Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2732 Within 2 months, you must leave

Chapter 2732 Within two months, you must leave

Facing Wu Yun's question, the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect did not speak.

Just kept staring at Wu Yun.

Maybe because of the avatar.

Although it seemed that he was seriously injured, it did not affect him.

This effect does not mean that it has not been affected.

Rather, it is not like a flesh and blood body, which is affected by the turbulent aura and becomes weak and vomits blood.

At this moment, the clone of the ancestor of the beast-controlling sect just made its clone become gradually blurred and transparent.

Although Wu Yun couldn't share this feeling.

However, Wu Yun can also roughly know.

Because, once, his physical body was defeated more than once, and he existed for a period of time with his energy body.

Therefore, this feeling, he can know.

This is the physical weakness caused by too much injury.

If nothing else, what Xueyang said was not a single sentence false.

I am afraid that the clone of the ancestor of the animal control sect cannot be preserved.

"Senior, you..."

Wu Yun was worried, and Ben wanted to say a few words of concern.

But this time, the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect did not let Wu Yun finish his words.

He waved his hand to stop Wu Yun from continuing to speak.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Little guy, I don't have time to explain anything to you now."

"But you have to keep in mind, next, every word I say to you!"

"First, within two months, you must leave here, leave this ancient starry sky world, as for where to go, you decide for yourself, I can't decide for you!"

"This is a space talisman. After two months, if you haven't reached the holy level, use this talisman. If you reach the holy level, you should be able to leave by yourself!"

After the words fell, I saw a light yellow charm appear in his palm.

With a flick of his finger, the spell flew into Wu Yun's hand.

Wu Yun lowered his head and glanced at it, but he didn't even have time to take a closer look.

The voice of the ancestor of the animal control sect came again.

"Second, I know that your heart must be full of doubts now!"

"However, I advise you not to know what you shouldn't know. Don't ask. Knowing more will definitely not be good for you, at least for you now, and it may even affect your Dao heart and your future. The road of cultivation!"

When he said these words, the eyes of the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect glanced at the nameless Taoist beside Wu Yun, intentionally or unintentionally.

About what it means, the nameless Taoist can definitely understand.

And Wu Yun, in fact, can understand.

Because the ancestor of the animal control sect did not deliberately conceal his intentions.

Perhaps, because of his serious injury, he did not have the time and ability to cover it up.

This is what he warned that nameless Taoist, not to talk to Wu Yun about anything.

And the nameless Taoist immediately understood.

Nodding his hands, he said, "Don't worry, senior, what should be said and what should not be said, I understand in my heart, no need to worry about it!"

"it is good!"

The ancestor of the Beast Control Sect nodded.

Then he said again: "The third point, little guy, listen up!"

"Don't try to change anything, let alone contend with fate, at least you can't do it now!"

"Even if you want to compete, you must wait for your strength to reach the extreme you think you can achieve, and regenerate this idea!"

"Otherwise, you will be like your master Wu Lingtian, and it will be difficult to get out of the deep quagmire!"

"Instead of stubbornly resisting, why not take advantage of the various favorable times and places they have arranged for you to strengthen yourself, and then come back against the tide?"

After finishing speaking, the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect did not say anything more.

I just reminded Wu Yun again to keep these three points in mind.

Otherwise, it will be doomed forever.

Afterwards, his body, the speed at which it was blurred and transparent, began to increase faster and faster, and even dissipated in front of Wu Yun's eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And these words, Wu Yun can hear clearly.

Of course, keep it in mind.

However, Wu Yun paid particular attention to the three words Wu Lingtian that he had just mentioned.

"Senior, what's wrong with my master? Why is he in the quagmire? Does the senior know where he is? How can I help him? Can I help him? Can the senior tell me to find him?"

Several questions in a row, asking the exit.

However, Wu Yun didn't get any answer he wanted to know.

Not even an answer.

It is not that the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect deliberately did not speak.

But he could no longer speak.

Because when Wu Yun asked these questions.

What he has blurred is only the last blur of light and shadow.

When Wu Yun took a closer look, he had completely disappeared.

"Senior, senior..."

Wu Yun probed towards the place where the ancestors of the Beast Control Sect disappeared.

Trying to find something.

But he found nothing, there was nothing there.

The unbridled shouting didn't get any response.

"Little guy, don't do it in vain, this senior, the clone has been severely injured, I am afraid that it will disappear into nothing and can't be found!"

"It's just a pity that this senior's clone was destroyed. I'm afraid that his body will also be severely injured. In the next period of time, it is estimated that he will not be able to recover. I hope he won't be found by the bloody guy. it is good!"

On the side, the nameless Taoist sighed with helplessness and regret.

There was no grief at all.

Maybe it's because he has no friendship with the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect, or it may be because an old monster like him who has lived for endless years has long been used to life and death.

I've been numb to these things.

He was just reminding and comforting Wu Yun, don't think too much, next, you should do your own thing and go your own way.

At the same time, be sure to keep in mind the words of the ancestors of the Beast Control Sect.

Although Wu Yun was full of guilt, his mind was still firm.

He knows that there are some things that he can't change at all, at least he can't change it now.

Not to mention that he has no idea where the sarcophagus floated with the body of the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect.

Even if you know, so what?

"Senior, I know what you said, but..."

After a while, Wu Yun hesitated, looking complicated.

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