Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1854 Divine Soul Separation

Chapter 1854 Divine Soul Separation

However, at this moment Wu Yun's consciousness is very clear.

All around is a blood-red energy, wrapping him in it.

And he also watched these dark red energies, swallowed his blood essence, and shattered his body!

"I don't feel it anymore, me, what the hell is going on?"

Wu Yun questioned himself.

The situation that happened to him at the moment was too strange and too unpredictable.

It was obvious that his body was shattering and his blood essence was draining away, which should have been extremely painful, but he didn't feel it at all.

But if it is said to be in a coma, his consciousness is incomparably clear.

He could even clearly perceive the feeling of the wisps of blood being quickly withdrawn from the body.

Of course, just now Wu Yun didn't do anything.

He tried many times, and wanted to use his cultivation base, mobilize the Indestructible Holy Body, and many other abilities.

However, he couldn't do anything.

I don't know if the blood-colored imprint was causing trouble in his body, or something else.

At this moment, he can't do anything except stay awake.

Seeing that, his physical body has reached the point where it will cease to exist.

The essence and blood were also on the verge of drying up.

Although Wu Yun could not feel the pain, he knew very clearly that the word "death" was already hovering above his head.

Moreover, the death threat this time is more bizarre and terrifying than ever before!

As for the feeling of being on the edge of life and death, Wu Yun has experienced it countless times.

However, there has never been a single time when Wu Yun felt so helpless.

Not to mention that you can't move, you can't activate the exercises, and all your abilities disappear!

Even the pain is gone!



I don't know if it was real or auditory hallucinations, a cracking sound sounded.

Wu Yun watched his body helplessly, turning into powder and dissipating in this bloody space.

At the same time, the blood essence flowing in his flesh was completely swallowed up!

Wu Yun looked at all this dumbly, and it just happened in front of his eyes.

He watched helplessly as he held his own body, shattering before his eyes.

But at this moment, he seemed to realize something suddenly.

"How can I stand in other angles and watch my own flesh?"

Soon, Wu Yun lowered his head and glanced at him. At this moment, he was actually in a state of spirit.

"I understand, so it is, so it is!"

"All of this is the guardian power of the inextinguishable Holy Body!"

"It turns out that my soul has long since been separated from my body, so it's no wonder that I am conscious but can't feel the pain!"

"Should, since I was swallowed by this blood shadow demon, the guardian ability of the inextinguishable Holy Body has been activated on its own!"

"In this way, my immortal body should have completely crossed the immortal realm and reached the fourth realm, the immortal realm!"

"In the realm of immortality, the body can be reborn, but in the realm of immortality, as long as the soul is still alive, you can be reborn!"

"The original Martial God was also reborn with this method!"

"It's no wonder that I can't activate the exercises and any abilities."

"It seems that I really encountered a big trouble, the blood shadow demon, it really is not something I can contend with."

"If it hadn't been for the Indestructible Holy Body to keep my soul, I'm afraid that at this moment I would have shattered together with my body and ceased to exist!"

Thinking of this, Wu Yun sighed in despair.

If he was lucky, he was indeed lucky enough to be lucky enough to keep his soul in the face of an existence that he could not compete with at all.

But if it's unfortunate, it's really unfortunate.

"I didn't expect that I, Wu Yun, would be planted here after a lifetime of bravery. My body is no longer there, and all my cultivation and abilities will be wasted!"

"Let's run first, let's run, let's keep the green hills and not be afraid of running out of firewood!"

"At this moment, although my divine soul has escaped, it is still in the body of the blood shadow demon. Once he discovers my divine soul, I will not even have the chance to be reborn!"

However, Wu Yun seemed to have overlooked one thing, he couldn't even move.

Including this wisp of his soul that escaped from his body at this moment.

"Hey, boy, there are some tricks. If you read it right, your body is the Indestructible Holy Body, right?"

Suddenly, a hoarse and cold voice sounded.

It was the blood shadow demon.

"Under my control, you can still force your soul to escape. It seems that I underestimate you. Your cultivation base has already cultivated the Indestructible Holy Body to the fourth realm!"

"Speaking of which, it's a waste of a good body!"

"However, your divine soul doesn't seem to be weak. It should taste good when you eat it!"

Hearing these words, Wu Yun's face, which was originally in a state of spirit, suddenly changed.

He wanted to run, but as before, he couldn't even move.

"Damn it, it turns out that my soul has been locked by him."

"It seems that this time is really over, the physical body no longer exists, and the soul is destroyed again, I am afraid that I will completely disappear in this world!"

Wu Yun's expression became more and more flustered.

Even in these panicked expressions, fear and despair have begun to emerge!

If he can resist, he can at least fight to the death.

But he couldn't do anything.

The feeling of waiting to die is always the most painful.

Soon, as before, a blood-colored force instantly wrapped Wu Yun's divine soul.

Still no pain, still no pain, even, still no feeling.

However, Wu Yun's consciousness, under the destruction of this blood-colored force, began to become more and more blurred!

In the underground palace, Jin Moli, the four of them, looked at the blood shadow demon that had completely condensed and formed, and there was an indescribable look in their eyes.

Fear, guilt, despair, pain, helplessness...

Various complex expressions appeared on their faces and eyes!

Because they are powerless.

Blood Shadow Demon, came out.

The formation has been completely shattered.

The Golden Phoenix Palace will soon cease to exist!

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