye.

After looking at it carefully for a moment, he frowned slightly. At the same time, he also understood the reason why the orc powerhouses who had returned to the first realm were unable to break it open.

Sure enough, this is an enchantment, a very complex and sturdy enchantment.

Unless you know the method of cracking, even the powerhouse of the Ninety-Nine Return to One Realm will probably have to use all his strength to crack it.

In other words, apart from forcibly breaking this barrier, I am afraid that no one present has any other way to break it.

However, in response to the words of the strong orc, Wu Yun really had no way to break it open.

After watching for a moment, Wu Yun frowned.

He wanted to try to force a shot and strike with all his strength, but he held back.

With the Xiao Feng he is currently pretending to be, it is naturally impossible to strike with all his strength.

But if he strikes with all his strength, it will definitely be exposed, and 90% of them still can't help this enchantment.

It can be said that at the moment, the only ones who have the ability to forcibly break this barrier are Kong Jiu and the boss of the orc race.

However, Mo said that it is impossible for each of them to agree to let the other take action.

Wu Yun looked at it carefully, and even if they made a move, they would most likely destroy the shards of the Tianji Demon Eye.

Because this enchantment looks solid, but it is very fragile inside.

Once it is forcibly broken open, the powerful force will impact and enter, and the chance that the Tianji Demon Eye can be saved is extremely small.

"What should I do? Did you just miss it?"

Wu Yun murmured, he was naturally unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

However, just waiting for this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Stinky boy, good luck, this is actually the Tianji Demon Eye."

"However, it's a pity, it's just fragments!"

It was none other than the God of Fortune Clock that could not be awakened by Wu Yun before.

"Old bastard, is that you? Come on!"

Hearing the sound of the divine bell, Wu Yun cursed with joy.

This guy woke up just in time!

"Huh? Two strong men of the Ninety-Nine Return to One Realm? How did you get in here?"

The God of Fortune looked around and wondered.

Obviously, he must have just woken up, and he doesn't know anything about Wu Yun's past.

Time was running out, Wu Yun explained a few words in general, and then said: "I'll explain to you after the rest. Is there a way to break this barrier without disturbing those people?"

"Hey, the old man naturally has a way. In this way, the old man has always been the best at breaking the barrier!"

Fortune God Bell proudly said: "However, you must display your cultivation later and try to cover my power!"

"Understood, let's do it, old bastard!"

While speaking, Wu Yun looked back at Lin Yi and Yu Yi, and said, "Once those two guys are defeated, I won't have such a good chance."

The next moment, I saw Wu Yun secretly urging the Supreme Martial God Art. Of course, because his identity at the moment is Xiao Feng, what he released is also the same cultivation level as Xiao Feng.

However, when Wu Yun showed his cultivation, the voice of the third child of the orc race came.

"Hmph, over-the-top brat, show your cultivation? Why, just you, you want to forcibly break it? Dream!"

"The third, don't talk nonsense, don't be distracted, that kid can't take the Tianji Demon Eye, so help me, defeat the enemy in front of me, the Tianji Demon Eye, it must be ours!"

The orc boss reminded.

"Okay, big brother!"

The third orc nodded and replied, and then he stopped paying attention to Wu Yun.

In this way, Wu Yun was given the best chance for me.

Originally, I was afraid that these people would pay too much attention to themselves, thus exposing the divine clock of creation, so they deliberately used their cultivation to cover up.

Unexpectedly, these people didn't take him seriously and didn't care at all.

Such a good opportunity will naturally not be missed.

Quietly, a gentle force slowly poured out of Wu Yun's body.

This power is very hidden. Although it is powerful, under the control of the God of Fortune, it is just concealed by the breath released by Wu Yun himself.

At this moment, no one paid attention to Wu Yun at all.

Kong Jiu hoped that Wu Yun would be able to take it away, but, in fact, he did not report too much hope.

He is not stupid. Even the cultivators of the Nine-Nine Return to One Realm of the Orcs can't take things away. It is really difficult for him to be a disciple of the Immortal King Realm.

The reason why he was asked to try it was just to try it.

After all, in this level of battle, in his opinion, even if Xiao Feng participated in the battle, it would not have much effect.

However, at this moment, suddenly, only a crisp cracking sound came.

Hearing this voice, Wu Yun was instantly overjoyed, only to see that the barrier shield that guarded the Tianji Demon Eye was already cracked, and it seemed that it was about to be completely shattered.

Not to mention others, even Wu Yun himself, doesn't know how the God of Fortune did it.

And this voice also alarmed everyone present, and everyone in the battle was suffocated.

He even forgot the battle in his hand.

Almost subconsciously, everyone turned their attention to Wu Yun.

When they heard the crisp sound, although everyone knew that it was the sound of the enchantment breaking, they were all skeptical.

However, when they really saw the scene in front of them, they had to believe it.

But they all looked at Wu Yun with unbelievable eyes.

They couldn't figure out how Wu Yun did it.

Broken the barrier so easily, and didn't damage the celestial demon pupil fragment inside?

He watched helplessly as the barrier shattered.

And Wu Yun was also unceremonious, and directly stretched out his hand towards the shard of the Heavenly Demon Eye that was floating in the air.

But at this moment, the boss of the orc race suddenly roared: "Hurry up and stop that kid, he actually broke the barrier, hurry up and stop him, you can't let him take the Tianji Demon Eyes away!"

At the same time as the words fell, he took the lead in rushing towards Wu Yun.

At this moment, Wu Yun hadn't obtained the Heaven's Extreme Demon Eye, but he was suddenly enveloped by the powerful cultivation aura of the boss of the orc race.

Immediately, he felt as if someone had placed a shackle on his body, and his movements became very slow.

And the figure of the boss of the orc race also rushed towards him.

Kong Jiu's reaction was slightly slower than that of the orc boss.

Suddenly, he roared, "Xiao Feng, be careful!"

"Beast, don't snatch it!"

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