Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2565 trying to control the sea of ​​consciousness

Chapter 2565 trying to control the sea of ​​consciousness

"Wu Yun, what you said is not unreasonable. Your consideration is indeed more thoughtful than ours!"

"But what Huo Tiantian said, it's actually not impossible!"

"Of course, it must be right to have multiple minds. We were too easy before. If something goes wrong and we fall into a trap, I'm afraid we don't even know about it!"

"You still have to be vigilant, but don't worry too much. You said it yourself, your guess is not necessarily correct!"

Jiulong said to Wu Yun.

As for Jiulong's words, it was naturally unanimously recognized by several people.

Immediately, their eyes turned to Wu Yun.

Although Jiulong was the oldest senior, in fact, Wu Yun was the team leader, so Wu Yun had to decide what to do.

Of course, Wu Yun naturally has no opinion on this.

What Jiulong said was indeed true.

You should be cautious, but you don't need to be as nervous as he said.

It is enough to maintain the necessary vigilance.

After a few words, several people went on the road again.

Soon, a distance of several kilometers has passed.

Along the way, there was no more danger.

Several people felt that maybe Huo Tiantian was right, and maybe they really came to an end.

Maybe there are really only the first four levels.

However, it was a few kilometers away.

Still a few kilometers away.


After several kilometers, Wu Yun and the others gradually realized that something was not right.

Not that there was any danger.

Rather, they seemed to be in a maze.

Can't get out.

"Damn it, idol, senior brother, what's going on, why do I feel like we've been here more than once?"

"Also, it's been so long, according to the previous speed, it's long overdue to enter the level!"

"Or even if you pass the test, it's already passed, why are you going around the same place all the time?"

It was Huo Tian who spoke.

In fact, not only Huo Tiantian, Wu Yun and all of them have already noticed this.

Let's just say that they have been to the same place here more than once.

It's just that I can't be sure whether I have been walking in a similar place or just spinning in circles.

Therefore, no one spoke, and kept moving forward.

Because they hope to keep walking in a similar place, as long as they keep walking, they can leave here as soon as possible.

But it turns out that their ideas seem to be a little too much.

And when Huo Tiantian said this, the thoughts of several people who were unwilling to express their thoughts instantly surged up.

"I also think it's spinning in place, what's going on!"

Mingyi said.

Lin Yi nodded again and again.

Jiulong looked at Wu Yun and asked, "Wu Yun, do you have any ideas? Actually, I've always wanted to say it, but I was afraid that everyone would be worried, so I didn't say it. I've been looking for some clues, but I haven't found anything. Found, I feel that we are indeed trapped here, this road seems to never end!"


At this point, Jiulong suddenly hesitated.

"Senior brother, and what?"

Huo Tian was the most irritable, and was the first to ask.

Jiulong glanced at Huo Tiantian, and then his eyes fell back to Wu Yun again.

"Wu Yun, do you feel that since we were trapped in circles, there seems to be some kind of power that has been trying to invade our consciousness!"

As soon as these words came out, Mingyi and the others were shocked.

Huo Tiantian exclaimed directly.

Because they don't feel any power at all, intruding into their consciousness.

"Senior brother, what do you mean, what power invades our sea of ​​consciousness, what does it want to do, control us?"

Fire is incredible.

But Jiulong didn't answer him again, including Mingyi and Lin Yi, their eyes were all on Wu Yun, waiting for Wu Yun to answer.


After pondering for a long time, Wu Yun did not explain, but just nodded lightly.

After a while, Wu Yun explained slowly: "I've noticed it for a long time, but I haven't said it."

"Also, I feel that the barbecue brother is right, this force that invades our consciousness is indeed preparing to control us!"


Huo Tiantian was extremely surprised: "No way, I'll just say it casually, is it really accurate?"

"Idol, are you mistaken? If you really want to control our consciousness, why do we not even feel at all now?"

"That's right, Wu Yun, it seems, I don't feel anything. If you didn't mention it, I wouldn't even notice the existence of that kind of power."

Mingyi also frowned and nodded: "And, to be honest, even if you talk about it, I still can't feel any power invading my sea of ​​consciousness!"

"I don't feel it either!"

Lin Yi also nodded.

"That's the genius of it!"

Wu Yun's pupils contracted, and he whispered.

"In the beginning, although I also noticed the existence of that power, I didn't think it was harmful."

"It wasn't until a period of time that I suddenly discovered that it seemed to be constantly impacting my sea of ​​consciousness, trying to control me!"

"But the feeling at that time was very weak, so I'm not sure."

"Also, I also thought it might be my own delusion, that you didn't feel that way."

"The real confirmation is from Senior Brother Jiulong just now!"

"If it's just me, it may be an illusion, it may be special, but the same is true of Senior Brother Jiulong, then it proves that that power is real!"

"It's subtly trying to control our consciousness!"

"in other words!"

Wu Yun's eyes narrowed slightly and turned to look at Mingyi and the three of them.

But between the brows, it is more and more tightly wrinkled.

"The three of you are probably the most dangerous!"

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