Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2762 The man in black robe is fake

Chapter 2762 The man in black robe is fake

Because, the man in black robe didn't even say anything

The first sentence he spoke was only a short and clear sentence, even a bit of a hasty tone.

"Go, go, get out of here, out of this world!"

The sudden words made Wu Yun stunned for a moment.

But in fact, Wu Yun understood it and made some preparations.

He knew that when he came back here, it was very likely that someone would find him.

After being discovered, there is only one result, that is, being chased and killed.

Moreover, similar things, he has also experienced.

Last time, he came back once because of a coincidence.

And that time, although he returned to the Wilderness Continent and the Mortal Realm, he was also quickly targeted by some powerhouses in the Wilderness World.

Even some saint-level powerhouses are staring at him.

If someone hadn't rescued him, I'm afraid he would have died by then.

But Wu Yun was stunned, but this was not the case.

What really made Wu Yun stunned was the attitude of the man in black robe.

Although Wu Yun didn't know much about this black-robed man, it could be seen from past contacts.

Even if the strength of this black-robed man has not broken through the holy level, he is still at the god level.

But his strength is definitely the top in God's Domain.

Moreover, his temperament itself belongs to the kind of fearless, from the many contacts at the beginning, and some of the remarks he said when he rescued Wu Yun, it can be clearly known.

But why, this time, he would say such a thing?

And it was said in a tone that seemed very urgent.

Even with some obvious fear.

What is he afraid of, all this, what is going on?

Wu Yun was full of questions.

But before he could open his mouth to ask, the man in black robe spoke again in a similar tone.

"Go, get out of here, now I'm powerless to protect you, you must leave immediately!"

"I can sense that you are back, so can they, those people, even more, you go, hurry up..."

Wu Yun was stunned again.

The voice of the black-robed man still hasn't stopped.

But Wu Yun didn't listen carefully.

It's not that he is ignorant of manners, but that the next words of the man in black robe are similar.

Of course, it wasn't that Wu Yun wasn't interested in these things.

But at this moment there are things that he thinks are more important.

Otherwise, he wouldn't come back at all.

If he wasn't worried that the black-robed man would be angry, Wu Yun even wanted to interrupt his voice.

But after waiting for a while, the man in black robe still had no plans to stop.

Wu Yun couldn't help but interrupted him.

"Senior, I know it's dangerous to come back this time, and I also know that someone will come to me, so I don't have much time!"

"I asked the seniors about something, what happened to the Luo family, who killed their entire clan, and where did the senior members of the Luo family go?"

"Also, senior should recognize my brothers and my wives, can senior know where they are?"

"To tell the truth, not long ago, I heard their cries for help in the ancient world of the starry sky, so I hurried back, so if I don't find them, I can't leave!"

Having said that, the voice of the man in black robe suddenly stopped.

The pair of eyes revealed from under the black mask stared at Wu Yun for a while.

His eyes are a little weird.

It's an indescribable oddity.

It didn't mean anything else, just this look. When Wu Yun looked at him, he suddenly felt that it was not the eyes of the man in black robe that he had seen before.

Anywhere can be changed, but not eyes.

Eyes are the most important part of a person.

Any disguise technique or transformation technique can't change his eyes.

Even if you deliberately dress up, you can't make your eyes look exactly the same.

But after seeing through this look, Wu Yun followed his train of thought and kept thinking back.

Although he didn't say anything, there was not much change in the expression on his face.

But in his heart, he suddenly had a very strong premonition.

This black robe is fake.

Forget the issue of eyesight.

Another point is that Wu Yun finds it more and more strange.

That's the way of speaking.

Wu Yun had dealt with this black-robed man several times before, and although they didn't talk much, it was considered a conversation.

In the past, the black-robed people were relatively cold, not easy to approach, and spoke very little.

It can even be described as being reluctant to talk.

But this time, the black-robed man said too much.

Moreover, the way of speaking is very different from before.

Therefore, it can be inferred from the way of speaking and the unchangeable eyesight.

Wu Yun felt more and more that the man in black robe was fake.

Whether he is malicious or kind, he is fake.

"These things, you don't have to..."

"You are not that senior, who are you?"

The man in black robe was about to answer Wu Yun's question, but was directly interrupted by Wu Yun.

At this moment, Wu Yun stared at the man in black with a very alert and serious look, and his voice was also very indifferent.

Perhaps he could guess that the person who pretended to be the black-robed senior was not malicious.

However, pretending to come, made Wu Yun feel extremely uncomfortable.

What's the matter, say no to your face?

Of course, these theories of Wu Yun have no evidence and can only be based on his guesses.

Therefore, Wu Yun doesn't know whether he guessed right or not.

The tone of voice just now was just trying to deceive.

But I never thought, Wu Yun really guessed right.

When Wu Yun said those words, he saw that the black-robed man's tall and straight body suddenly softened.

As if out of breath.

It's not that he fell down, but that his whole body's spirit and energy suddenly dissipated.

"Who the hell are you, and why did you come here disguised as someone else?"

Wu Yun grasped this point and was able to tell that it must be fake.

Therefore, the tone is also more firm and indifferent, and more impolite.

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