Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2719 enchantment, broken

Chapter 2719 enchantment, broken

Only now, Wu Yun is not ready to show up for the time being.

He wants to wait for these people to break the barrier.

Then, another surprise.

A sudden appearance, perhaps a raid, perhaps a repression.

In short, no matter what decision Wu Yun will make later, it will be a matter of later.

Now, he has no plans to show up.

Look at the situation first, then make a decision.

Ahead, the tens of thousands of people are still doing the work of breaking the barrier in an orderly manner.

It looks like it should be soon.

Of course, it will not be too fast, and it will still take a certain amount of time.

It is estimated that it should be about one to two hours.

And the next time, for Wu Yun, is to wait.

Fortunately, the results did not exceed his expectations.

In about an hour and a half.

Around the barrier, there began to appear cracks that spread rapidly and were visible to the naked eye.

As the attack continued, the cracks gradually became larger and wider.

"It's going to be broken, and the enchantment is going to be broken!"

A similar voice resounded in the crowd.

Undoubtedly an excited voice.

Everyone was excited, including Wu Yun.

Because, as those cracks gradually widen.

The breath of treasures that diffused from the cracks also became more and more intense.

Sure enough, there was an enchantment before, and although the breath of those treasures was released, it was still partially covered up.

Now, from those cracks, more and more intense breath spreads out.

The emotions of everyone were naturally mobilized in an instant.

Because the breath that permeated the breath of various treasures, belonging to the cave, became thicker and clearer.

"What a strong Dongtianfu aura, this is even stronger than the kind of Dongtianfu aura I encountered last time in the natural danger purgatory!"

"At that time, there was a real, energized, substantive form of Dongtian Mansion there."

"And now the breath of this cave is stronger than before, doesn't it mean that the treasures of cave in this treasure land are stronger than before?"

Feeling the strong aura, Wu Yun whispered.

Inside, not to mention extremely excited, but there is also an undisguised excitement.

Today, his cave dwelling in Jiudao.

Although it is already the limit known to ordinary people, Wu Yun's goal is the most extreme, breaking the shackles of the body and the ten caves.

Although that would be difficult.

But Wu Yun firmly believes that as long as he has this idea, as long as he can encounter suitable treasures, then success may be waiting for him not far away.

And now, this treasure seems to have appeared in front.

How could he restrain the excitement in his heart?

Om ~ ~!

Suddenly, a deafening and low humming sound swept away.

The entire space was violently turbulent.

Then, an extremely violent energy fluctuation swept towards the surroundings.

Look up.

This is the energy that belongs to that enchantment.

It is the energy fluctuation that spills out after the enchantment is broken.

But it doesn't matter.

The barrier is broken, and you can enter.

This is the most important.

"Come on, rush in and grab it, first come first served, whoever sees it first will win!"

"Fuck you, whoever sees it first? Are you or his brain sick? Whoever grabs it first is who!"

"Hehe, a bunch of idiots, whoever is stronger is who, if any of you can grab it, then I can kill you!"


In an instant, the tens of thousands of people in front of them swarmed towards the treasured land ahead after the barrier was shattered.

At the same time, there were all kinds of similar quarrels and insults.

Wu Yun also stood up, but he was not in a hurry to go in.

Because he knew that in a while, he would not be able to find it.

The location must be determined first.

Moreover, this treasure land is not small, and the open space has already reached the level that it is impossible to see at a glance.

Not to mention, the edge of this treasure land also spread to the intersection of the surrounding mountains, similar to the canyon, or where the valley is.

If you want to easily determine the location, it is definitely not that simple.

So, these people rushed in first, Wu Yun was not in a hurry.

He wants to roughly determine the position first, and then make a decision.

But the moment Wu Yun got up, he didn't even have time to look at the entire treasure land carefully.

Soon, Wu Yun's complexion suddenly changed, and then his pupils contracted sharply.

"Is this, the breath of Tongshu?"

"No, that's not right, this is not a pupil technique, but a different pupil, this is a different pupil, and there are already formed different pupils in it!"

"Moreover, it seems that these pair of different pupils are definitely not weak."

"No, I have to grab it, and let's not talk about the rest for the time being, but I absolutely want this treasure of Dongtianfu, and this pair of different pupils, I have to decide too!"

"I can't let them rush around, I have to control the scene, otherwise, if someone of them finds it, and I don't find it, it's not a good thing!"

"At that time, if they don't say it, I can't kill all these people."

Thinking of this, Wu Yun suddenly flew up.

What is a different eye?

Different pupils are eyes with pupil skills.

It was preserved by some means.

The divine power that Wu Yun obtained before was a kind of Yitong.

Moreover, the supernatural power of that day was actually strong enough.

At least in the different pupils, it can be regarded as the forefront.

At this moment, the aura of this strange pupil that Wu Yun felt was far stronger than the aura emanating from the divine power of that day.

At least Wu Yun felt that way.

So, be sure to get it.

No matter what method is used.

Now Wu Yun's pupil technique has encountered a bottleneck that he doesn't know how to develop, and this pair of different pupils is likely to be his breakthrough.

So, he must, must.

At that moment, in Wu Yun's heart, a decision had already been made.

Can't make a surprise attack, because he doesn't know the exact location of the pair of eyes and the treasures of Dongtianfu.

So, he has only one choice.

That is repression, coercive repression.

As for whether it can hold up?

Ha ha!

If you can survive, then you will.

If they can't be suppressed, then kill them until they are suppressed.

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