Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2170 Extermination Plan

Chapter 2170 Extermination Plan

"How long does it take for your ghosts to return to the headquarters after your ghosts and aliens die?"

Wu Yun asked.

"Half a quarter of an hour!"

One of them replied.

"How long does it take to get to your headquarters from here?"

Wu Yun asked again.

"One quarter of an hour!"

The man answered.

"What about the other six branches?"

Wu Yun asked again.

"It's also a quarter of an hour, because the paths are different!"

The man continued to answer.

"It's the same quarter of an hour!"

Wu Yun was thoughtful, and the thoughts in his mind quickly turned.

Heart secretly scheming.

After a while, in his mind, there was already a rough outline of the plan.

After pondering for a while, he asked again: "How far is the distance between each of your branches, and how long will it take to complete the six branches?"

"If you just walk in a circle, with your cultivation base, hero, and if you don't stop, it will probably take about two quarters of an hour!"

The man continued to answer.


Wu Yun nodded, then asked one last question.

"Six divisions, you all know, right?"

"Yes, I know that as long as the hero doesn't kill me, I can lead the hero!"

I have to say, this guy's brain is not bad.

I was so scared that I almost wet my pants, but I didn't forget to survive.

"Oh, yes!"

Wu Yun suddenly revealed a mysterious smile.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that his figure had disappeared directly in place.

Immediately, several screams sounded.

When I looked again, I saw only the corpse on the ground.

Of course, Wu Yun naturally left a person to lead the way, the one who just answered.

But the one who was left to lead the way was already huddled together in fright. He didn't even dare to breathe. His Adam's apple kept stirring, as if he was begging for mercy, but he didn't make a sound.

Also frightened.

The time could not wait, and Wu Yun did not waste time.

Greeted: "Little Shenlong, Xiaojin, old bastard, you all come here!"

Several people came to Wu Yun's side and asked the God of Fortune.

"What's wrong?"

"According to the information I just learned, the ghost dragon's soul returns to the Ghost Shadow Alien Race, which means that it will take half a quarter of an hour for everyone in the Ghost Shadow Alien Race to know everything here!"

"Besides Ghost Shadow Alien Race, there are six major branches, and if we rush there, it will take a quarter of an hour!"

"It will take two quarters of minutes to walk through the six major branches, but this is the time for no stop. If you stop, I estimate it will be three quarters of minutes!"

"That is to say, within the three quarters of an hour..."

"Stinky boy, what do you mean..."

Before Wu Yun's words were finished, the God of Fortune interrupted with a frown.

But he didn't finish his sentence.

However, it was obvious that he already knew what Wu Yun's plan was.

The God of Fortune thought about it, and although the little dragon did not respond as fast as the God of Fortune, when the God of Fortune was about to stop talking, he also thought of it.

Only Xiao Jin was confused and couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Inexplicably, he scratched his head and said, "Brother, Senior Fortune, I said, can you finish your words if you want to talk?"

"It makes me feel bad, you know?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Ha ha!"

Wu Yun and Fortune God Bell looked at each other and laughed, but did not answer.

Xiao Shenlong also smiled and patted Xiao Jin on the shoulder, saying.

"Monkey, haha, you..."

"I can't explain it right now. Just follow us. Whatever we do, you will do what you do, and then you will know!"

"Well, follow me, Xiao Jin!"

Wu Yun said the same thing.

Xiao Jin was still scratching his head, and from his eyes, it could be seen that it was okay if he didn't say it, but his doubts were even bigger.

However, he did not ask again.

Because his mind was already full of questions, and he didn't know where to start.

"stand up!"

Suddenly, Wu Yun looked at the ghostly alien who was curled up in a ball on the ground, and let out a low voice.

The man trembled with fright, how dare he get up?

"Give you a chance to live, take me to the six major branches, I will count three, if you haven't gotten up, then..."

Strange to say.

This guy was so scared that his legs were weak, and he couldn't even get up.

This time it was good, all of a sudden, before Wu Yun could finish speaking, he seemed to have been electrocuted, and with a swish, he got up.

Respectfully stood in front of Wu Yun.

"Master, I'll show you the way right away!"

Although his voice trembled, his heart was full of fear.

"Set off!"

Wu Yun smiled lightly, "Old bastard, take him with you and lead the way, we don't have time to delay!"

"Right now, we're betting on time!"

"After destroying the six major divisions, we will be more confident to deal with the remaining seven peak powerhouses of the Nine Nine Heavens Tribulations!"

"If we fail to destroy the six peak powerhouses in the branch, then our situation will become extremely dangerous!"

"And this time, within three quarters of an hour!"

"Of course, I can't guarantee how fast they respond!"

"Half a quarter of an hour later, the entire Ghost Shadow Alien Race headquarters will know what happened here. At that time, how they will react, none of us know!"

"So, we have to race against time!"


After Wu Yun finished speaking, the God of Fortune gave him a look, and then he picked up the ghostly alien guy and walked away.

A group of several people hurried on the road.

Under the guidance of that person, he rushed to the six major branches of Ghost Shadow Alien Race.

Along the way, several people did not speak.

Because they all know.

This battle, although the words are simple, in fact, not to mention the dangers, but it is definitely full of dangers.

One bad, is doomed.

Ghost shadow aliens can become one of the three top ethnic tribes in the chaos world, and it is definitely not a false name.

Destroying the entire ghost alien race is easy to say.

In fact, they all know that this is definitely far more difficult than what they thought at the moment!

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