Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2702 Limit, give up?

Chapter 2702 Limit, give up?

And everything seems to be really smooth sailing.

Wu Yun no longer felt any pain.

Because all the burning pain was neutralized by the extreme power of the ice.

And because of the re-manifestation of the vanished Netherfrost Heart.

As a result, the ultimate power of ice, which had always been full of rejection, did not reject it anymore.

Rather neutralize.

Therefore, at this moment Wu Yun can be said to have no feeling.

Just like a normal state.

Even, not only that.

At this moment, Wu Yun was even more comfortable.

He felt as if nothing was left to him.

It is similar to the time when the ultimate martial arts of ice was awakened.

Don't worry about anything, just wait patiently and wait for it to wake up on its own.

However, although this feeling, is the same.

But there is a big difference.

That is, Wu Yun felt that the awakening of the ultimate martial arts of fire this time, although success was inevitable.

But the time it took was at least several times as much as last time.

It is conceivable that from the third martial arts to the fourth martial arts, although it also belongs to breaking the shackles of the physical body.

But the difficulty here is far from the same.

However, speaking of it, it didn't take too long for Wu Yun to awaken to the ultimate martial arts of ice, from the beginning to the end.

It's only a few hours.

In this way, it may not take too long for him to awaken the ultimate martial arts of fire this time.

It's just that all this, for now, is unknown.

How long it will take, no one knows.

Wu Yun himself, it is also impossible to know.

But Wu Yun is not in a hurry, anyway, now he is just waiting for the awakening to complete.

Time passes gradually.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

Although this time did not exceed Wu Yun's expected range, relatively speaking, it was a little longer.

After all, compared with the previous ice extreme martial arts, those few hours.

This has indeed been a while.

Moreover, it seems that after the past two days, the Fourth Martial Dao has no sign of awakening.

Just growing steadily.

Speaking of awakening, there is no such sign.

But Wu Yun is not in a hurry.

In a flash, another two days have passed.

And these two days are within the time of success in Wu Yun's plan.

In other words, in Wu Yun's plan, no matter what, four days should be enough.

However, still not.

The ultimate martial arts of fire still hasn't awakened.

In other words, within Wu Yun's body, it belongs to the habitat of the ultimate martial arts of fire.

A group of forces that can successfully awaken the martial arts have been gathered.

However, for some unknown reason, this power has never awakened, and it is still one step behind.

However, Wu Yun didn't know exactly where the difference was.

But at this moment, Wu Yun was still not too anxious.

After all, it is still within his estimated time frame, so even if he has not awakened, he can still understand.

Just, as time goes on.

In a blink of an eye, two more days passed.

Man, it's been six days.

This was already two days longer than Wu Yun's four-day estimate.

This time, Wu Yun became anxious.

Of course, it's not because of Wu Yun's eagerness for success.

It's just that he felt that the power of the ultimate fire accumulated in his body was already huge enough.

At least it was enough for him to awaken the martial arts.

Previously, the third martial arts, the ultimate power of ice, had only accumulated so much, not even so much.

But at that time, his third martial arts had already started.

At this moment, such a huge force has been accumulated in the body, and there is still no sign of awakening.

The most terrifying thing is.

There seems to be no difference between these two days and two days ago.

This was what Wu Yun couldn't understand the most.

"Could it be that my physical body has really reached its limit, and even the Heart of Netherfrost can't help me open the fourth martial arts?"

"If not, how can I continue to be in this state, no retreat, no progress, no change!"

"If this is the case, then all my efforts will be in vain!"


While talking to himself, Wu Yun suddenly smiled bitterly to himself.

"Speaking of which, in fact, I didn't do anything. Everything is because of this Netherfrost heart trying hard, but I didn't do anything!"

"Forget it, if you can't succeed, you can't succeed!"

"I have tried my best, even willing to give up my life. Although I am not satisfied with this result, I can only accept it. No matter how helpless I am, I have no way to solve it!"

At this point, Wu Yun has already made plans to give up.

It's not that he didn't stick to his previous ideas.

Just as he said to himself, what he wanted to do, he had already done.

The rest is what he can't do.

He had no choice but to give up.

However, it was when Wu Yun had this idea.

Within the body, where the ultimate power of fire was accumulated, there was a sudden wave of subtle fluctuations.

This is a completely different change from the previous one.

Under the introspection, Wu Yun felt more and more strange.

I saw that at the central position where the power of fire was accumulated, the power of surrounding fire was dissipating towards the surroundings, and a blank place slowly appeared there.

caused this change.

It was the heart of the underworld.

"It condenses a blank space here, what does it mean?"

"Could it be that you are leading me to do something wrong?"

"Otherwise, it shouldn't be."

"Yes, it must be trying to tell me what I'm going to do."

"Just, what should I do?"

Wu Yun frowned deeply and murmured.

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