Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2659 Shuiyue's attitude

Chapter 2659 Shuiyue's attitude

However, under a fierce debate, they did not discuss what happened.

Shuiyue is an opposition party, and he does not agree with sending someone to Qin Fengdian.

It wasn't that he was afraid of death.

But now that he has led the Water Heart Sect to this point, he doesn't want to fall short because of this.

Going to the two temples is something that people like them cannot go to.

This is the identity, the gap with the level.

If Shuiyue was alone, he probably wouldn't hesitate, because he wasn't afraid of death, and he wasn't a person who didn't care about love.

After all, he knew very well that without Wu Yun, there would be absolutely no Water Heart Sect today.

However, as the current Watergate Sect Master, aside from the question of life and death, he does not dare to bet on the lives of all the Watergate people.

Now his every move represents Watergate, not himself.

As for letting Jiulong, Mingyi, and Lin Yi go, he was worried.

Therefore, the discussion comes, the discussion goes, and in the end, there is only one conclusion.

That's what Shuiyue proposed.

He stepped down as the Sect Master of Watergate, completely broke away from the relationship with Watergate, and announced to the world that all his actions in the future had nothing to do with Watergate.

Then, he personally went to Qin Fengdian to inquire about Wu Yun.

As for whether he can come back alive after this trip, it is no longer within his scope of consideration.

Whether it is his personal feelings for Wu Yun, or Wu Yun's help to Shui Xinzong, he must go.

But Shuiyue's decision, not to mention the others in Minato would not agree, even Mingyi and the others would not agree.

Lin Yi was in the first position, and asked his master, Sage Zilin, to help him.

Anyway, just go there, try not to cause trouble.

This idea, in fact, was quickly agreed by everyone, except for Mingyi who wanted to block, but didn't know how to speak.

After all, they don't know what those people from the two halls said to Wu Yun.

They don't even know that saint-level powerhouses do not have much absolute deterrence in front of the two temples.

So, they feel, this move, it works, as long as there is a reason.

Of course, they don't know what Wu Yun is going through now.

After Lin Yi's proposal was passed, Lin Yi soon informed his master through his special means.

After learning the reason for the incident, the sage of Zilin came immediately.

After all, in the communication talisman, Lin Yi told him that Wu Yun was kidnapped by one of the two biggest forces in the Third God Realm region.

Life or death is now uncertain.

Hearing such news, it's no wonder that the Purple Forest Saint didn't come.

He arrived at the water gate in the shortest time.

When I saw Lin Yi, I asked about some related matters.

Know the cause and effect, the ins and outs.

"Let me go, Tu'er, you go with me, others, don't go!"

After the sage of Zilin learned the whole story, he said calmly.

It wasn't that he wasn't worried about Wu Yun.

If it's what Lin Yi said, Wu Yun's life and death are still uncertain.

The words didn't fluctuate, just because someone like him has experienced too many things, and his horizons are also very broad.

Don't get emotional about something.

Unless he saw Wu Yun being killed by Qin Fengdian's people.

Otherwise, he is unlikely to get angry early.

However, after saying that sentence, he left the water gate with Lin Yi at the first time.

Go straight to Qin Feng Palace.

It can be seen that even if he does not seem to have any fluctuations on the surface, in fact, his heart is still beginning to wave.

Otherwise, he would not have rushed to Qin Fengdian in such a hurry.

However, Qin Fengdian at the moment is very exciting.

More and more people, after getting the news, are still coming to the place where the Pillar of Inheritance is located.

Still no one left, they were still waiting for Wu Yun to leave from the pillar of the temple foundation.

Give your full attention.

Even the sage of Zilin has come to Qinfeng Hall without any notice.

Including Qin Kong, the same is true.

He also didn't notice the arrival of Sage Zilin and Lin Yi.

Of course, it is not that the people of Qin Fengdian are really so stupid.

Paying too much attention to Wu Yun's side and not paying attention to others is one thing.

But more, it is because of the strength of the Purple Forest Saint, after all, it is not false.

Far above Qin Kong, Qin Kong and the others could not detect it, and it was reasonable.

After entering the Qinfeng Palace, the Purple Forest Saint did not know what happened to the Qinfeng Palace.

But he still quickly noticed that the entire Qinfeng Temple was filled with a very majestic power from the saint-level cultivator.

Although it is not so strong, it is still detected by the keen perception of the purple forest saint.

"The power of inheritance, the power of inheritance of saint-level cultivators, is very strong, much stronger than me."

"What's the matter, this Qin Feng Temple still has a saint-level powerhouse, so can't it be inherited?"

"It seems that this Qin Fengdian is really not simple. No wonder they dare to take Wu Yun away so openly after knowing Wu Yun's origin and identity!"

"I remember that the old man came here once before. Before, I was still wondering, how dare these guys know this and act like this!"

"It doesn't seem strange anymore!"

"Master, what are you whispering about, Wu Yun, we have to find him quickly!"

Seeing the sage of Zilin muttering to himself, he did not go to find Wu Yun.

Lin Yi urged eagerly.

Of course, Lin Yi's tone is still very respectful. For his master, he must use a tone of absolute respect.

"There, come with me!"

The Sage of Zilin didn't mind Lin Yi's attitude.

After looking at it for a while, I determined where the power that permeated the air came from.

Soon, the sage of Zilin came with Lin Yi and flew towards the pillar of the temple where Wu Yun was.

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