Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1641 hands, anger

Chapter 1641 Rule Changes

As the contestants came to the stage one after another, the number was quite large.

However, compared with the previous years, the number of people is also much smaller.

In the past, there were hundreds of people.

And this time, there were only fifty people in the challenge.

However, this is also the current number, and if someone participates in the future, it is still possible.

Just like Wu Yun, he did not take the stage at this moment.

Xiao Shenlong also did not come to power.

The meaning of the ring battle is that you can participate in the battle indefinitely.

Wait until the people in the ring fight until no one dares to come on stage.

If you are defeated in the middle, make a substitution.

As for the latter rankings.

Calculated from the number of people who beat the challenger.

The one with the most number of defeats is ranked first.


Continue on and on.

Of course, if you die, you will not participate in the ranking.

Because in the rules of victory and defeat in the ring battle, there is only defeat, or being ousted.

Death or disability is normal.

However, if you know that you are no match for the fight, you can leave the ring on your own, which is a surrender.

Many people use this trick.

But before stepping down, if you are stopped, then the battle is not over.

Suddenly, excited shouts erupted from the crowd.

Palace Master Yun Yao, here we come!

This is a middle-aged man.

In addition to being relatively sturdy, other physical signs are not much different from those of humans.

Judging from the breath gushing out of his body, it is estimated that this person has at least reached the level of the second layer of empty and dark.

Yun Yaofu, the first powerhouse.

Palace Master Yun Yao, Yun Pokong!

Behind him, a group of people followed.

Most of them are the top guards of Yun Yaofu.

However, there were also two people who caught Wei Tianchen's attention.

These two are the second young master of Yun Yaofu, Yun Yu, who met Wu Yun.

And the man in red following Yunyu's side, with red eyes!

In addition to these two people, there is a boy.

Judging from his appearance, this young man should be Yun Yu's elder brother, the eldest young master of Yun Yaofu, Yun Ben.

This person, Hei Guang once told Wu Yun that he was the pinnacle of the ninth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm, and his nature was of the cruel type.

He was much more brutal than his younger brother Yunyu.


Yun Pofeng walked to the viewing platform behind the arena and waved his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

I have to say that the majesty of Yun Pofeng is probably unmatched in Yun Yaofu.

A brief silence actually caused all the millions of people in the martial arts field to quiet down.

Afterwards, this Yun Pofeng made a brief statement about this arena battle.

Later, the rules of this arena battle were introduced.

Regarding the rules of the ring battle, everyone has long been aware of it, and there has been no change.

But this time, the rules of the arena battle are completely different from the past.

I saw that Yun Pofeng waved his hand and called his son Yun Ben in front of him.

Immediately said: "Everyone, the rules of this arena battle will be guarded by my son Yunben."

"Anyone who can walk through ten moves in his hands can enter my Yun Yao Mansion and serve as a bodyguard."

"Twenty recruits can serve as the commander of the guards!"

"Fifty recruits can become guards!"

"One hundred recruits can be called top guards!"

"And if you can defeat me and Yun Ben, you can become a top guard commander!"

"And, not only that, as long as I can defeat my son Yun Ben, my Yun Yao Mansion will reward the demon world with a scroll of alchemy."

"Everyone, do you have any objection to the rules of this arena?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire martial arts field became lively.

When they first heard about letting Yun Ben stand guard, everyone present felt a chill in their hearts.

Who is Yun Ben, that is the powerhouse of the sixth level of the Void Realm.

Moreover, in the realm of the sixth level of Taixu, it is also an absolute leader.

In the entire Yun Yao Mansion, except for Yun Pofeng, only the few top guard commanders in the mansion can overwhelm them!

If it is to defeat him, it is probably a basically impossible task.

However, when Yun Pofeng proposed the previous rules, everyone immediately became interested.

One hundred strokes, fifty strokes, I dare not say anything.

But there are not a lot of people who can go through ten moves and twenty moves in his hands.

It is more difficult to become a bodyguard, but it is also a good choice to be a bodyguard of Yun Yaofu, or a bodyguard commander.

For a time, many people in the audience had the urge to try it.

Even those who were not prepared to participate in the ring battle at first now have the desire to challenge it.

"Okay, since everyone has no objection, then, according to the rules I just said, this arena challenge will begin!"

Yun Pofeng heard the comments of the people off the court, but there was no refutation.

Dan smiled and said: "However, make it clear in advance that fists have no eyes. Challengers, please be prepared. If you die or become disabled later, then please don't have any complaints."

No one refuted this.

The law of the world is like this, whether it is in this world, or in the arena, life and death are all in the hands of the strong.

"bring it on!"

Wait until the challengers who were originally standing in the ring have stepped down one after another.

Yun Ben flew directly and landed in the center of the arena, shaking all over, the majestic 6th-level power of the Void Realm suddenly poured out of his body.

A roar, full of disdain for everyone present.

His breath was a little weird.

Circles of blood-red immortal power filled his surroundings.

And these blood-colored immortal powers are actually releasing a chilling killing power.

With such a high profile, for a while, no one dared to take the stage directly.

Are waiting for others to go up and test the water first.

But what was different from what other people thought was that what Wu Yun was thinking at the moment was how to defeat this Yun Ben.

Because he took a fancy to the scroll of alchemy that he had coveted for a long time.

Of course, it's not just Wu Yun who is interested.

However, at this moment, only Wu Yun had the idea of ​​defeating Yun Ben.

For Wu Yun, if it is the ordinary sixth level of the Void Realm, then he will do his best.

It is not impossible to defeat.

Of course, he will never be the first to play.

He must see what the true strength of this Yun Ben is.

If it is too strong, he must prepare in advance.

However, in this case, Wu Yun would definitely win the first place if there were no accidents for the sake of the alchemy scroll.

If I don't win this time, I don't know when I will have a chance next time.

If he really has enough strength to be able to hit Yun Yaofu, it will be a long process.

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