Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2159 Xiaojin is getting married?

Chapter 2159 Xiaojin is getting married?

After a night.

In the early morning of the next day, the women got dressed and left the room one after another.

As expected, Gui Qi didn't break his promise, and he actually sent other maids to check on these women.

Confirm whether Wu Yun and the others really did something last night.

I don't know what this ghost seven means.

It's really puzzling.

It can only be said that he does have some convenient perverted characters.

Because, Wu Yun thought that Gui Qi was so insistent that he should have moved his hands and feet on these women, in order to better control them.

But he tried again and again last night, and it didn't work.

These women are all clean, without any passive hands and feet, and without any problems.

However, now is not the time for Wu Yun to think about these things.

Because, there seems to be a problem with Xiaojin.

They chose four in total, and at the moment, only three came out!

The woman in the little golden room did not come out.

And Xiaojin also did not come out.

The door was closed, and there was no movement inside.

Gui Qi and his three subordinates, as well as the branch commander, plus Wu Yun, God of Fortune, and Xiao Shenlong, were all waiting at Xiao Jin's door.

After waiting for a while, Gui Qi became anxious.

Send someone to knock on the door.

The three of them, Wu Yun, looked at each other calmly.

He frowned slightly, worried that something was wrong with Xiao Jin.

But just when they were thinking about how to see Xiao Jin's situation.

Xiao Jin's door was opened.

Inside, two people came out.

Xiao Jin, and that woman.

The two were actually holding hands.

Moreover, the woman's clothes at this moment have also changed.

No longer the revealing clothes of last night.

Instead, he put on a relatively plain men's shirt.

Others may not know, but Wu Yun and the others know that this is Xiao Jin's own clothes.

What's going on, the two of them, what's going on?

This is probably the biggest question in the hearts of Wu Yun and the three of them.

And Gui Qi also looked strange, obviously didn't understand what the two of them meant by Xiao Jin.

But soon, Xiao Jin said: "Master, if you can, I hope you can give me Qing'er, I want to marry her!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yun and the three were immediately stunned.

They never thought that Xiao Jin would make such a decision.

And Gui Qi and the others were also slightly taken aback.

However, they weren't too dumbfounded.

After just a moment of daze, he smiled and said, "It's not the first time I've heard such a request. Well, as long as you like it, then she's yours!"

"Well, since that's the case, then your woman doesn't need to be checked!"

"Make heaven!"

While speaking, Gui Qi turned around and looked at the God of Fortune Bell.

Subconsciously, he has regarded the God of Fortune Clock as the little leader of Wu Yun and the others.

"You can stay in this branch for a day, and a day later, I will take you to my ghost alien headquarters!"

"I'm going out to do something. If you need anything, you can tell him directly!"

Gui Qi pointed to the branch leader.

Immediately, Gui Qi took his three subordinates and strode away from the place.


Zhong Ben, the god of good fortune, wanted to say something.

But Gui Qi obviously didn't give him such a chance.

"Several, since the young master has instructed you, you can wait here. If you need it, come to me at any time!"

When the words fell, the leader of this branch also took his subordinates and the women away.

Here, there are only Wu Yun and the others, and the woman named Qinger who is holding hands with Xiaojin.

"Monkey, what the hell are you doing?"

Xiao Shenlong frowned.

"Come in, it's not as simple as you think."

Xiao Jin said in a rare deep voice.

Immediately, he took the woman and returned to his room.

The three Wu Yun looked at each other and followed.

"Xiaojin, what's going on? How do you..."

Wu Yun glanced at the woman with doubts, and he was hesitant to say anything.

"Brother, just say what you want to say, Qing'er is not an outsider, trust me!"

Little Gold Road.

Wu Yun took a deep breath, and then said, "Why did you make such a decision, why do you want to be with her?"

"Aren't you afraid that she is..."

Wu Yun still did not express his inner thoughts.

However, even if they didn't say it, Xiao Jin and Qing'er also guessed it.

However, Xiao Jin did not explain, just looked at Qing'er and said.

"Qing'er, tell my big brother and the others. What I told you last night is true. Don't worry, if this is the case, we will definitely save you all from the sea of ​​misery!"


Qing'er nodded shyly.

It's completely different from yesterday's performance.

This made Wu Yun and the others even more puzzled.

After a while, Qing'er said slowly: "My name is Yuan Qing, I am not a ghost alien, but..."

The whole process took about half an hour.

Qing'er, also known as Yuan Qing, has been telling her story and experiences, and why she came to this branch of Ghost Shadow Alien Race.

At the same time, it also gave Wu Yun and the others a deeper understanding of the so-called Chaos World.

With this understanding, Wu Yun suddenly became less worried about Bai Li'er's life and death.

Because the Chaos World is not as dangerous as he thought.

In other words, danger is danger, but not only the strong can survive.

It turned out that Qing'er was not a ghost alien.

The reason for this is that they were caught here by the ghosts and aliens, and they took the same ghost pills as Wu Yun and the others, so they were exactly the same as the ghosts and aliens.

They were originally a small humanoid race in the Chaos Realm.


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